
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Holocaust challenged on German tv for the first time ever

The Germans have been Europe's, and America's whipping boy in the 20th century, why?

WWI is a fog to me but WWII I have some grasps of and wonder why the Russian communists Jews were more preferable than the NAZI Germans. I'm not saying either were saints but why the Russians over the Germans?

Patton concluded, after the war in which he was instructed to stand down and let the Russians conquer Berlin, that we had defeated the wrong enemy and that we hadn't liberated Europe but turned it over to communism! Russia immediately turned much of Europe into a giant FEMA camp (in today's vernacular).

...The Holocaust is routinely used as an excuse to brow beat Europeans into accepting far-left policies. For example, British Labour Party head Ed Miliband has cited the Holocaust as the reason why Britain must have open borders. Haverbeck called the Holocaust the “biggest and most sustained lie in history.”

Holocaust challenged on German tv for the first time ever

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