
Friday, January 25, 2013


I don’t think so, ‘The’ Sheriff Joe may be riding in but not to get the guns but to arrest the illegal alien president for using forged documents and someone else's SSAN.

Biden heading to Virginia to push gun control

By NEDRA PICKLER Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden is taking the White House's campaign for gun control on the road to Virginia.

Biden plans a roundtable discussion Friday in Richmond with experts who worked on gun safety following the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech.

President Barack Obama wants Congress to require background checks for all gun sales and ban both military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The president concedes passage will be difficult, but he also will travel to push the plan. His destinations have yet to be announced.

Virginia has an avidly pro-gun tradition, but lawmakers have been debating a bill to require that private sellers conduct criminal background checks on buyers at gun shows. The current law only requires dealers to conduct the checks.

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