
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3 months later and we’re still in the dark

No Solid Answers Given as Oil Spill Spreads


It’s been 92 days and there are still no solid answers to the crisis in the gulf. For now a containment cap holds back the oil, but there are new concerns about what it may be doing to the fractured well and confusion over what may come next. According to Admiral Thad Allen, the government’s point man for the recovery, the right thing seems to be keeping the cap over the leaking riser, despite new evidence of a small leak at the base of the containment stack, bubbles around the blowout preventer and possible seepage from the ocean floor nearly two miles from the well head. “There is no indication at this time that this is any indication of a significant problem in the well bore,” Allen said Tuesday afternoon. Meanwhile, BP continues to move forward with plans to try and permanently seal the well. That process could begin by the end of the month.

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