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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Dear Fighter for America,

I want YOU to help drive a stake into the very heart of OBAMACARE!

President Obama is so desperate to force his Marxist ideology on us that he is postponing his trip to Indonesia in order to exert pressure on Congress to get it done. He is determined to sign his supposed healthcare reform bill...into law!! That means "reconciliation" might happen by Wednesday.

We must do all we possibly can to stop this toxic legislation!

We must STAND against Mr. Obama's Marxist world view!!

"Let me be perfectly clear," (If I could borrow the president's favorite terminology!!)---Barack Hussein Obama would not be pressing and pushing for OBAMACARE unless he were convinced that it is the gateway to fulfilling his warped vision of "social justice" and "wealth distribution" that comes straight out of the Communist Manifesto .

We must drive a stake into the heart of this extremism cloaked in pseudo-compassion.

As patriotic Americans, our goal must be to leave the President and the leftists in Congress so politically damaged and weakened as to be rendered impotent for the remainder of his term. Then, we vote him out along with whoever remains after this year's election. We cannot afford to relax. President Obama has declared ideological war on the American people. Now we must teach him what happens when a politician shakes the fist of power in our faces and defies us to do anything about it. This is a political battle of historic proportions, a fight for the very soul and future of our country. We must stay in this battle for our values and freedom until the victory is won!

This man has wasted a year of our valuable time pushing a healthcare takeover that we do not want, while the economy and our foreign policy are in tatters. His priorities are the opposite of the American peoples'. Now he has cancelled his trip to Indonesia and Australia, which is his way of saying that he will stay here to wheel and deal, to intimidate and cajole and to buy off anyone he can to force his socialist agenda on us.

Please CLICK HERE to put a stake in the very heart of OBAMACARE. Please FAX every Member of the U. S. Congress to CRUSH OBAMACARE! GIVE your very best DONATION possible to help us end this fight to the finish---for the very heart and soul of America!

Within hours, the Obama Administration appears poised to implement a seldom-used parliamentary method called "reconciliation" to push through a new healthcare bill. OBAMACARE could be signed into law within hours!!! God help us! This is a travesty and a gross injustice to all Americans, our families and our children who will be paying trillions of dollars for generations to come!

If you're like most of us in America you might be asking, "What is this reconciliation terminology that's being posed by some in Congress to more easily get health care legislation passed?"

The process is actually called budget reconciliation because it can only be applied to budgetary legislation. Congress uses this method when it wants—which is very, very seldom---to enact policy that relates to goals of the budget, primarily in spending or tax laws.

Obviously, the reason we've been hearing so much about it, is that reconciliation is a way in which Congress can get a bill through the U. S. Senate with a simple majority of 51 votes without needing to get to 60 in order to avoid a filibuster.

My objection, like yours, is that Congress should not be allowed to use this "reconciliation" method in overhauling ONE-SIXTH of the nation's economy. THE NEXT FEW HOURS WILL DETERMINE THE OUTCOME! That's why your last-minute FAX and DONATION is so excruciatingly critical to America!

Please CLICK HERE to put a stake in the very heart of OBAMACARE. Please FAX every Member of the U. S. Congress to CRUSH OBAMACARE! GIVE your very best DONATION possible to help us end this fight to the finish---for the very heart and soul of America!

Millions of Americans are confused as to why the word "reconciliation" would be used to describe an action that seems to indicate "my way or the highway." Webster's Dictionary defines the word as meaning "reestablishment of friendly relations, conciliation, accommodation, appeasement, bringing to harmony." I'm just not seeing these attributes being expressed by those who are pressing for "reconciliation".

"Reconciliation" is very, very far from what we are encountering with the Obama Administration! His mandate is: Healthcare WITH or WITHOUT the Republicans!

But, there are still a few hours to make a distinctive difference for the very future, heart and soul of America. Help me to drive a stake into the very heart of OBAMACARE!

President Obama said at the recent "summit": "We cannot have another year long debate about this..." "And if we can't then I think we need to go ahead and make some decisions and then that's what elections are for...we'll go ahead and test those out over the next several months until November." What arrogance! This is the man who ran on bipartisanship and as a Senator denounced using "reconciliation" to advance the healthcare agenda. His hypocrisy knows no bounds. Now that he has conned the American people into electing him, there is no bipartisanship. Suddenly "reconciliation" is a good thing. Now it amounts simply to "an up or down vote" His version of democracy is "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!"

They have even made clear that they are prepared to use the extraordinary and unprecedented measure of having Obama puppet Joe Biden overrule the neutral Senate Parliamentarian.

On the literal frontlines of
defeating OBAMACARE...
E. W. Jackson!

If my Harvard Law background taught me anything that is useful in the real world, it is that we are supposed to let the facts and the evidence speak for themselves. Therefore, I wish that what I am about to say were not true, but the facts speak for themselves: Obama's Presidency is starting to feel like a defacto dictatorship. Lord, please help our country!!

I don't like scare tactics and exaggeration. But I also don't believe in ignoring reality. The reality is that we have made the worst electoral mistake in our history. I am sure you share my distress for our country. Turn your distress into action. Cast your vote, your fax, and your donation today to end this misery! Please! For your sake and your family's!

Please CLICK HERE to put a stake in the very heart of OBAMACARE. Please FAX every Member of the U. S. Congress to CRUSH OBAMACARE! GIVE your very best DONATION possible to help us end this fight to the finish---for the very heart and soul of America!

Those responsible for
a supposed "reconciliation"!

My patriotic friend, we cannot afford to wait until November to see what is happening or to change Washington. We must ACT RIGHT NOW! We must strike while the fire is hot! Believe me; I am involved in many, many more issues. I spoke at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee last month; and we have a lot of issues on our plate. But right now, Healthcare Reform is urgent. Within hours, it could become law---"fundamentally transforming this nation in a way that could be irreversible. Our economy might never recover.

President Obama is willing to sacrifice not only the Blue Dog Democrats, but any legislator, and even his own re-election---so his "healthcare legacy" will pass!!! Basically, take away all the hype---Mr. Obama is telling his fellow Democrats: "SACRIFICE YOURSELVES!" We have seen leaders throughout history who believed that their agenda was more important than the citizens, their country or even their own careers. Those situations have never ended well. We can change that by rising up as citizens of this democratic republic to say, "NO YOU WILL NOT!"

The bottom line: OBAMACARE is a Government Takeover of healthcare, making the United States a SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE SYSTEM! You've read the fluff. You've read and seen the "spin"---but socialized medicine is the outcome, and I guarantee you it is only the first step in the fulfillment of Obama's far left vision for our nation.

Push has now come to shove! It is time to confront some very serious questions. Please answer each one before responding to my call for faxes and an urgent gift.
Are you for forced rationing of healthcare?
Should our government cut $500,000,000,000.00 from Medicare?
Should our average health insurance premiums increase by $2,000?
Should OBAMACARE raise income taxes to 43% and capital gains taxes to 22.5% because of healthcare reform?
Should our young people be forced to buy insurance they don't need or want that would cost over $8,500 per person? OR pay 2.5 percent of their income as a fine for not having insurance; OR FACE PRISON TIME if they don't do either!!!!
So, what were your answers? All of this and worse is the unavoidable outcome if Obamacare becomes law.

It makes you angry doesn't it? I am angry too. OBAMACARE is an attack on our core values – freedom and personal responsibility – the moral fiber of our country. We must stop it today! Your faxes and donation will help drive a stake into the heart of OBAMACARE.

CLICK HERE to END OBAMACARE. Please FAX Congress to CONQUER OBAMACARE! GIVE your DONATION to help us WIN THIS VICTORY for the very heart and soul of America!

Yes, within hours, we are coming down to the wire over healthcare. Pro-abortion language is STILL in the bill---no matter what Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says. This is a very "dark" moment. Its magnitude may not be fully appreciated for years to come. We have a choice whether we will look back with pride that we repelled it or look back with regret that we allowed it. MUST REPEL OBAMACARE NOW!

The minutes are ticking. Our country as we know it is either about to be "fundamentally transformed" or dramatically saved.

You must respond.

TOGETHER let's remind our politicians what our Constitution means in a way they will never forget.

E. W. Jackson

P. S. Right now...not tomorrow...not someday ..." BUT RIGHT NOW---your vote, your fax, and your financial donation will count. Your contribution will help to defeat OBAMACARE. Your gift and your fax to Members of Congress will put back the real meaning of "reconciliation". Obama has cancelled his foreign trip to stay and use all his power to defeat us – the American people. We cannot stop now. We must go forward to fight this deeply misguided legislation. Within hours, this bill must be stopped from overtaking our society! We must preserve government "of the people, for the people and by the people." Please respond now!

Please CLICK HERE to put a stake in the very heart of OBAMACARE. Please FAX every Member of the U. S. Congress to CRUSH OBAMACARE! GIVE your very best DONATION possible to help us end this fight to the finish---for the very heart and soul of America!

Department Code 3886
P.O. Box 15111
Chesapeake, Virginia 23328

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