
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sticks and stones?

When I was a boy in the neighborhood, we would trade name calling one minute and be playing baseball the next. There was nothing earth shattering about being called a cracker or whatever else the black kids called us and it was the same for the black kids.

It was far worse to be called ‘cuss’ words or a chicken, or yellow, or a cheater. But even then it wasn’t that big of a deal. We would respond with “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. And that was that!

My how things have changed.

People are treated worse than criminals today because of saying stupid things. But let’s face it, it only works one way…when a white says stupid things about a black.

You are aware that it goes on on both sides aren’t you? But it’s not a problem when blacks do it to or about whites. When is the last time you remember a black person getting in trouble for insulting a white person?

Take the Rev. Sharpton, or the Rev Farrakhan, or any black comedian, they are famous for their racial remarks but they don’t get in trouble for them, but Paula Deen’s career has been destroyed and ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ only picked up the pieces of his career after years of groveling and doing penance. Here this guy is afraid he will lose his job and be driven out of town because of a stupid word!

Nature shows us that it is natural to be partial to your own kind. Remember ‘Birds of a feather flock together’? Blacks have more in common with other blacks than they do with whites and vice versa, that’s quite natural. There is a cultural difference.

That doesn’t mean that one looks down on the other or thinks they are better than the other, just that they have more in common.

When people go to public places it’s quite natural for them to ‘flock’ together barring something else in common. A black person may enter a public place and see a white person they know and go and sit with them but if not they would probably gravitate towards another black to sit with. Is that not normal, doesn’t that make sense? It’s a question of commonality, not racism!

But, there is an agenda underway to destroy this once great nation and one of the tactics in play is ‘divide an conquer’, add to that the fact that a lot of people make their living off of ‘race baiting’ and you get to where many are today, at each others throats.

Many in power in our government and powerful international figures are furiously working together to create racial and class warfare among Americans in order to tear this nation apart in order to create the ‘new world order’.

This is from CBSNEWS:

Philadelphia Eagles' Riley Cooper apologizes for racial slur

In this Sunday, July 28, 2013, photo, Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper pauses during the NFL football team's training camp in Philadelphia. Cooper has been fined by the team for making a racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert that was caught on video, leading him to say he's "ashamed and disgusted" with himself.

In this Sunday, July 28, 2013, photo, Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper pauses during the NFL football team's training camp in Philadelphia. Cooper has been fined by the team for making a racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert that was caught on video, leading him to say he's "ashamed and disgusted" with himself. / AP Photo/Michael Perez

PHILADELPHIA Saying he was "ashamed and disgusted" with himself, Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper apologized repeatedly for making a racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert that was caught on video and led to him getting fined.

The video of Cooper using the N-word surfaced Wednesday on the Internet. Cooper issued a statement of apology then met with reporters outside the team's practice facility.

"This is the lowest of lows," Cooper said. "This is not the type of person I want to be portrayed as. This isn't the type of person I am. I'm extremely sorry."

Cooper said he was drinking when he directed the slur at an African-American security guard at the concert in June.

"That's no excuse for what I said. I don't use that term," he said. "I was raised better than that. I have a great mom and dad and they're disgusted with my actions."

Cooper said he was fined a significant amount of money by the Eagles.

"We are shocked and appalled by Riley Cooper's words," Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie said. "This sort of behavior or attitude from anyone has no role in a civil society. He has accepted responsibility for his words and his actions. He has been fined for this incident."

The league released the following statement: "The NFL stands for diversity and inclusion. Comments like this are wrong, offensive, and unacceptable."

Will Brinson of wrote: "It's a full-blown disaster for Cooper, who cannot possibly justify his use of that language. I don't know anything about Cooper's personal beliefs but it's hard to imagine this would go over well in the context of a professional setting as intense and intimate as an NFL locker room."

A fifth-round pick out of Florida, Cooper is entering his fourth season in the NFL. He has 46 catches and five touchdowns in three years with the Eagles.

Cooper had tentatively moved into a starting role after Jeremy Maclin tore his right ACL in practice last Saturday. Still, he's not guaranteed a roster spot in Chip Kelly's new offense.

"I'm willing to accept all consequences," Cooper said. "I know no one in Philadelphia is happy with me right now. I accept that. I hope they see the true me and accept my apology. I know it will take a while."

Cooper apologized to teammates after talking to the media.

"As a team we understood because we all make mistakes in life and we all do and say things that maybe we do mean and maybe we don't mean," quarterback Michael Vick said. "But as a teammate I forgave him. We understand the magnitude of the situation. We understand a lot of people may be hurt and offended, but I know Riley Cooper. I know him as a man. I've been with him for the last three years and I know what type of person he is. That's what makes it easy, and at the same time, hard to understand. But easy to forgive him."

Vick also rebuked his brother, Marcus Vick, for profanity-laced tweets, including one offering a $1,000 bounty for any player who lays Cooper out in a game. Marcus Vick later deleted all the tweets.

"To address my brother's situation and what he's saying, I don't think it's really relevant," Vick said. "You can't allow yourself to be encumbered in what's going on. I don't agree with what my brother is saying. Riley is still my teammate and he just stood in front of us and apologized for what he said. Somewhere deep down you've got to find some level of respect for that. To people in the outside world who don't know how we're dealing with it, they're going to forge their own opinions, but my brother has to not show a certain level of ignorance himself."

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