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Monday, April 12, 2010

Obama on the yellow cake road to suicide. A community organizers approach to nuclear policy

Obama takes non-nuke pledge to world leaders
47 countries try to craft agreement on keeping weapons out of terrorist hands
--Associated Press

Iran to complain to UN over Obama nuclear 'threat'...

Hillary: 'All bets are off' if U.S. under WMD attack
'We leave ourselves a lot of room for contingencies'
--Agence France-Presse

Gates: Iran not yet 'nuclear capable'
'It's going slower ... than they anticipated. But they are moving in that direction'
--Agence France-Presse

Iran to mass produce speedier centrifuges
Capable of enriching uranium 3 times faster than existing systems
--Agence France-Presse

Iran producing new anti-aircraft missile
'The system is highly dynamic, capable of combat in electronic warfare'
--Agence France-Presse

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