
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I don’t know if this is true or not, but there has to be some reason Grahmnesty voted for Kagan

The secret reason Lindsey Graham voted for Elena Kagan 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) betrayed conservatives Tuesday as the only Republican on the Judiciary Committee to vote for Elena Kagan, the Supreme Court nominee whom CBS news originally reported to be an openly homosexual Lesbian, but later described her as a closeted Lesbian.  When all Republicans except Graham opposed Kagan yesterday on a 13-6 vote to forward her nomination to the full Senate, Lindsey Graham defended his vote for Kagan, saying:  "The Constitution in my view puts a requirement on me as a senator to not replace my judgment for his, not to think of the 100 reasons I would pick somebody differently, or pick a fight with Miss Kagan."

But William Gheen of ALIPAC recently suggested Graham could be facing personal blackmail, telling a crowd the reasons Lindsey Graham has never married:  "I hope this secret isn't being used as leverage over Senator Graham, so today I think Senator Graham, you need to come forward and tell people about your alternative lifestyle and your homosexuality.   Barney Frank is more honest and brave than [Graham]," Gheen continued, referring to the openly-gay Massachusetts congressman.  If Gheen's allegations are correct, it could logically explain why the Homosexual Graham supported the Lesbian Kagan, against the pleas of thousands of phone callers and faxers who demanded Graham filibuster Kagan. 

So everybody please call Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC, 202-224-5972) and express your disappointment with Graham's vote for Kagan.  But the full Senate vote is coming fast, and it's not too late to demand a filibuster of Kagan's nomination

Stop Kagan petition!

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