
Friday, March 11, 2011

CZAR ALERT: Obama could create a brand new position for the anti-gun, Andrew Traver– ATF CZAR!

Obama To Create Gun Czar?

ALERT: Frustrated by some glitches in Andrew Traver's nomination, Obama could create a brand new position for Traver – ATF CZAR!

Select Here - Help SAF Stop Andrew Traver & Defend Your Gun Rights!

Gun rights advocates have thrown a wrench in Obama's plans for Traver. They are making their voices heard and are helping to delay Traver's appointment.

There's just one problem – Obama won't take NO for an answer! If he can't get one of his buddies nominated, Obama simply bypasses the Senate. You can be sure he'll try and find a sneaky way to not play by the rules and shove Traver into a leadership position at the ATF.

Traver: The New Gun-Grabbing Czar?

Everyone knows Obama loves Czars, maybe even more than he loves his teleprompter. He has 32 of them – from a Healthcare Czar to a California Water Czar. And if Obama has his way, we could have a GUN CZAR! Obama can make a new position for Traver at the ATF, such as an Interim Director. If he does, Obama will bypass the nomination process and the Senate confirmation process. And we'll be stuck with an anti-gun Czar in charge of the ATF! We must stop Obama from giving Andrew Traver any position in the ATF!

Select Here - Help SAF Stop Andrew Traver & Defend Your Gun Rights!

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