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Monday, April 12, 2010

US Stimulus Money for Foreign Jobs?

Now where in the annoying and pesky Constitution will I find the part that allows government to take $49 million taxpayer dollars and give it to a company with foreign manufacturing? I did read Article 1, Section 8 that limits the areas the federal government can be involved.

Let me see if I have this correct, our useless government gave $49 million taxpayer dollars to Celgard LLC in August 2009 and nobody is asking questions such as: How many jobs have been produced thus far? Who is getting the interest money from taxpayer dollars? How was the free grant determined? What connection does this company or owner have with the Obama administration?

Here is what it says on their Website: Strong Global Presence. Celgard's company headquarters, primary R&D, and Monolayer PP and Trilayer PP/PE/PP manufacturing operations are located in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Celgard® Monolayer PE products are developed and manufactured at the company's manufacturing facility in Ochang, Korea. Additionally, Celgard has a product finishing facility located in Shanghai, China.

This provokes more questions: Who audits this money to make sure it supports AMERICAN jobs? Who audits the money to make sure it is properly spent and is not going in a Communist Red China general's pocket? The minimum wage of a communist Chinese work is .45 cents an hour and what is America's? Does China force employers to fund health care? How about the other American laws that we are forced to follow but we give $49 million taxpayer dollars to employ Communist Red China workers.

Their headquarters is in Charlotte Manufacturing which has R&D, Sales & Technical Service however, the manufacturing is overseas. Exactly how many U.S. jobs are created?

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