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Sunday, October 31, 2010
EndGame Full Length
Rather die than leave estate to gov’t
Wyoming Rep. Lummis: Estate tax rise has some planning death
CHEYENNE -- U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis says some of her Wyoming constituents are so worried about the reinstatement of federal estate taxes that they plan to discontinue dialysis and other life-extending medical treatments so they can die before Dec. 31.
Lummis, a Republican who holds her state's lone seat in the House, declined to name any of the people who have made the comments.
But she said many ranchers and farmers in the state would rather pass along their businesses -- "their life's work" -- to their children and grandchildren than see the federal government take a large chunk.
Reid’s son in charge of NV Voting machines that SEIU maintains!
Yes… You Read it Correctly, Harry Reid’s Son in Charge of Nevada Voting Machines Used in Fraud
Posted by Van Helsing at October 29, 2010 2:03 PM
What could be worse than putting Nevada voting machines under the control of Obama's hyperpartisan friends at the SEIU? How about putting them under the control of Harry Reid's son?
Rory Reid is running as the Democratic nominee for governor of Nevada against Republican Brian Sandoval. Rory currently holds the office of Chairman of the powerful Clark County Commission…
El Rushbo explains what this means:
This is Mark Hemingway in the Washington Examiner: "Clark County is where three quarters of Nevada's residents and live and where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son Rory is a county commissioner." That means that Harry Reid's son is the person in charge of overseeing the election machines that are being maintained by the SEIU. Now, why would Rory Reid be suspected of any shenanigans here? But he is. "Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid's name on the ballot."
Just call it the Audacity of Arrogance.
Reid has to cheat because his message is failing to resonate with voters.
By abandoning his own rhetoric of bipartisanship, Obama divided America
US midterm elections: Barack Obama's world turned upside down as Democrats face electoral disaster
By abandoning his own rhetoric of bipartisanship, President Obama divided America and set the course for a heavy Democratic defeat in Tuesday's midterm elections, argues Toby Harnden
Fatwa-Endorsing Singer,Cat Stevens, featured at ‘inSanity’ Rally
Left Nearly Silent on Fatwa-Endorsing Singer‘s ’Sanity’ Rally Performance
It seem the liberal news/blog sites may not know quite what to say about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s decision to feature Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens) at the “Restoring Sanity” rally.
Islam was brought on to sing his most well known song — “Peace Train” — in a running battle with Ozzy Osbourne. Comedically this worked, er, not all that great.
As an idealogical move it was even worse. At least Mediaite noted the evident issue:
Thin Crowd for Cleveland Campaign Rally
CLEVELAND — President Obama wrapped up a weekend of last-minute campaigning in Ohio on Sunday, addressing Democrats in an indoor arena that, in a sign of the “enthusiasm gap” that the president is working so hard to close, was little more than half full.
About 8,000 people attended the Democratic National Committee’s Moving America Forward’ rally at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center, a hall where the capacity is 13,000. The rafters were largely empty.
CBS Affiliate voicemail fabricating stories about GOP Joe Miller
Anchorage CBS Affiliate Caught on Voicemail Conspiring Against Alaska’s GOP Senate Candidate-Updated
From the Miller Campaign:
Now the media has gone from trying to create stories to openly lying. The audio was pulled directly from the voicemail message. Nothing was altered. “Everything that was recorded on my phone is what we released without change,” said Randy Desoto
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Obama is a bigger threat to the U.S. than Al Qaeda, says Colorado governor candidate-Tom Tancredo
President Barack Obama is a bigger threat to the United States than Al Qaeda or terrorism, Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo has claimed.
The former Congressman made the comments while campaigning in Canon City Tuesday.
Tancredo said that Obama posed a threat to the Constitution, saying: 'It's not Al Qaeda, it's the guy sitting in the White House.'
Gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo, who also ran for president in 2008 but failed to get the Republican nomination, lashed out at President Obama this week
Tancredo also said he believes Obama and Democratic Colorado gubernatorial candidate John Hickenlooper are 'kindred spirits.'
Tancredo has a reputation for controversial comments, including a suggestion that the United States bomb Islam's holy sites if attacked by nuclear weapons.
The former Republican congressman is running on the American Constitution Party ticket.
Tom Tancredo is quick to admit he brings plenty of baggage to the Colorado governor's race.
He once called Miami a 'Third World country.'
During President George W Bush's administration, he got thrown out of the White House for suggesting Bush was soft on illegal immigration.
And he once refused to take part in a presidential debate because it was on a Spanish-language network.
Obamacare Endgame: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First
If Obamacare is completely implemented, doctors will no longer be practicing medicine.
They will instead become the drones tasked with deciding who gets the meager healthcare crumbs doled out by the bureaucrats who have the ultimate power over patient life and death. Those who are deemed to have illnesses that require treatments which are not cost effective can expect a one way ticket to a hospice.
GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists
Republicans plan to go after the Obama administration's environmental policies
If Republicans win control of the House, they plan to go after the Obama administration's environmental policies and the researchers who have offered evidence on global warming, whom they accuse of manipulating data.
If the GOP wins control of the House next week, senior congressional Republicans plan to launch a blistering attack on the Obama administration's environmental policies, as well as on scientists who link air pollution to climate change.
The GOP's fire will be concentrated especially on the administration's efforts to use the Environmental Protection Agency's authority over air pollution to tighten emissions controls on coal, oil and other carbon fuels that scientists say contribute to global warming.
The attack, according to senior Republicans, will seek to portray the EPA as abusing its authority and damaging the economy with needless government regulations
CIA Threatening Pastor Manning Not to Release the Obama/Columbia Trial Transcripts
5 Days to Shut Down Website or Face Legal Prosecution.
ObamaRelease YourRecords on 1:31 AM
*Updates in comment thread... UPDATE: This was a hoax perpetrated by someone impersonating an FBI/CIA agent.
UPDATE(10/21): Pastor Manning just released the transcripts from the treason trial, full transcripts located here.
Back in May, Pastor Manning of Atlah Ministries teamed up with the American Grand Jury and conducted a 10th Amendment Trial against Obama, Columbia University and the Central Intelligence Agency. Pastor Manning was preparing to publicly release the transcripts from the Obama/Columbia Trial but now according to the Atlah Facebook page and website, Atlah Ministries was ordered by the CIA not to release any documents relating to the Trial. The cease and desist order also demands that they terminate the website within 5 days or face prosecution. More details on the Trial can be viewed here. ...Check back for updates...
Via Atlah; - OFFICIAL TAKEDOWN NOTICE : ATLAH.ORG - by ATLAHWorldwide on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 4:29pm
New Black Panther thugs head back to polls
Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report
by Michelle Malkin on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 7:24pm
They’re baaaaaaack.
Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?
This is egregious, illegal and contemptuous of the rule of law, but normal for democrats
Voter Fraud Alert: Fifteen Missouri Counties Have More Voters Than Population
This is egregious, illegal and contemptuous of the rule of law. If something is not done in this Democrat illegal coup on our republic, millions will march on Washington.
- Demo-Coup Alert: They are Stealing the Election
- Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud
- More States Report Rampant Vote Fraud TX, AZ, PA, IL, NJ, NY, NC
- FLA City Commish Arrested Ballot Fraud
This is a call to action -- that means you and your loved ones:
Fifteen Missouri counties have more voters than census population Missouri Watchdog (hat tip Laura)
Missouri has about 90.3 percent of its census voting-age population registered to vote, but 15 counties show more registered voters than people 18 and older.
Missouri counties with more than 100 percent voter registration (in red)
- Reynolds County, 125.8 percent
- Putnam County, 109.9 percent
- Butler County, 104.3 percent
- Gentry County, 103.9 percent
- Mercer County, 103.6 percent
- Shelby County, 103.2 percent
- Schuyler County, 101.6 percent
- Carter County, 101.5 percent
- Worth County, 101.4 percent
- Ozark County, 100.8 percent
- Dade County, 100.7 percent
- Holt County, 100.6 percent
- Pemiscot County, 100.6 percent
- Howard County, 100.4 percent
- Ralls County, 100.1 percent
Map: Missouri counties with more than 100 percent voter registration (in red)
Military voters win a court decision
Finally a sane decision by the courts, I’m glad it doesn’t have to go through the 9th district COP! If we win big, we need to go after corrupt activist judges!!!
Major Court Victory for Military Voters
A Maryland court rules that a soldier who does not receive his ballot on time has had his constitutional rights violated, and can sue without waiting for the Department of Justice to act.
October 29, 2010 - by J. Christian Adams
Congratulations to the Military Voter Protection Project — they have broken new legal ground in protecting military voters.
A Maryland federal court ruled today that it is a violation of a soldier’s constitutional rights to not receive his complete ballot on time. The court ruled that the John Doe officer stationed in Iraq had standing to sue based on deprivations of their constitutional rights.
This is an enormously important decision which will affect the 2012 elections.
Friday, October 29, 2010
NWO hasn’t won yet, we, collectively, can stop them!
EU Parliament rejects coercive abortion/sterilization funding
LifeSiteNews: “The Parliament of the European Union has rejected a proposal to fund forced abortion and sterilization programs in overseas ‘family planning’ projects. The campaign group, Care for Europe, has announced that an amendment has passed that they put forward to the European Commission’s annual budget this week. The amendment proposed to prevent any funding going to family planning programs in which coercion or compulsion is used.”
How about the ‘Voter Fraud App!
Introducing the Voter Fraud App
by Anita MonCriefAcross the country, states like Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Missouri and Arizona have begun to report issues regarding possible voter fraud in their state. With claims of voter fraud continuing to come in, American Majority Action announced today it will launch a mobile application to help identify, report and track suspected incidents of voter fraud and intimidation. This free, cutting edge system will enable voters for the first time to take action to help defend their right to vote.
By capitalizing on this Country’s greatest resource, its citizens, AMA plans to empower ordinary Americans with the tools to help protect our electoral system.
“Our right to vote is precious and must be protected,” states Drew Ryun, president of American Majority Action (AMA), a national issue advocacy group and sister organization to American Majority, the nation’s leading grassroots training organization. “This application uses mobile technology for the first time to give voters the power to defend democracy and help address the problems that all too often cast doubt on the credibility of our elections.”
With the eyes of the nation on the polls, the app, which launches today, could be what some activist circles are calling the “game-changer.” Voters can download the free application at The platform is already available for iPhones, the Droid, and Blackberry. In addition, users can submit reports directly from the website and even track reports on an interactive map.
Court allows use of fake Social Security Number
Reverses impersonation conviction, says name actually was identification
The Colorado Supreme Court has reversed the conviction of a man who admitted using someone else's Social Security number to obtain a loan, concluding that the defendant wasn't really trying to assume a false identity.
The opinion was written by Michael Bender, who was joined by Mary Mullarkey, Gregory Hobbs and Alex Martinez. A strongly worded dissent by Nathan Coats was joined by Nancy Rice and Allison Eid.
The case involved Felix Montes-Rodriguez, who was convicted of criminal impersonation for using another person's Social Security number on a loan application at an automobile dealership.
Dems claim fears about fraud stoked by GOP scare off voters
Now, what kind of voter is scared off by ‘fears about fraud? How does that frighten a voter into not voting?
Concerns grow about election fraud, voter intimidation...
Democrats claim that the fears about fraud are overblown and are being stoked by Republicans and conservatives to scare off voters, particularly minorities, many of whom tend to vote Democratic. In the Illinois U.S. Senate race, for instance, Kirk can be heard on a taped conference call saying where his "voter integrity program" would be sent, and it was largely African-American neighborhoods.
Republicans deny that they are raising false alarms about voter fraud and say that their concerns are legitimate.
Reports of major voter fraud in many states already! Help stop it!
In Nevada---new evidence is emerging that Harry Reid is trying to steal the election from Sharron Angle---by hook or by crook! Sharron Angle's campaign attorney made this report: "I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks--trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor. Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided ‘free food' at ‘voter turnout events.' Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.
Wait a minute! Isn't that called "buying votes?" That's what Al Gore did in Wisconsin in 2000, only he used cigarettes. Gore bought Wisconsin's 11 electoral votes in 2000 for a few smokes. Harry Reid intends to steal Nevada's U.S. Senate seat if he can't win it legally.
In North Carolina---a man said that he voted a straight-party ticket (for Republicans) and got opposite results. His ballot showed he voted a straight Democrat ticket.
In Illinois---a county election official is saying that thousands---potentially hundreds of thousands---of voters who are expecting a ballot sent to them by mail may be disenfranchised.
In Colorado---A federal judge declined to force the Secretary of State to reactivate approximately 6,000 new voters whose registrations were canceled under Colorado's 20-day rule. Senior U. S. District Judge John L. Kane denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that was requested by several labor and voting-rights groups.
In Arizona--a source in the Yuma County Recorders' Office reports:
3,000 voter registration forms were all dropped off at the last minute by one group as the clock ticked down on the deadline for turning in voter registration forms.
Almost all of the registrations were for the Democratic Party, a statistical improbability at best.
The Yuma Recorder's office is checking the voter registration forms and has found that already more than 65% of them are invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, and/or using wrong or completely invalid address, and/or using false, unverifiable, signatures, etc.
In Troy New York---a special prosecutor is investigating allegations of voter fraud. Trey Smith is collecting DNA from the majority of the city council...all Democrats. Five city councilmen, including the council president and four other city council members, and other public officials and/or public operatives, have been ordered to or have had their saliva swabbed for DNA samples to compare to absentee ballots and absentee ballot applications that were allegedly forged.
This is why we have set up a Corps of Citizens to be "Poll Watchers" at various election places, to look for voter fraud and/or voter intimidation! YOU can be responsible for "Taking Back America," through your efforts of "poll watching" for your fellow Americans. Organizing this effort, and following through on the reports that we receive from people like you, takes money that we simply do not have at this time. Will you help us to keep this next election as "clean" as possible?
Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!
On November 3, Barack Obama suspects that he will likely be waking up to a decidedly more hostile Washington, D.C., one in which his leftist allies no longer control one or both chambers of Congress. Since taking office in 2008, he has presided over a 58-seat majority in House of Representatives and an 18-seat margin in the U. S. Senate. As a result, he has won passage of landmark legislation, such as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the failed Stimulus Bill), Health Care Reform (OBAMACARE) and regulation of the financial services industry, by bullying his own Party into giving him the social progressive agenda that he wants, even though the American people have been screaming against his agenda since the passage of his first "stimulus" bill in February, 2009.
For some, the prospect of a gridlocked Congress - or at least a significantly slower legislative process - is a welcomed change. On "Meet the Press" in August, Republican Minority Leader John Boehner, of Ohio, asserted, "The American people are screaming at the top of their lungs to Washington, ‘Stop! Stop the spending! Stop the job-killing policies!' And yet Democrats in Washington refuse to listen to people. Republicans are listening."
No matter how large the Republican win, Mr. Obama is planning to rule by decree since the U.S. Congress is not going to give him what he wants. Barack Hussein Obama is already planning to reshape his administration for a "new strategy." With the upcoming loss of the House of Representatives to the Republicans, and a possible loss of the U. S. Senate, the "Lame Duck" Session of Congress, between the election and the Congress being sworn in, in January, 2011, will be full of pet projects which will be legislated by the leftist controlled "old" Congress, and we will see the start of the illegal form of rule---THE USE OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS from the White House.
I recall what then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told then-President Bill Clinton, in reference to Executive Orders---they are simply NOT LEGAL!! When President Clinton issued an Executive Order banning smoking in all government office buildings in the United States on August 17, 1997, House Speaker Gingrich sent a curt note to the White House advising the President that Executive Orders were legally binding ONLY on the Executive Branch of government. Speaker Gingrich reminded Mr. Clinton that he had no authority to dictate policy to the legislative or to the judicial branches. Therefore, Congressman Gingrich told him, the Legislative Branch had no intention of complying with the smoking ban that Bill Clinton imposed on the Executive branch. And, since more than a couple of the U. S. Supreme Court Justices, and several federal judges, have been known to light up a stogy in their judicial branch offices, it appears that neither did the Judicial Branch take the Clinton Executive Order seriously. Yet, the American people view Executive Orders as law, even though the "Executive" has no legislative authority under the Constitution.
Between November 3 and the swearing in of the next Congress in January, "Obama's Revenge" will be to push what he can through the "old" Congress, controlled by his leftist allies, and, for the part of his agenda he can't push through, he'll rule by Executive Order, Presidential Proclamations, or Presidential Decision Directives. My Friends, it will not be pretty. Nor will it be legal. Mr. Obama does not want to let go and does not want to kiss his socialistic agenda good-bye!
White House staff changes are being made with an eye toward putting together a "bully staff," who will be used to achieve Obama's objectives through executive action, rather than through legislative action. There will be fewer attempts to push laws through the next Congress. There will be more attempts to ram his agenda down the throats of the American people by decree, using his remaining leftist allies in Congress to cover his back and tout the legality of the Executive Order, while wringing their hands because there's nothing they can legally do when Barack Hussein Obama chooses to use the extraordinary powers he will claim to possess in times of crisis as the nation's leader.
Mr. Obama is shaping a new approach for the second half of his term in the Oval Office. His plan will be to keep his liberal agenda on track, and continue his crippling, redistributive, spending agenda through "illegal" executive actions, rather than constitutionally trying to get his plans through what will be an increasingly hostile Congress.
Many of Barack Obama's staff have departed, including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (to run for the Mayor of Chicago). The revised Obama Team must be prepared to do an uphill battle, based upon the results of the elections next week, to gain leverage with lawmakers.
Resigned to the destiny that will be happening next week, White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod said in a recent interview: "It's fair to say that the next phase is going to be less about legislative action than it is about managing the change that we've brought."
Mr. Obama and his Chicago-style, back-room, arm-twisting politics will be seeking to bring about his legislative agenda---no matter what!
And that even includes using "dirty tricks" to overturn this election process within days, even hours, after November 2. Already, we've experienced numerous election voter frauds in various states---and it's not even election day yet! That's why America desperately needs YOU! Will you be a part of a distinguished "Corps Of Citizens" who will be "poll watchers" for the United States Justice Foundation? More importantly, will you do this for the American people --- and for our way of life of freedom!
Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!
Yes, it is possible. YOU could be the "last frontier" to retain what our forefathers sought to create for our great country. Please, don't shirk this call from your country and from USJF---to report ANY voter fraud or any voter intimidation.
The country, and federal law enforcement, sat back while the Black Panthers harassed white voters in Philadelphia two years ago.
NOW, with our special USJF Email Hotline (, you can report any voting irregularities RIGHT AWAY---IMMEDIATELY! We will investigate---and quickly take action against---ANY VOTER INTIMIDATION OR VOTER FRAUD. But I need your commitment today.
I am not asking you to put your life in any danger. As you are voting, be very, very observant of your surroundings; and report anything that looks suspicious to me. Then, maybe, stick around the outside of the door to the polling place, to see if any voter intimidation or voter fraud occurs.
You see, even George Soros does not like what we are doing. He is spending large amounts of money to stop those who might be "poll watchers" for the "Right".
Only hours remain until the people of America will rise up and vote to return America to its roots. The current administration will do anything within its power to keep its socialist agenda alive.
Even when, the Republicans win back the House---and, conceivably, the U. S. Senate as well---Mr. Obama is preparing, RIGHT NOW, to push his liberal agenda forward through "executive actions."But, until November 2, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist allies in the "reborn" (renamed) ACORN and in certain labor unions, like SEIU, are doing everything that they can to retain control of Congress, "by hook or by crook!"
But . . .YOU can stop that voter fraud...
The infamous ACORN is still alive and well---now using many different names, to throw numerous elections by having dead people to vote, helping illegal aliens to vote, and paying individuals to vote, as often as 70 times!
Aren't you fed up with these un-democratic, un-American, and ILLEGAL tactics? Now you can do something to help your country's future!! Obviously, it takes a large amount of expenses to investigate whatever you report. So I need your financial assistance right now---for the sake of the preservation of our own United States Constitution.
It is way past time to DO SOMETHING about voter fraud and heavy-handed politics that ignore the will of the people.
No one is doing anything about voter fraud. Not the U. S. Department of Justice, not most state election officials, and not most local law enforcement! That's why we must take this election by the horns and MAKE SURE that voter fraud is held to a minimum. Yes, you heard it right from me: Our government is DOING NOTHING to make sure that voters are really, in fact, voters. That's why we have taken a stand to make a difference. Obviously, the Obama Administration does not have any incentive to make sure that voters are alive; or even American citizens!
We need your financial assistance, RIGHT NOW, to make a real difference on election day. Since we know that voter fraud is ALREADY HAPPENING during the early voting, think what may and probably will happen on Election Day on Tuesday if the fraud is not stemmed now!
Your donation is greatly needed so that, on Election Day, our e-mail hotline will help to insure that voters are not intimidated at the polls. Will you be a part of that?
You can actually "make history" - BY PRESERVING HISTORY - through poll watching for USJF. I urgently need to hear from you TODAY!
Your donation and your participation on Election Day will literally make all the difference in the world...and in our country's future.
Help stop the voter fraud...NOW,
Urgently yours for America,
Gary G. Kreep, Esq.
Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
P. S. I cannot underscore the importance that you can make in the future of our great country. Making sure that every legitimate vote counts, without fraud and without voter intimidation, is paramount to our country's survival. And YOU can play a real part in that! Will you? Because it's so important, let me say this one more time:
Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!
To donate by check, make payable to:
United States Justice Foundation
Dept Code 4846
932 D Street Suite 1
Ramona, CA 92065
Don’t click on the link if you get a similar email, they’re trying to steal your info…
From: State Employees' Credit Union []
Dear Online Member, SECU is upgrading to the new ON-GUARD security Layer to make your Online Access and Transaction Secured. We hereby advise you to follow the Link below to confirm your Account for the Upgrade. Privacy Policy | HMDA | Equal Housing Lender Equal Housing Lender Logo Image | Legal | This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration |
Any doubt that this ‘suspicious packages’ is an ‘October Surprise’?
Bret_Baier Bret Baier
We're following the suspicious packages story.. and now President Obama is coming out to talk about it at 4:15p....
Obamanonics: This post is gonna be short and sweet—and scary
Signs Hyperinflation Is Arriving
Grains as a class have risen over 33% year-over-year. Refined oil products have risen just shy of 13%, with home heating oil rising 18% year-over-year. In other words: Food, gasoline and heating oil have risen by double digits since 2009. And the 2010-‘11 winter in the northern hemisphere is approaching.
Trade wars because of the dollars On the contrary, it creates a backlash; the ongoing tiff over rare-earth minerals with China is just the beginning. This could easily be exacerbated by clumsy politicking, and turn into a full-on trade war.
What’s so bad with a trade war, you ask? Why nothing, not a thing—if you want to pay through the nose for imported goods. If you enjoy paying 10, 20, 30% more for imported goods—then hey, let’s just stick it to them China-men! They’re still Commies, after all!
SPIN METER: Despite claims, bailouts not over yet
Treasury Department says bank bailouts are over, but the spending continues.
In a Sept. 22 speech, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the bailouts "are completely behind us."
That's not quite correct. In the final six months in which it could spend money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, Treasury set aside $243 million for new contracts for law firms, accountants and money managers to help run what's left of the bailouts - on top of the $529 million already spent on work by staff, private companies and other agencies. Many of the contracts last until 2019, and there's nothing to stop the government from hiring even more help if it's needed to chase down the remaining bailout money.
Treasury's authority to spend more from the $700 billion fund expired on Oct. 3. The law requires officials to recoup as much as possible of the $185 billion still in the hands of shaky private companies. After all collections are made, the government expects to be out about $51 billion, mostly from housing programs.
Rising voter anger ahead of next week's elections has made Obama administration officials reluctant to speak candidly about the ongoing cost of managing TARP.
NASA official’s 35-million-mile slip of the tongue — one way trip to Mars?
Is NASA Covering Up the 100-Year Starship?
NASA appears to be debating a way to permanently colonize another planet, boldly going where no one has ever gone -- and where no one could come back, some fear.
French cops posing as trade unionists infiltrate dissenters
French Cops Infiltrated Anti-government Demonstrators
A regional official in southern France has opened an inquiry into the presence of police posing as trade unionists on recent anti-government demonstrations. The move follows claims by unionists and left-wingers that provocateurs stirred up violence in Lyon, Paris and other cities.
Explosive Nanothermite found in WTC Dust
The stuff can be mixed together with paint and then applied to walls, beams, anything. Workers could paint a room with it and never even know it.
A jetliner crashed and exploded into Tower 1, another jetliner crashed and exploded into Tower 2. Nothing crashed into Building 7. What brought it down in the same manner as Towers 1 and 2?
9/11: Chemical Engineer Mark Basile Found Nanothermite in WTC Dust
- Cincinnati 9/11 Truth
You Tube
October 27, 2010
Yet another professional discusses his analysis of WTC dust, where he found evidence of nanothermite, a military grade explosive many scientists, physicists and engineers now believe may have been used to bring down the Twin Towers and WTC 7
Bisphenol-A used for food containers and baby bottles linked to male infertility
Previous studies linked it to the feminization of men:
The damaging effects of the chemical include impairment and unnatural changes to sex organs and their functions, increased tumor formation, hyperactivity, neurotoxin effects, and signs of early puberty have been observed. Clearly, BPA's toxic effects are diverse.
Bisphenol-A linked to male infertility
A controversial chemical used for decades in the mass production of food containers and baby bottles has been linked to male infertility for the first time.
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots
Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons, according to US military pilots.
By Andy Bloxham
Published: 9:28AM BST 27 Sep 2010
Aliens 'tried to warn US and Russia they were playing with fire during Cold War’
The beings have repeated their efforts in the US and have been active since 1948, the men said, and accused the respective governments of trying to keep the information secret.
The unlikely claims were compiled by six former US airmen and another member of the military who interviewed or researched the evidence of 120 ex-military personnel.
The information they have collected suggests that aliens could have landed on Earth as recently as seven years ago.
The men's aim is to press the two governments to recognise the long-standing extra-terrestrial visits as fact.
Official alien greeter, what does the UN know that we don’t?
When this story first broke I didn’t post it thinking it’s just some dopey UN thing. Upon reflection, I wonder if there is more to the story. The military, the Vatican, and now the UN is talking aliens.
Does the NWO plan include some kind of alien deception? Maybe a common threat that the world will willingly unite against. Maybe a new religion involving aliens. Maybe…
HAARP is capable of projecting images in the sky. HAARP can cause earthquakes in places where geological artifacts have been previously placed that contradict religious beliefs. HAARP can influence thoughts, behavior.
UN to appoint official alien greeter
THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth’s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.
Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN's little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.
She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before - and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.
Alien Mothership? U.S. military officers testify UFOs are visiting
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US
Vatican Considers Possibility of Aliens
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
BP Oil well blowout, greed, incompetence or something more sinister
BP & Halliburton often cited in NWO conspiracy theories
Halliburton Admits to Skipping Test on Cement for Gulf Well
Halliburton acknowledged Thursday evening that it had in fact neglected to conduct a critical test on the final cement formulation used to seal the BP well that blew out into the Gulf of Mexico.
BP oil spill conspiracy theories
Gulf Oil Spill - Conspiracy Theory
BP Oil Spill: A Slippery Slope to FEMA Detention Camps?
Big “O”, “O”pulence: “O”bama knows how to splurge at taxpayers expense
Entire Taj Mahal Hotel Reportedly Booked for Obama Mumbai Visit
Barack Obama's Indian delegation 'books 800 rooms in Mumbai'
Barack Obama and his travelling delegation have book at least 800 rooms for the president's trip to Mumbai, according to reports, including the entire Taj Mahal hotel.
40 aircraft part of Obama's trip to India; 6 armored cars...
Vote heaven or hell?
While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator was tragically
hit by a car and died.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems
there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts,
you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator..
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll
do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can
choose where to spend eternity."
"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,
down, down to hell.
The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf
course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are
all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him,
shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while
getting rich at the expense of the people. They played a friendly game
of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is
having a good time dancing and telling jokes.
They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes
it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St.
Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven.."
So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented
souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They
have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by
and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now
choose your eternity."
The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would
never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I
think I would be better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren
land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed
in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more
trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.
"I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and
there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar,
drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a
wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What
The devil smiles at him and says,
"Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted.."
Vote wisely on November 2, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Illegal alien voters ignored by Obama Justice Department
Voter Fraud:
October 28th, 2010 3:55 pm ET
A young Barack with his Kenyan brother, Samson, in their younger days.
Photo: Newsbusters
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 28.2 percent of Hispanic voters in the 2008 election were immigrants," according to Steven Camarota of Center for Immigration Studies
In the midst of his whirlwind nationwide campaign to salvage Democrat control of both houses of the U.S. Congress, President Barack Obama appeared at a political event for Latinos -- including, legal and illegal aliens -- and said
1928 cell phone conversion?
NEW YORK (AP) — Charlie Chaplin's status as an extraordinary talent was already known. A new Web video would have him be a visionary, too.
A video from a bonus feature of the DVD to Chaplin's 1928 film "The Circus" shows a woman talking into something she's holding up to her ear.
It appears to be a mobile phone, although they weren't invented until the 1970s. It's likely the actor is holding a hearing aid, but that hasn't stopped the video from amassing more than two million views on YouTube.
The clip was discovered and uploaded by Irish filmmaker George Clarke. He claimed the person is a time traveler and that "you just can't explain it."
White House Insider: "They were in shock at the president’s behavior."
Our latest interview with the White House Insider reveals a Democratic Party civil war, with growing opposition to the Obama White House.
“High Noon”, only this time the sheriff’s not up to the showdown!
Top thug too much for top contender -- sheriff lays down his weapons!.
RAHM VICTORIOUS: Top Opponent Suddenly Drops Out Of Mayor's Race...
VIDEO: I didn't scare him away
Dart had been considered one of the frontrunners to succeed Mayor Richard M. Daley. But he decided he would not run, because of the attention it would take away from his family
Soros invested in FOX News parent company…
Playing both ends against the middle?
Is George Soros using money earned from investing in News Corp to attack Fox News?
And an odd war for Soros Fund Management LLC, which was heavily invested in News Corp, parent company of Fox News. SEC filings show Soros managed News Corp shares worth $4 million in 2004 and $2.3 million when sold last year. Cash trumps hypocrisy.
Do the lefties at Media Matters know that Soros gets his foundation money from his hedge fund investments in politically incorrect stocks: tobacco, fossil fuels, genetically modified foods, and burger joints? Do they care?
Want a muslim wedding to show how inclusive you are?
Western couple mocked in a foreign language as 'infidel' and 'swine' by 'minister' during wedding ceremony at luxury Maldives resort
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:02 PM on 28th October 2010
A luxury resort in the Maldives has sparked outrage after a video appeared on You Tube showing members of staff abusing and mocking their guests using a language they were unable to understand.
Employees at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa resort can be seen calling an English-speaking couple ‘infidel’ and ‘swine’ and calling their guests' marriage illegal in their native Dhivehi tongue throughout the 15-minute wedding ceremony.
According to the Maldives news service Minivan News, the video which was uploaded to You Tube ‘as a joke’, shows an employee named Hussein Didi conducting a service as a 'celebrant' - a person who is empowered to perform a religious ceremony.
Obama (12), Clinton (2) and Biden (4) are back in in Ohio trying to defeat John Kasich.
Proud American,
It may sound like bad casting for a Halloween B-movie, but Barack Obama (12th visit), Joe Biden (4th visit) and Bill Clinton (2nd visit) will all be in Ohio this weekend to campaign for Ted Strickland.
You might remember Ted Strickland - he's the one who ranted a few weeks ago that the "Republican Party has been overtaken over by the zealots, by the extremists, by the radicals, by the reckless."
Clearly, they think the concept of lower taxes and smaller, more efficient government is reckless and radical. I wholeheartedly disagree.
Ted Strickland and his left wing allies will be spending over $7 million dollars against me on television to smear and distort my record.
I need your help to get my message out. Please consider making a generous financial contribution to my campaign so that I am able to defend myself against their attack ads.
Also, please watch this video to see in their own words how Ted Strickland and Barack Obama are twins on the issues - both fought for stimulus; both fought for Obamacare; and both will raise taxes. Americans and Ohioans can't take any more of their change.
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson was recently quoted as saying the Ohio Governor's Race "is a test for President Obama in the next two years." Mayor Jackson is right - the stakes of this election are high.
Your financial contribution will send a message to our leaders in Washington that the Obama/Strickland policies of high taxes and ever-expanding government are killing job growth.
Please donate today
Ohio is the biggest state in America where we have the opportunity to defeat an elected incumbent liberal Democrat Governor.
Won't you help me?
John Kasich
Candidate for Ohio Governor
Former Chairman of the House Budget Committee
P.S. Please forward this email to 10 of your friends and family so they can understand the importance of the Ohio gubernatorial election
Boxer Campaign Caught Soliciting Teachers to Recruit Student Volunteers
Stay with me here: The Boxer campaign has acknowledged that the letter we posted earlier on Boxer campaign letterhead soliciting teachers to recruit student volunteers is authentic... but they weren't really soliciting teachers to recruit student volunteers... but they are still sorry. Prepare to have your intelligence insulted by...
AlGore, the Elmer Gantry of environmentalism and the Elmer Fudd of everything else!
Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech;
Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation...
No ‘evidence’ of fraud says Nevada democrat Secretary of State
The state official who oversees the voting machines is, Rory Reid, son of Harry Reid, who's running for governor (but omits his last name from nearly all his campaign advertising).
Nevada Secretary Of State Says 'No Evidence' Of Fraud...
The most shocking allegation came Tuesday from Boulder City resident Joyce Ferrara, who complained to Fox news in Las Vegas that when she went to vote for GOP U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle, Reid’s name was already checked on the electronic voting machine.
Other claims in the run-up to Nevada’s election include that voters are being compensated to cast their ballots. The task force has not received any complaint of that occurring and neither has the FBI, Miller said.
The task force has not received any complaint of that occurring and neither has the FBI, Miller said.
I’ve not posted articles/polls showing how big the republicans will win by
I don’t trust the polls, I don’t trust the media, and I don’t trust the democrats.
- Are they setting us up for a let down
- How big will their voter frauds be
Ground Zero Mosque Imam Issues Effectual "FATWAH"
ALERT: The Ground Zero Mosque Imam is attacking first responder Forras and has issued an effectual "Fatwah" on Forras and his lawyer. He has publicly stated that more terrorist violence will result if building of the mosque is prevented.
Imam Feisal has consistently made his anti-American views known. Shortly after the deadly and traumatic events of 9/11, Feisal made a statement suggesting the attacks were caused by American actions toward his fellow Muslims.
Fox News and other news outlets have reported that donors to his mosque were also funders of the Holy Land Foundation, a terrorist organization that was indicted and convicted of support for jihadists in the federal court in Dallas, Texas. American tax dollars from the State Department are paying for Feisal's Mosque fundraising trip to Muslim countries in the Middle East.
Declaration Alliance Needs You In the Legal Fight To Stop The "Ground Zero Mosque" Select Here To Donate Now!
The controversial Imam Feisal Rauf has moved to dismiss the complaint Vincent Forras, a First Responder, had filed against him and his Ground Zero Mosque, and counter-sued Forras reportedly for $50,000 USD.
Forras and counsel have not yet seen the defendant pleadings, but according to the New York Post, Feisal used the opportunity to attack and smear Forras and his attorney. The Post reported in an article of October 11, 2010, entitled "Anti-mosque lawsuit slammed as bigotry," that Feisal and GZ Mosque "...are blasting a $350 million lawsuit filed by a 9/11 first responder as 'blind bigotry.'" The motion to dismiss seeks to have the complaint thrown out on First Amendment grounds.
Apparently, Feisal believes the 9/11 attacks were "justified" in part by American actions, and that Forras has no right to use the American legal system for redress of grievances and suffering of all those who risked their lives in the attacks' aftermath. The defendants' motion to dismiss will surely fail, and now that Feisal and his Ground Zero Mosque have counter-sued, Forras et al are assured that the case will proceed to uncover more details about the mosque project's ties to terrorist interests.
In fact, Forras' suit is not an attack on Islam, but rather a simple nuisance and infliction of emotional distress case under common law. It merely seeks to stop the building of the Ground Zero Mosque, and seeks damages for the infliction of the emotional distress Feisal's "clever" but dastardly scheme brings to again terrorize the survivors, the victim's families, New York City and the nation.
Declaration Alliance Needs You In the Legal Fight To Stop The "Ground Zero Mosque" Select Here To Donate Now!
While nearly 80% of the American people oppose the Ground Zero Mosque, even over 58% of Muslims worldwide also oppose it. It is universally seen as a clear act of aggression and provocation. It is evident that the Ground Zero Mosque is intended to drive a wedge between Christians and Jews, and Muslims. It is a ploy to ignite and intensify hatred by Muslims against America and the West.
"Now, Feisal has upped the ante by defaming a heroic First Responder, Vinnie Forras, and his brother First Responders in this suit, and me as 'blind bigots' -- in an obvious attempt to incite hatred and violence by radical Muslims against us. The motives for Feisal's attack against us are transparent, as they amount in practice to issuing a 'fatwah' to harm if not kill Vinnie and me. This type of outrageous conduct cannot be permitted in a civilized society and it underscores why the Ground Zero Mosque is just a nefarious way to organize hostility and mete out psychological terrorism, since additional large-scale attacks on New York City have thus far failed over the last eight years," stated Forras' counsel Larry Klayman.
The class action complaint against Feisal and his Ground Zero Mosque are publicly available for review at participating in the suit for the plaintiffs is Declaration Alliance, as a civic advocacy and social welfare organization.
Declaration Alliance Needs You In the Legal Fight To Stop The "Ground Zero Mosque" Select Here To Donate Now!
I oppose the mosque, and I think it can be stopped without any violation of constitutional rights.
The Imam behind the Cordoba project is associated with Hamas and extremist groups, and "religious liberty does not extend to actions that violate the fundamental premises of natural justice.
If you had a cult in America that wanted to practice human sacrifice, it would be banned.
The issue should be handled by local authorities, but federal authorities could get involved because of the threat of national security.
This is one of those cases where I think on proper grounds of real concern for the integrity of our country's national security and acts which might exacerbate the threats to the United States, you may intervene to stop it.
Declaration Alliance Needs You In the Legal Fight To Stop The "Ground Zero Mosque" Select Here To Donate Now!
If everyone who receives this message would sacrifice $100 toward defending America and preserving their own freedoms, we could get the word out to enough concerned Americans to mount the legal defense for the affected First Responders in this class action necessary to prevail, and shut down this outrageous Ground Zero "Victory" Mosque, once and for all.
For more information about Declaration Alliance go to
Keep Faith,
Alan Keyes
Please Send Checks To: Declaration Alliance National Processing Center PO Box 131728 Houston, TX 77219-1728
Newswatch ... 10/28/10
- YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines
- YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research
- NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions
- NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime
- NO on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life
AIP Endorsed NC Candidates
Please volunteer to help, donate and vote for our AIP endorsed candidates to support life, personhood and the Constitution.
Bill Randall -
Today, October 28
North Carolina A&T State University Candidate Forum
Samuel De Witt Proctor Auditorium (School of Education Bldg)
Thursday, October 28 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Friday, October 29
Madison Merchants "Trick or Treat" Festival
Downtown Madison
Friday, October 29 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Barbecue Lodge (4600 Capital Blvd)
Friday, October 29 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Tuesday, November 2
Election Night Reception with Bill Randall
Dalton Sports Bar (30 Court Street)
Tuesday, November 2 from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Patricia Ladd -
A printable version of the article below and a "Pat Ladd for NC House" trifold brochure are attached. If you are in the Durham area and would like to distribute this information, you are welcome to reproduce the brochures with "paid for by Harlan Brown" changed to "paid for by" and your name. The ODT files are editable with Open Office Writer, which is available free of charge at
news_aip-nc-candidates-stand.01.odt (27KB - 0 downloads)
ladd_for_house-2010.01.odt (31KB - 0 downloads)
Source <>
AIP-endorsed candidates in NC stand for justice and right to life
North Carolina - AIP-Approved Ind. Parties/Orgs -> America's Independent Party of North Carolina
By Harlan Brown
October 16, 2010
Candidates in North Carolina endorsed by America's Independent Party are taking a firm stand for ending black genocide and against killing preborn babies. The candidates are Bill Randall, running in U.S. House District 13, and Patricia Ladd, running in N.C. House District 31.
Both candidates are aware of the genocide, documented in the video "Maafa 21." Both candidates' websites link to the website. Abortion is endorsed by the Democratic and Libertarian party platforms. The Republican Party Platform strongly upholds the right to life, but a number of prominent GOP leaders deny the personhood of the preborn and his or her unalienable right to life (see the Prolife Profiles website).
African-American pastor Dr. Johnny Hunter refers to "Maafa 21" as "not a pro-life film ... it is a justice film." Hunter is the president of Global Life and Family Mission, a ministry dedicated to promoting traditional family values, racial harmony and the survival of children around the world. He also serves as the National Director of Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), a consortium of life-affirming and pro-family advocates.
The candidates
Randall, a Republican, is running against incumbent Democrat Brad Miller. According to the website OnTheIssues, Miller voted as a representative in Congress as follows:
For a comparison of Randall and Miller on a variety of issues, see "NC-13 US House candidates offer voters a choice."
Ladd, a Republican, is running against incumbent Democrat Henry M. ("Mickey") Michaux of Durham. The NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina PAC website lists Michaux in its 2010 general election endorsements as one of the "pro-choice 2008 incumbents who have championed choice." The Planned Parenthood® Central North Carolina website shows a photograph of Michaux accepting a Responsible Choices Award from a Planned Parenthood official. The caption says, "Representative Michaux was instrumental in allocating additional funding that allows the state's poorest women to access family planning services." Planned Parenthood's history and activities are exposed in "Maafa 21."
Randall and Ladd both responded to the 2010 North Carolina Family Policy Council questionnaire. Their responses are posted at and Neither Miller nor Michaux responded to the questionnaire. Michaux also did not respond to the North Carolina Center for Voter Education questionnaire, nor have I received a reply to my emails to him asking him about his stand on issues.
Election information and voter guide
North Carolina Congressional District 13 includes all of Caswell and Person counties and portions of Rockingham, Guilford, Alamance, Granville, and Wake counties. North Carolina House District 31 is in the easternmost part of Durham County bordering Granville, Wake, and Chatham counties.
Early voting began on Thursday, Oct. 14, and ends at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30. The polls are closed Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 16 and 17, and between Oct. 30 and Tuesday, Nov. 2. For more information about one-stop early voting in Durham County, see the Durham County Board of Elections website. On Nov. 2 the polls are open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
For additional information about candidates, see the Christian Voter Guide website. The website has links to information for candidates in all 50 states.
Posted 2010-10-16 9:44 AM (#44796) By: tarheel_unraveler
Headlines …
Man Arrested in Al-Qaida Plot to Attack DC Metro Stations
BREAKING: Virginia Pakistani-American Muslim Arrested for Plotting DC Terror Attacks
Indonesian tsunami kills 272; help finally arrives
Indonesia's volcanic eruption claims 28 lives
Rare earthquake in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta puzzles experts
Oil Spill Compensation Czar: 110,000 Claims Have ‘Zero Documentation,’ ‘Nothing’
Harvard looks to lift primary care
Gift to launch center for front-line doctors
Harvard Medical School has received a $30 million anonymous gift to create a major center to transform primary care medicine, a specialty that provides routine front-line care to millions of people but that many doctors consider unglamorous and underpaid.
Doctors eye better ways to share e-health records
During Breast Cancer Month Obama’s FDA Ponders Delisting Cancer Drug
Obama: Dems Aren’t Running On Obamacare Because Americans Are Misinformed & Stupid
Domestic ...
Obama's Daunting Post-election Agenda
No Center Shift… Barack Says If GOP Wins He’ll Be “Fighting Them Day & Night” (Audio)
Education Dept. expands oversight of colleges
Washington Post Staff Writer
The Obama administration plans to announce Thursday new regulations for colleges that participate in federal student aid programs, an initiative that aims to reshape how admissions recruiters are paid, how course credits are defined and how career training programs are launched.
Obama tells bloggers he has a lame-duck strategy to end DADT
Obama says he's evolving on gay marriage
President Obama denies batch of pardons
Obama Administration Follies
[Note: Folly (noun) meaning unreason, irrational thinking, misguided undertaking. Synonyms include foolishness, madness, stupidity, idiocy, silliness, craziness, recklessness. I think that pretty well sums it up.-hm]
Barack Obama's dumb 'Daily Show' Jon Stewart appearance and the President's diminishing brand
Net Neutrality Supporters Admit, They Want Property Rights Eliminated
President Obama and Our 'Core American Values'
Wealthy or Productive?
Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
Desperate Obama Meets With Leftie Bloggers – Koo Koo ka Choo
It’s Crazy Time… Obama Tells Jon Stewart: “Democrats Want to See More Progress” …Ya Think?
Ford Motor Company Turns Profit
Employers in U.S. Start Bracing for Higher Tax Withholding
Insider Selling Volume at Highest Level Ever Tracked
Economists Predict Painfully Slow Economic Gains Into 2011
Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
Report: Most large US metro areas saw rise in foreclosure warnings between July-September
Abortion, Life & Family Issues
Michigan law permits dumping of aborted babies’ bodies, shocking discoveries reveal
Pro-Life Naïfs in the Big City
By Austin Ruse
Budget Outlays for 12 of 15 Cabinet-Level Federal Departments Have Dramatically Expanded Since Dems Took Control of Congress
Republicans, Heading for Big Gains in Congress, Prepare a Spending- and Tax-Cut Agenda
Boehner: 'Not a time for compromise'
Our Contemptible Congress
There They Went Again
The 111th Congress fits a familiar Democratic pattern.
State Department
Clinton departs for two-week Asia trip
As Clinton visit nears, Vietnam arrests bloggers, sentences activists
Justice Department vows to stop voter intimidation
Says military ballots will be counted
Supreme Court
Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution
The newest member of the Supreme Court is in the minority in backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection. Shortly after the stay was overturned Tuesday, Arizona executed Jeffrey Landrigan.
Read more <,0,6859358.story>
Military advocates don't want judges making Pentagon rules
The Fed
Fed Gears Up for Stimulus
Eyes Gradual Bond Buying of Several Hundred Billion Dollars; Doubts Linger
Dollar printing feeding China inflation: minister
Homeland Security
European Airlines Say US Security Goes Overboard
European air officials say US security goes overboard; British Airways calls demands excessive
Homosexual Students May Be Protected by Federal Law Barring ‘Sex’ Discrimination, Education Dept. Says
College for Those Who Can't Learn
The Hundred Year Starship: The Nasa mission that will take astronauts to Mars and leave them there forever
Voter Fraud
Introducing the Voter Fraud app
Across the country, states like Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Missouri and Arizona have begun to report issues regarding possible voter fraud in their state. With claims of voter fraud continuing to come in, American Majority Action announced today it willlaunch the nation’s best mobile application to help identify, report and track suspected incidents of voter fraud and intimidation. This free, cutting edge system will enable voters for the first time to take action to help defend their right to vote.
ACORN’s Get-Out-The-Vote Operative Under State Felony Charges
Harry Reid’s Son Oversees Suspect Election Machines In Nevada
Daytona Beach Commissioner Arrested On Fraud Charges
Nevada Secretary Of State Says No Evidence Of Vote Fraud
Lawmakers May Probe Late Military Ballots
Residents cry foul over ballots
O’Keefe: Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud
Other Election News
Exclusive: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers
DNC Requests Records Related to Palin, Romney, Seven Other Possible 2012 Contenders
The Democratic National Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential candidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the midterm elections.
Dick Morris: 100 GOP-Seat Win in House Possible, Republican Senate Within Reach
GOP Plans to Avoid Big Victory Parties
Cook: Discredited Stimulus 'Decisive' Election Event
Rasmussen: Reid, Pelosi Unfavorables Hit New Highs
Obama Donates $4.5M to Desperate Dems
Republicans Plan Budget Cuts as Early Act If They Take Power
Dems exit rally as Clinton drones
Bookie says GOP can't lose House, pays bets early
Woah. Far Left Dem Gets Booed For Blaming Bush… In Massachusetts
Classy… Sharron Angle Sends Behar Flowers- Thanks Her For the Help …Update: Angle Raises $137,000
Dem Rep Says Al-Qaeda No Longer a Threat; Osama Bin Laden Issues Threat
It’s the Economic Destruction, Stupid… Democrats Face Midterm Blowout
Alaska Supreme Court reverses ban on write-in candidate lists [Updated]
Tea party's Judson Phillips defends essay attacking congressman for being Muslim
Al Gore: Tea Party making climate science a ‘political football’
Dems seek Jon Stewart boost, stage 'Phone Bank to Restore Sanity'
By Byron York
Even Palin polarizes as 'tea party' seeks leader
Activists look for key voice
Why Socialism Breeds Racism
By Ben Shapiro
The Civil Rebellion
A Black Swan Election?
The Fat Lady Remains Mute
Democrat Civil War Already Underway
Thomas Lifson
Focus on the Achilles Heel of Public Broadcasting
By Bruce Walker
Attack-Dog Behar Picks Wrong Crusade
International …
World Economy
France's Parliament Approves Pension Reform
Middle East
Tea Party Brews in Israel, Prompted by Concerns About Obama
Investigators Attacked in Lebanon While Probing 2005 Hariri Assassination
Egypt Cuts a Deal: Christians Fed to Muslim 'Lions'
Bin Laden blames French "injustice" for abductions-TV
U.S. military campaign to topple resilient Taliban hasn't succeeded
As Russian troops prepare to return to Afghanistan in landmark agreement, Gorbachev warns Nato victory is impossible
Entire police force in Los Ramones, Mexico quits after gunmen attack headquarters
1,200 Children Killed by Cartel Violence in Mexico Since 2006
China to launch manned space lab around 2020: report
Opinion …
Whitewashing Islam
“Who Controls the Past Controls the Future”
by Bruce S. Thornton
Helen V Moore
NC Leader America's Independent Party
"The simplification of anything is always spectacular." G. K. Chesterson