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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Big Companies Siding with Pro-LGBT Agenda and Against American Familes

We knew it would happen; the slide down the slippery slope. It really wasn't that long ago when the so called gay lifestyle was against our laws. With the aid of  the TV, movie, and print media's constant barrage of pro gay programming and San Francisco leading the charge the gays began being, if not accepted, tolerated. But that wasn't enough, then they wanted sanctioned marriages and got that. Still not enough, now this. It won't stop here...

But let's get real, this is not about LGBT rights, it's about a centuries old plan to destroy Christianity by the Hydra like synagogue of Satan! The synagogue of Satan owns big finance, big companies, big media, big politicians, big academia, and big celebrities either directly or through one of their proxy secret societies.

GOPUSA – Big Companies Siding with Pro-LGBT Agenda and Against American Familes

Hundreds of businesses, including numerous nationally recognized pro-LGBT American corporations, are joining hands in their attack against pro-family bills protecting women, children and religious freedom in North Carolina and Georgia.


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