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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fauci and his ilk are guilty of 'crimes against humanity'!

So this is how Fauci was so certain Trump would face a 'surprise outbreak'

His ilk includes DJT! Why did the 5D chess player follow China's draconian lockdown procedures?
Why did he install Fauci and Birx as ConVid czars? 
Why did he kill mom and pop businesses while giving a monopoly to already ultra rich 'big box store' oligarchs?
Why did he give the impression that the virus was more like a seasonal flu but continue his declaration of a national medical emergency? Why did he never rescind it?
Why did he not do more to fight for treatments like hydroxychloroquine instead of going with the Warp Speed GMI / mask / social distancing nonsense?
When it was due to end why did he renew the national health emergency declaration allowing governors and mayors to continue their tyrannical reigns?
Why did he pooh pooh mask wearing while demanding Tennessee enforce mask wearing or lose federal funds?

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