Let's suppose this #CCPflu is super infectious (though it's still only flu-like morbidity). Social distancing is only delaying infections. When the nation reopens new outbreaks will occur spurring calls for re-instituting social distancing. This will do two things to endanger Trump's reelection bid. The media will be consumed with #CCPflu reporting and, probably most importantly, Trump won't be able to hold huge campaign rallies.
Many believe this was a #plandemic with a many faceted goal to get Trump out of office; usher in the NWO; mandate vaccinations; institute a universal ID system (COVID=Certificate Of Vaccination ID); etc..
As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus.
Join Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp as he explores the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused.
In his investigation, Philipp explores the scientific data, and interviews top scientists and national security experts. And while the mystery surrounding the virus's origin remains, much is learned about the CCP's cover-up that led to the pandemic and the threat it poses to the world.
Editor's note:
From the start of the virus outbreak in China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not been forthcoming with information about the virus. In the early days of the outbreak, medical professionals who sounded the alarm were reprimanded by police for spreading "rumors."
Initially, the CCP said the virus originated at the Huanan Seafood Market, even though it knew patient zero had no connection with the market. Fearing that it might be held accountable for the worldwide pandemic, the CCP shifted its narrative to suggest that the virus originated in the United States and was brought to China by the U.S. military.
As a leading voice in covering China for the past 20 years, we understand very well the CCP's deceptive nature and its history of cover-ups. With this outbreak, we saw a case of history repeating itself—in 2003, we exposed the CCP's cover-up of the SARS epidemic in China, far ahead of other media.
In this documentary, we present viewers with the known scientific data and facts surrounding the origin of the virus along with experts’ opinions. We don't draw conclusions, but we point out that serious questions remain about the origins of the virus as well as the CCP's handling of the outbreak.
Some of our viewers felt the documentary was taking a position on the origin of the virus, which was not our intent. The documentary has been slightly updated as of April 14 to better reflect our position, which is not to provide a definitive answer, but rather to present the known facts.
OK, now what do we do? Do we flatten the curve, do we social distance to avoid the 'Famine of Biblical Proportions??? Do we close down businesses and order citizens to stay at home; will that help mitigate the effects of the famine??? What fools we have been!!! We have destroyed the world because of a flu #CCPflu #plandemic.
Why did we follow the Communist China model of lock-down? We are a free nation, not a nation controlled by dictators. A quarantine is when you separate the sick from the healthy, not separate everyone from everyone else. America's national debt was 23,000,000,000 dollars before the shut down. What will it be after the effects of the shutdown and stimulus packages?
How stupid are we? They've been working towards a one world government for centuries. Isn't it obvious that this is part of the plan? Do we surrender our freedom this easily? Why are we destroying our country because of a flu virus? 7500 people on average die EVERY DAY in the US and we cower because the news media incessantly reports on the hundreds of death a day during this #CCPflu #plandemic.
The government doesn't have the right to force businesses, private parks, churches, etc. to close and compel citizens to stay home and limit the number of people who can congregate. How many businesses will disappear especially from small communities while the big box stores are open and booming. Small communities will shrivel as those small businesses can't reopen forcing the residents to move to the big urban centers--just as UN Agenda 21 intends.
Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Isn't this the 'land of the free'?
Dr. Judy Mikovits blows whistle FBI investigation targeted Dr. Anthony Fauci but Comey pulled the plug.
The truth about Fauci. Top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits broke her long silence on the Thomas Paine Podcast, and revealed an insider’s nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
Nikola Tesla
The whole world has been sucker punched. Dr's Fauci and Birx (I'm assuming he was referring to those two) met with President Trump and said based on our/Gates' Predictive Contagion Model, i.e. equations, 2.2 million Americans are going to die from the Wuhan virus (WHO hadn't named it COVID-19 yet) unless you shut the country down and shelter-in-place the American citizens in the land of the free.
The Gates' model certainly has no relation to reality. And the whole world is paying a heavy price for it! Virtually everyone is calling for China to be held accountable and rightly so, but so should Gates, Fauci, Birx, and any, and everyone else, who created this unprecedented catastrophe!
I hope you are as upset as I am when you view this but try to keep your blood pressure down.
I have good news for you. It’s a kind of bottled northern light, and I can’t wait to share it. A bottle of life, brought to you from one of the dullest yet most joyous and riveting press conferences I ever watched.
Never before has “nothing happened,” been a bigger story.
The “controversial” health minister of Sweden, Anders Tegnell, and colleagues revealed the latest results of the Sweden Covid model which—as we all know— did not lockdown, did not quarantine.
What made it “riveting” was this:
There is no crisis, no death spikes, no national emergency, no shortage of hospital beds. Listening to the press conference, (twice) and transcribing every word was like watching paint dry. And with each passing moment, the story became clearer and clearer to me:
Sweden can save the world right now.
It’s not easy to get the real story out of Sweden. You will see many histrionic headlines from international media claiming Sweden is headed straight over a cliff, led by a maniacal health minister, Anders Tegnell, from Folkhalsomyndigheten, (FHM.) (The People’s Health Authority.) Call these voices “Corona Davidians.” A kind of secular doomsday cult.
Sweden is known for her isolationist, cautious, and non-continental tendencies. Interestingly, no country is more closely associated with the fetish for safety (“trygghet,” in Swedish) than this Scandinavian power-country. So for Sweden to do this—it’s truly an unexpected plot twist. Many of us have been watching the numbers coming out of Sweden, especially, this last week, as though our lives depended on it. And maybe they do. But will anybody ferry the Swedish good news to the President of the United States?
I grew up in Sweden, am half Swedish and speak the language fluently. Were this not the case I would not be able to report the facts as I do here. There would only be statistics which people are perverting and inverting in the name of Corona hysteria. By listening to entire press conferences, you get the whole picture.
Here is the essence of it:
Sweden, led by Tegnell and his colleagues at FHM, went its own way, to the shock of the world, and created its own model to achieve national herd immunity. Moderate social distancing was advised (but not enforced) and the focus was on protecting the elderly. Businesses were advised to limit density of crowds, schools were not closed—life went on. It’s working.
“The curve is very flat, really since the beginning of April and that’s very good news,” Tegnell said. “It’s very good news, there’s no rise in cases in Stockholm, at all.”
This comes on the heels of 22 formidable doctors from Europe, opposing the engulfing Covid model and propaganda.
One of them, renowned German infectious disease expert Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, called his government’s anti-Covid measures “grotesque, absurd and very dangerous. The life expectancy of millions is being shattered.” Referring to the impact on the world economy as “horrifying,” Bhakdi really did not mince words:
“All these measures are leading to self destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.”
Tegnell said Sweden has fanned out with regional testing, and they are finding that about 1/3 of the populations tested are positive and not sick, while 2/3 have never been exposed. “We’ve started testing a lot of healthcare professionals,” he said.
Sweden does not count positive RNA PCR tests as “cases” but rather calculates case loads from patients presenting with acute symptoms to the emergency hospitals, known as “IVA.” Once again, Tegnell used the word “flat”
“It’s rather flat. Looking at Sweden and the number of IVA cases, the IVA cases have not moved. We have 15,000 new cases reported and one thousand one hundred fifty eight people who have been treated at IVA so far.”
The number of deaths, he said is very complex and hard to get at, because Sweden is still trying to toggle between the death registry and the IVA to see how many deaths may be COVID-19 and which ones are not. In Sweden, like it is in the rest of the world, those who died had co-morbid conditions, were over 65, and many over 80 or even 90 years old. The main comorbidities were diabetes, hypertension, chronic heart and lung conditions, and obesity. A total of 1536 sought medical care for COVID-19, and all told, 1209 people have been hospitalized. No children have gotten any form of what is called COVID-19 in Sweden.
Tegnell pointed out that this data was evident from Wuhan and has remained consistent: Children neither spread it nor get it. He spoke of a school in Finland where a child was “infected” but nobody else at the school was infected. Nor did the child get sick. This circles back to our questions about the test itself, and the lack of a gold standard virus to work from.
The deaths have been (as far as I can tell) entirely in the elderly and primarily those in nursing homes. Deaths from what? I need to call them “Ostensible COVID-19 Deaths.”
First of all, how many have died in Sweden of Ostensible Covid (OC)? 100,000 are said to have died in all of Europe but that number is very questionable, since there is no agreed upon standard of determining a COVID-19 death from an influenza or multiple-underlying-causes pulmonary death.
Tegnell said he and his team had begin testing sample populations that exhibited no symptoms. Over the past three weeks they have tested approximately 20,000 people per week, including health care workers, in various parts of Sweden. “It was about two and a half percent that tested positive,” Tegnell said. “If we let our statistical mathematicians calculate this, they’ve arrived that the most cases hit us on April 15th, a week ago and then the peak was reached. That doesn’t mean the spread stops, but that was the peak of the curve. This model also says that in a week, at around the first of May, about a third of Stockholm’s residents will have been exposed, but two thirds have not been exposed and can still be exposed. We also have studies that show that for every confirmed case, there are 999 others who have not sought medical care. Mild cases that have been cleared up at home. It speaks to that there are very many who never need a diagnosis. Diagnosis is not important. Those who need (go for) medical care get diagnosed.”
“This modeling is consistent with the one presented last week by Thomas Britton. We will refine it as we get more data. We’re going to keep testing various regions of Sweden and see how many are sick and refine our modeling. We’re going to get more data for all of Sweden. And we’re going to do studies on immunity to see how many have already been exposed by measuring antibody reactions. All this points to understanding how we’re going to act, it’s also the basis of our strategy.”
We will refine it as we get more data. We’re going to keep testing various regions of Sweden and see how many are sick and refine our modeling. We’re going to get more data for all of Sweden. And we’re going to do studies on immunity to see how many have already been exposed by measuring antibody reactions. All this points to understanding how we’re going to act, it’s also the basis of our strategy.”
“Together we can stop the spread. Even if we’ve plateaued and it’s not increasing, that doesn’t mean there’s no spread. Like we said two-thirds can still be exposed, so stay home even if you feel a little bit sick. So, wash your hands with soap and water. If you’re seventy years or older, stay home and avoid contact with people.”
Denmark is reportedly planning to allow gatherings of up to 500 people starting on May 11th. There were also questions about something being announced on April 30, to which Tegnell smiled wryly and said: “Ask the government,” suggesting that he does indeed have the full support and backing of Prime Minster Stefan Lofven, a Social Democrat.
In other words, Sweden says, it’s not a case until somebody seeks treatment. Positive PCR tests (naturally) are emerging in other parts of the country, and the pattern emerging is that most who test positive have no symptoms. Addressing acute care (and contrast this with Andrew Cuomo’s daily morbid, self-important braying) Tegnell said:
“As I said the IVA cases are at a very consistent level with possible decline of late. No dramatic changes there. Dead per day: we found—everybody who was reported as a COVID patient, we ran them in the computers against the death registry and we found some COVID deaths that were not reported earlier. [Retroactively, there was a slight spike.] We caught a few more cases that way. In conclusion, we’re following the blue curve, we’re under-capacity in the hospitals in Stockholm and the rest of Sweden. But to stay there, it’s important that we not lose these fundamental messages about staying home if you feel sick. And for those who are seventy or older, it’s important to reduce contact with different people. Do go out and exercise, but don’t go to places with a lot of people. Think about hygiene and social distancing so we stay on this curve.”
One of his colleagues spoke next. (She did not give her name.) He message was short and to the point:
“No region is reporting a rise in catastrophic medical preparedness. Nobody is reporting that being activated and this is very positive. Those of us who work with catastrophic medical preparedness… it means that we can continue to keep our eyes on the two-thirds that are not infected.”
Let me drive home the point: The country that did not lock down its people, has seen no region reporting any rise in catastrophic medical preparedness.
A reporter asked Tegnell: (compare and contrast with Trump pressers)
“I’m asking on behalf of my mother, I’ve been buying food for my parents for several weeks because they’ve been self-isolating. It’s not problem, to buy food for them but they miss their grandchildren a lot and I can imagine many more who also do. She’s wondering when she can hug her grandchildren again. Can you say anything? How long shall our elderly have to be without their grandchildren?”
Tegnell replied:
“It’s a very difficult question. Just because the curve is flattening and all the numbers are staying low, it doesn’t mean we can feel totally secure for our elderly because most of them will not have immunity and that’s what we’re talking about now, we’re talking about this exit strategy, when can you let things go. And we feel it will take a bit of time before we can release the protections around our elderly because they’re going to continue to be vulnerable. I would say it will be a few more months. [Before they can hug their grandchildren.] We’re going to solve a lot of problems when we get the population immune, but the elderly, we’re still working on how to protect them. And we’re also looking at getting better tests, so we can determine that the grandchildren are immune. That’s one possible solution. If these tests work out well and we can guarantee that a person is no longer infected—it’s still a little shaky. We don’t have a great solution or great answer right now.”
A reporter asked about the deaths. Tegnell’s answer was very interesting. Again, Sweden does not diagnose COVID cases nor deaths with the promiscuity/laxity/non-specificity seen in other parts of the world.
“We don’t use deaths for our modeling because they are too uncertain in many different ways,” he said. “But our modeling instead is based around diagnosed cases. We have said several times deaths are important in many ways, but not when it comes to building strategies because there’s too long [an interval] between getting exposed and dying. We’ve done this quality control against the death registry for cases where they died long, long after they were exposed and for some reason were not picked up by our healthcare system. But now with this new quality control system, we’re finding them. We do this once a week.”
Asked again if the overall trend was a flattening of the curve, he said yes. Then he continued to quietly blaspheme against the global new religion of COVID-Panic, driven by mass media’s unexamined assertions, by saying this:
“We still know very little about this illness, above all how it spreads. But even the earliest data from China pointed to children not being vulnerable for infection. That data was already available from many different sources and it depends of course, how you interpret that data. I haven’t seen any data about contagion in schools. All the data I’m seeing is that children don’t get sick. Data from Iceland and other places all point to that children are not contagious. We found a few cases in Sweden and Finland of positive children but they didn’t spread to anybody. Even if it isn’t highly publicized, there’s a lot of data saying schools aren’t a driver of Covid.”
Why then, did America close its schools?
Why then, do we seem focused on “experts” that can not even get the data with which they form their models correct?
Why then, does anybody believe a word Bill Gates says?
A reporter asked: “In France and Denmark they’re saying 15 students in class, 2 meters social distancing. What do you think of this?” Again, Tegnell’s reply was quietly, soberly, explosive. “You’re talking about countries that have been under lock-down. When you do lock-down—it’s always a worry when you’ve had total lock-down that you’ll get a sudden spike of very many cases and many people who weren’t infected will be hit. In Sweden we’ve had a low spread the whole time, probably also in the schools which means we don’t have to worry about these spikes. There are recommendations also for Swedish schools. They’re discovering in France I’m sure, it’s very difficult to enforce them.” Faint smile. (Picture children when the bell rings for recess. How would you enforce “social distancing, to minds who can’t yet think in terms of processed ideological submission?)
A reporter from Norway asked why statistical bureau SCB seemed to have contradictory data. Tegnell: “No we all have the same basic data and the same death registry that SCB has so I don’t think there should be a discrepancy.”
Norwegian reporter: “But is it rising or is it flattening?”
Tegnell: “Our curves that are much longer than SCB’s, we see a very stable level right now.”
Lastly, two reporters asked about two high tourist areas—Blekinge and Gotland, both isolated, what have almost no “cases,” a number below 20. They want to know whether the parts of Sweden with very slow spread will be behind the rest of the country, meaning not have achieved herd immunity. (Though nobody expressly uses the term.)
Tegnell says: “This is a brand new model we’ve brought forward now and it was not the basis for our decisions but we’re going to keep refining them and it’s going to continue guiding us going forward, especially when we think about how we can ease restrictions in society. There are many parts of the country where the spread is going very slowly. We have to be very careful not to make long term interpretations based on that.”
The reporter persists, asking: “What are the chances that Blekinge and Gotland are so isolated that they will continue to have fewer cases when the pandemic is over?”
Tegnell replies:
“This illness is unpredictable. It would surprise me if over time most parts of Sweden would not have about the same number of people infected.”
A reporter asks yet another question about Ingmar Bergman’s beloved island, where he lived most of his life: “On Gotland, we’ve had 19 positives for a very long time, which is very good and there’s great hope that we should be able to travel this summer. Since Gotland has these very few cases, won’t we be more vulnerable if we can’t get these numbers up?”
Tegnell replies, “Well that could be, I can’t promise that in parts of the country where there are extremely low infection rates that they wouldn’t go up later.”
Journalist: “So how to you look upon opening Gotland for the summer for tourism?”
Tegnell: “We’ll see, too early to say.”
The last question is, “We understand there’s going to be a big press conference on April 30th.”
“I’ll leave that to the government. Ask the government.”
Celia Farber is half Swedish, raised there, so she knows “socialism” from the inside. She has focused her writings on freedom and tyranny, with an early focus on the pharmaceutical industry and media abuses on human liberties. She has been under ferocious attack for her writings on HIV/AIDS, where she has worked to document the topic as a psychological operation, and rooted in fake science. She is a contributor to UncoverDC and The Epoch Times, and has in the past written for Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone and more. Having been gravely injured in legacy media, she never wants to go back. She is the recipient of the Semmelweis International Society Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism, and was under such attack for her work, she briefly sought protection from the FBI and NYPD. She is the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS,” and the editor of The Truth Barrier, an investigative and literary website. She co-hosts “The Whistleblower Newsroom” with Kristina Borjesson on PRN, Fridays at 10am.
I bought software from eugenicist Bill 'Vaccine' Gates but I'm not buying this. We've lived through virus after virus after virus for centuries and never had to turn our whole world upside down before and we certainly don't have to do it now! Why did we shut down the planet for this flu virus? Was it a sysops inundating us with Chinese propaganda as they used inhuman draconian measures that the media eagerly flooded the airwaves and printing presses with. It was a form of trauma-based mind control.
So what did governments do, they adopted the Communist Chinese tactics. Many police departments are using drones supplied by the Chinese to monitor citizens. A lone surf boarder was hunted down by a military boat and hauled off in cuffs.so was a lone sunbather on a lonely out of the way beach. A drone spotted him and dispatched two four wheeled vehicle police officers who hauled him off in cuffs. Church goers in their automobiles attending services in the church parking lot were issued $500 fines. A man was issued an $880 ticket for taking his 3 kids on an excursion in a nearby park. Seeds and paint among other things are forbidden consumer goods. I could go on and on and on about governor's and mayor's draconian measures as they seem to revel in their new found tyrannical powers--in the land of the free!
How did the software programmer Bill 'Vaccine' Gates become a global healthcare guru? Think of all the PPE, ventilators, masks, gloves, face shields, gowns swabs, tests, test administers, labs to process the tests, etc., etc., etc.. Must be trillions of dollars spent worldwide on these. Some folks are making out like bandits on this #plandemic, #scamdemic!
Gates owns shares in most pharmaceutical companies. He has major interest in these health industry entities: Moderna, CEPI, Inovio, The Wistar Institute, VGXI, GeneOne Life Science, and TWIST Bioscience, all funded by Bill Gates are collaborating on a vaccine since 2018. How much money will be made from 7,000,000,000 COVID-19 vaccinations? Event201 would have been a good predictor of these healthcare shortfalls it seems to me.
Is it any wonder Gates is popping up all over the place with his recommendation for dealing with this #CCPvirus hoax?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Here's what Gates shared on each area he views as essential to overcoming the coronavirus pandemic:
Gates said we need a coronavirus treatment that's roughly 95% effective for people to feel comfortable going to big public events again. If we don't have any treatments that are that good, we'll need a vaccine to help us return to normal.
Gates acknowledged the challenges of developing a vaccine quickly, saying a typical immunization can take five years to bring to market. He said he thinks that the 18-month time frame given by government officials is most likely but that it could take longer or happen slightly faster.
Testing has a crucial role in helping countries reopen and needs to be widely available for anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, as well as people who've come into contact with them. Gates said that performing a lot of coronavirus tests at home would be ideal.
Tracking down people who've been in contact with those infected with the coronavirus, known as contact tracing, can help prevent outbreaks from surging, Gates said. He added that it's important to hire more people to perform this work and that he expected many countries to follow Germany's approach, which requires a lot of work.
Decisions about how to reopen different parts of the economy will be challenging and require government leaders to weigh trade-offs, Gates said. He said schools should reopen quickly because they provide a large benefit to society, while big events like sports games should wait longer. Many other decisions will need to be made, he said, such as how many people can be seated at a restaurant or how to reconfigure factories to spread out workers.
Many are waking up to the great deception that's been foisted upon us by sinister forces. I believe this event had been planned for years. It's shocking how many freedoms we've surrendered to this flu! Check the number of deaths per year for flu and pneumonia and compare it to this years COVID-19 farce. And understand that the COVID-19 deaths are vastly overstated because they are counting many, many, other causes of deaths as COVID-19.
Influenza and pneumonia were only the 8th leading cause of death in 2017. 8. Influenza and pneumonia
Deaths in 2017: 55,672
Total US deaths attributed (remember, vastly overstated) to COVID-19 to date (23/04/2020) is 46,851
Does it sound like they were joking to you? Roberts was obviously very surprised at the much lower mortality rate than has been alleged by the panic pushers.
"So It Was a Hoax?" – Fox News' John Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing COVID-19 Mortality Rate.
So on Good Friday Bill Gates’ new Microsoft ad dropped featuring prominent satanist Marina Abramovic who makes “art” out of blood, gore and cannibalism. #SpiritCooking
Gabriel Keane is a culture critic and current events commentator whose work has received widespread acclaim, and is frequently featured in news media and in viral content on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
KJ is the first person I've encountered who associated corona with crown when referencing the virus. Very Interesting Indeed!
Definition of corona
... something suggesting a crown
Another interesting thing about corona is that it is an anagram for RACOON. The lab that let loose the deadly virus in 'Resident Evil' was located under RACOON City. The lab was owned by the Umbrella Corporation. Now this is downright eerie, notice the logos: the same except for the colors!:
A leaked document obtained by The Epoch Times shows that the situation in China’s Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, is now “out of control.” The four-page warning letter from provincial authorities in China accuses the local government in Harbin for its handling of the virus, and notes outbreaks have spread through villages and cases are now at uncontrolled levels.
The leaked document gives additional insights into the CCP’s ongoing cover-up of the real situation in China as it faces the virus outbreak—and comes at an important time when the CCP is planning to loosen restrictions on international travel. Experts warn that a “second wave” infection in China is on the horizon, and already the regime has begun locking down residential compounds and restoring restrictions soon after attempting to end quarantines.
And in Changsha City, Hunan Province, local officials have released a new phone app that allows people to report other people for violating requirements on face masks and other crimes. The app gives people points and prizes for reporting others, and some elderly residents are saying it reminds them of the tyranny they faced under the CCP’s Cultural Revolution.
Some states/cities NAZI-like administrators prohibit walking on the beach, fishing, walking in the park, playing golf, holding outdoor church services in cars, buying paint, buying seeds, visiting relatives in nursing homes and hospices, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam. CABIN FEVER!
As reported earlier Goldman Sachs updated its economic forecast earlier this week and we are looking at a man-made catastrophe! The economic crash we are looking at is Biblical in proportions! The US unemployment rate will rise to 15% from 3% due to the current economic shutdown in place across the country. A study by Goldman Sachs in the paper this morning suggests unemployment will be soar to 15% from about 3% this quarter. That means from 27 million minimum to 67 million maximum will lose their jobs in the next three months.
This is a catastrophe! The pain, suffering and death will be immense from this man-made disaster!
According to this one study, at “1% increase in the annual unemployment rate, approximately 21 additional suicides per 100,000 of the population can be expected.” If that’s correct, each 1% increase in the unemployment rate in the U.S., with a 330 million population, will lead to 69,300 additional suicides.
Based on the current predictions, those 12 percentage points could lead to an estimated 831,600 US suicides.
Recently the so-called “experts” cut down the total number of expected COVID-19 deaths in the US to around 61,000.
That means we can expect more suicides than coronavirus deaths in the US in the months ahead and possibly as many as 13 times the number of coronavirus deaths.