
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP’s secretive actions don’t give me a warm and fuzzy about any aspect of the well blowout.

They’ve had a media blackout along the coast, there’ve been reports of intimidation of residents to silence them, cleanup crews were ordered not to talk, they were caught with supposedly live feeds that were looping. Who knows what the real story is a mile below the ocean surface in the Gulf!

BP's altered photo distorts spill center activity

Jul 20 06:25 PM US/Eastern

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - BP acknowledges it posted on its website an altered photo that exaggerates the activity at its Gulf oil spill command center in Houston.

The picture posted over the weekend showed workers monitoring a bank of 10 giant video screens displaying underwater images.

Spokesman Scott Dean says Tuesday that two screens were blank in the original picture and a staff photographer used Photoshop software to add images.

Dean says the company put the unaltered picture up Monday after a blogger wrote about telltale discrepancies.

He says the photographer was showing off his Photoshop skills, and there was no ill intent.

Dean says BP has ordered workers to use Photoshop only for things like color correction, cropping and removing glare.

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