
Monday, August 19, 2013

First Lady, first radical racists, revolutionary, presidents wife to occupy the White House

If you didn’t see the magazine’s name you would certainly conclude it was a right wing, conservative, publication. Maybe the John Birch Society, or the NRA but no, this is the actual cover of the July 21, 2008 issue of THE NEW YORKER magazine.

It was meant to ridicule a lot of peoples suspicions about the unholy couple but it’s remarkable in it’s depiction and there is certainly some Freudian slippage going on here. It is really remarkable, it would be difficult to come up with a more accurate caricature of the two in their essence!

This article from is about Obama, Michelle Obama, and the outfit she’s wearing on THE NEW YORKER cover here is dead on with the information presented in the article below.


The Radical Racist Background of Obama & We’re Not Talking About Barack

I did some background checking into Michelle Obama and her links with socialists, communists and other high ranking radicals that wish nothing more than to destroy the United States as it is, and create a brand new United States! This may sound absurd and demeaning, but it is true. Some of the words spoken by Michelle Obama and her husband Barack Obama have come directly from a radical book titled Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky.

I’ll expose Alinsky’s background in future articles, but before we go too far, let us just start with Michelle Obama’s college days, since to find her high school history seems to be quite difficult.

Michelle Obama’s maiden name was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, and she was born on January 17, 1964. She married Barack Hussein Obama in 1992.

According to FrontPageMagazine reporter Jacob Laksin, “In a [February 2008] interview with Newsweek, [Michelle] Obama reveals that she got into Princeton … not on the strength of her grades, which she admits were unexceptional, but thanks to her brother Craig, a star athlete and gifted student who preceded her to the school. As a ‘legacy’ candidate and a beneficiary of affirmative action, Michelle Obama was granted an opportunity that others more accomplished were denied.”

The First lady got her college education due to her brother and her ethnicity, not her excellence in academics. So why is she such a radical racist woman? It must come from somewhere in her background. Perhaps her parents were the ones who led her to this road of turmoil about racial prejudice. Let us take a brief look to see just what she was doing at Princeton while she was there and what types of people she had as her close friends. Some of Michelle Obama’s contacts in College were of the Marxist/socialist types.

Princeton, 1984

Charles C. Johnson wrote on October 30, 2012, “Michelle Obama attends and promotes a ‘Black Solidarity’ event for guest lecturer Manning Marable, who was, according to Cornel West, probably ‘the best known black Marxist in the country.’ The event is the work of the Third World Center (TWC), a campus group whose board membership is exclusively reserved for minorities.”

A classmate of Michelle’s identified her to TheBlaze as the second person on the left. Article/photograph taken from The Daily Princetonian – Vol. CVIII, No. 107 November 6, 1984

A classmate of Michelle’s identified her to TheBlaze as the second person on the left. Article/photograph taken from The Daily Princetonian – Vol. CVIII, No. 107 November 6, 1984

Daily Princetonian article showing Michelle as a board member.

Daily Princetonian article showing Michelle as a board member.

With this documented article, we see that Michelle Obama, much like her husband is closely associated with the teachings of Marxism and had attended meetings with Marxist-type people. We must now wonder, why did the people elect a man with a wife that has such a marked background, mixed with Marxism and communism by association with such types of people?

Michelle Robinson’s racial animosity of Caucasian people is exposed through her articles and statements from the time she was at Princeton. One can see this in her ideas that the white population at Princeton were a bunch of “racist” individuals. Johnson quotes an article Michelle Robinson (Obama) wrote while at Princeton University, following an introduction to the quotation.

If ever there was an example of the TWC governing board’s obsession with race, an editorial from October 21, 1981 is it. The members took great offense to an op-ed titled “Rebuilding Race Relations,” calling the article “racist, offensive, and inaccurate” for daring to question the group’s true commitment and to present a thesis on race relations counter to its own.

“The word RE-building implies that race relations once existed and, for some mysterious reasons, fell apart … ,” the board wrote in a scathing letter to the editor. “We, on the other hand, believe that race relations have ​never​ been and still are not at a satisfactory level. We are not RE-building. We cannot RE-build something that never existed in the first place.”

An early copy of the TWC’s constitution. (The Princeton Archives)

An early copy of the TWC’s constitution. (The Princeton Archives)

Another copy of the constitution and the preamble. (The Princeton Archives) Another copy of the constitution and the preamble. (The Princeton Archives) [/caption


“Don’t hide behind excuses such as a lack of effort [to integrate with the Princeton campus] on our part,” the revealing letter added. “The bottom line is that white students on this campus are racist, but they may not realize it.” [Emphasis added]

Princeton itself, however, was concerned about the self-segregation by black students and proposed reforms to counter it, including no longer permitting black students to all room together in one dorm and integrating black freshmen into the general student body. The TWC strenuously opposed all of these reforms, arguing that integration of nonwhite students would harm the “support system” available to them, especially blacks. (Julie Newton, “TWC criticizes CURL plan: Minority strife would worsen,” The Daily Princetonian, October 21, 1981).”

The TWC is an organization of whose membership was exclusively reserved to Minorities only and the initials represent the words, “Third World Center”. Here we have to note that Michelle Robinson was an activist that had the intention to change the very ideology of the Princeton school she got into through the use of her brother! Here, she makes the statement, “The bottom line is that white students on this campus are racist, but they may not realize it” [Emphasis added]. This clearly shows an animosity towards white people while she was attending Princeton, and it also shows just what she thought of the college that allowed her to enter based upon her brother’s position and not her grades. Michelle Robinson was actually biting the hand that fed her!

Princeton took a look at the problems and came up with a plan that would integrate the different people and bring them into a more associative bonding. However, this was not strong enough for Michelle Robinson or the TWC since that would solve the problem that they shine a spotlight on, but it was not what they wanted and they countered that idea as shown below.

“Princeton itself, however, was concerned about the self-segregation by black students and proposed reforms to counter it, including no longer permitting black students to all room together in one dorm and integrating black freshmen into the general student body. The TWC strenuously opposed all of these reforms, arguing that integration of nonwhite students would harm the “support system” available to them, especially blacks. (Julie Newton, “TWC criticizes CURL plan: Minority strife would worsen,” The Daily Princetonian, October 21, 1981).”

Michelle Robinson was part of the group, but not a full board member at that time, but when she did become a board member she found yet another racially-charged way to make a statement. Michelle Obama was an individual that found fault with anything that dealt with ethnicity. Johnson documents her actions and statements in 1983 as follows:

“While Michelle was not a part of the board in 1981, as a board member of the Third World Center starting on April 7, 1983 she joined in a different racially-charged statement reproaching the college for not doing enough to hire “Latino administrators.” In a letter a few weeks later, the TWC attacked Princeton’s administration for not replacing Hector Delgado, a minority dean of students.

“This search needs to produce another experienced individual who is of minority background, preferably Latino, and who will be responsive to the concerns of Third World Center as well as the student body at large,” the TWC’s governing board wrote.

Others on campus took notice of the group’s calls and expressed concern.

For example, Fred Foote — the editor of Prospect magazine, a conservative monthly publication — criticized the TWC and Delgado for their obsessive focus on race.

“[Delgado's] penchant for drawing campus issues along racial lines—a penchant shared by the TWC and The Daily Princetonian—is the chief cause of racial strife on campus,” he wrote.”

Now this seems to show without a doubt that others on campus were looking at this action by the TWC of which Michelle Robinson,(Obama), was a part of. It seems to show that had she and the others just allowed actions to drift by, the so-called problems would have been much less in the front of the students than their curriculum was. Now one has to wonder why take such actions if the college was getting along just fine before?

Michelle Robinson (Obama) did more than make meetings and express her seemingly hate for whites, she went on with the TWC and made demands for minority only meetings. She would have been up in arms to stop such meetings if they were to the exclusion of minorities. Yet it was fine, and even better, when she stood alongside a segregation policy that banned whites from any meetings held by the TWC! This is well noted in statements below.

“In November 1984, TWC’s board demanded that nonwhite students should have the right to bar whites from their meetings on campus. They also demanded minorities-only meetings with the deans. (John Hurley, “Black students, university debate closed meeting policy,” The Daily Princetonian, November 29, 1984). The ban was frankly unnecessary, since whites were made to feel unwelcome at the meetings if they were invited at all, but the TWC continued to press for it, arguing, too, that blacks ought to be able to bar whites from attending events aimed at discussion of “sensitive” racial issues.

“The administration, by denying us these [blacks-only] meetings, is saying that we don’t have specific needs that have to be addressed this way,” David Jackson, ’87, a fellow TWC member, told the Daily Princetonian after the university officials finally rejected its proposal to hold racially limited meetings.

But despite the radical and racialist character of the TWC, Michelle Robinson was an active participant and may have been attracted by that very radicalism.

“The Third World Center was our life,” Angela Acree, her best friend at Princeton, told The Boston Globe in June 2008. “We hung out there, we partied there, we studied there [in Liberation Hall].”

“Not a day went by that I did not see Michelle at the Center,” Czerni Brasuelle, TWC’s director at the time, told the Daily Princetonian in its November 5, 2008 issue.”

This would seem to indicate that Michelle Robinson (Obama) did not like the idea of all ethnicities working together, and would rather have them separate from each other. However, this is not what our nation had been working towards. It had been working towards having ethnic groups working together and not apart. This was so we all could be together as one nation, as Americans. Michelle Robinson in 1983-84 did not like that idea and helped call for separate and different meetings just for minorities. No whites could be there at all. Yet it was Michelle Robinson (Obama) that had stated that race relations at Princeton were deficient. However, it seems that she was part of the problem. She sat on the board of TWC to force Princeton to have separate meetings for minorities without any whites allowed! This does not bring ethnicities together nor does it resolve problems. It would make them worse due to the distancing of the minorities from the white population and causing the white population to wonder what the monitories are planning. However, this was just the beginning for Michelle Robinson.

This is the first of a 2 part article on Michelle Robinson Obama. The next article will show her use of Saul Alinsky’s works, a man she admired along with her husband Barack Obama.

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