
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I guess you don’t mess with The Company: Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director John Brennan

Q: How do you get car bombed?

A:  Investigate the Director of the CIA


Report: Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director John Brennan

Brennan named as being “behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists”

Paul Joseph Watson August 13, 2013

Journalist Michael Hastings was investigating CIA director John Brennan before his untimely death in a suspicious car accident it has been revealed, with the report set to be published posthumously by Rolling Stone Magazine within the next two weeks.


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According to San Diego 6 News reporter Kimberly Dvorak, “John Brennan was Hastings next exposé project.” Dvorak says she received an email from the CIA, “acknowledging Hastings was working on a CIA story,” although the text of that email was not displayed.

Dvorak also cites a Stratfor email hacked by Wikileaks and first published last year which names Brennan as being, “behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources.”

“There is specific tasker from the WH to go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda (oh my.) Even the FBI is shocked,” states the email.

Before being sworn in as CIA director in March this year, Brennan was a counterterrorism advisor for the Obama administration and helped compile the “kill lists” for the White House’s drone assassination program.

A separate email Dvorak received from CIA media spokesman Todd Ebitz states, “Any suggestion that Director Brennan has ever attempted to infringe on constitutionally-protected press freedoms is offensive and baseless.”

Was Hastings about to reveal that Brennan had been tasked with targeting independent reporters who were in the business of releasing sensitive information?

Dvorak claims that Hastings’ posthumous exposé of Brennan will be published by Rolling Stone Magazine within the next two weeks, although this has yet to be confirmed by the publication itself.

Infowars first reported that Hastings was likely investigating the CIA prior to his death following the comments of Hastings’ close friend Sgt. Joe Biggs, who revealed that the journalist was working on “the biggest story yet” about the CIA.

Hastings sent an email hours before his death stating he was “onto a big story” and needed “to go off the rada[r] for a bit.” A separate close friend of Hastings also told Infowars that the journalist’s home was visited by agents from an unnamed federal agency the day before his death.

Analysis of the recently released surveillance footage of Hastings’ vehicle in the moments before the crash, which was carried out by SDSU professor Morteza M. Mehrabadi, Professor and Interim Chair Areas of Specialization: Mechanics of Materials, also suggests that Hastings was not speeding before his Mercedes hit a tree.

The footage appears to confirm eyewitness reports that the car suffered an “explosion” before it hit the tree, suggesting some kind of incendiary device was planted on the vehicle.

By measuring the distance traveled by the car on the surveillance clip and the time that elapsed before the explosion, Professor Mehrabadi was able to calculate that the car was only traveling at a speed of 35 MPH, and not speeding as some reports claimed.

“The pre-explosion and slower speed could also explain the minimal damage to the palm tree and the facts the rear tires rested against the curb. It also provides an explanation for the location of the engine and drive train at more than 100 feet from the tree impact area,” writes Dvorak.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 12:29 pm

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