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Friday, May 25, 2012

Race war anyone?

I hope people don’t take the bait. I don’t think most Americans are. I think most blacks are turned off by Obama’s attempt to incite racial division just as most whites are but the loudmouths and the urban youths are the ones I’m worried about.

We’ve seen with the Rodney King incident what can happen when the media devotes 24/7 slanted coverage to an issue.

The same thing on a smaller scale happened with the Trayvon Martin shooting. They would still be playing it up were it not for overwhelming evidence that Mr. Zimmerman’s version of the story is true and that race had nothing to do with it. 

Is Obama Encouraging The Rise Of The New Black Panthers?

May 24, 2012 By Michael J. Nellett
New Black Panther Fundraiser SC Is Obama Encouraging the Rise of The New Black Panthers?

“Field Marshall” Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party comes out and says that we whites are lucky we are not hanging by nooses, and not a peep from Obama’s Justice Department? Do you remember when a white cop was paraded in front of the national news media for having “disrespected” a black college professor? Equal justice under the law? A black teacher in North Carolina threatens a student with arrest for “slandering (disagreeing with) President Obama’s campaign ad attacking Mitt Romney and berates him severely in class. Equal protection under the law? The teacher got suspended….big deal! She should have been fired and never allowed in a classroom again.

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Obama weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case BEFORE all the evidence was even in. Why? The President of the United States has nothing better to do than to involve himself in an alleged criminal case in which no one at the time had been formally charged. What Obama succeeded in doing was inflaming black anger that another black kid had been “savagely gunned down like a dog in the streets.” This comment was uttered by Congresswoman Fredrika Wilson, who was never chastised by either Obama or any Democrat for making that stupid remark. Remember the Republican congressman who called Obama a liar during his State of the Union message a year or two ago? The fury over that would have made you think that he had slapped the President instead of merely chastizing him verbally. Equal justice under the law, Mr. President?

The New Black Panther Party overtly commits voter intimidation by carrying a baton and making verbal threats to those trying to vote. All the SOCIALIST PROGRESSIVE talking heads on the news channels claim there is no voter fraud in the United States? How come Obama’s Justice Department only gave these guys a slap on the wrist that changed nothing? Equal protection under the law, Mr. Obama? I suppose if Holder’s department would have actually talked to the people that were there, things might have been different, but why let the truth get in the way of your agenda?

Two white reporters are attacked by a black mob in Virginia, and their own newspaper doesn’t even report it until 2 weeks later. It only comes out when Bill O’Reilly ( of the hated Fox News Channel) brought it out into the light. Again, where’s the Justice Department? Hate crime anybody? A white man gets beaten severely by a mob of black parents for trying to clear the street in front of his house….yep you guessed it, no Justice Department! Equal protection under the law, Mr. Obama?

It has been reported many times that Obama is just waiting to declare Martial Law just before the elections so that he can suspend them and remain in office indefinitely. I don’t know if I really believe that, but one thing does nag at me. Is Obama stoking racial emotions in order to make the scenario a reality so that he can execute this supposed plan? Black anger is simmering over very slowly, but does Obama really believe that non-blacks are going to sit idly by and refuse to defend themselves or others? I sincerely hope that is NOT the case. This country has enough serious problems without racial tensions being fanned for political reasons. The rhetoric from the New Black Panther Party needs to stop now! The incendiary remarks coming from some black members of Congress needs to stop as well.

Equal protection under the law means that every legal citizen in this country is entitled to be free of intimidation, harassment ,assault, and threats, Mr. President, no matter what color they are. The non-action taken by Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. is just another reason the man either needs to resign or be forced from office. We had all better hope that the long hot summer ahead is because of the weather. Too many good people will suffer if it’s not.

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