
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And they say the Tea Party’s the problem

Now, let’s see if I’ve got this straight

Lying, big-spending Republicans lost control of Congress and the White House in 2006 and 2008 to the nutty, big-spending Democrats, who took the deficit-spending ball and ran with it, and now we have trillion-dollar plus deficits projected out for the next 10 years (which, in Washington parlance, is “as far as the eye can see”).

(Anyone with a mortgage can see further than 10 years, but not Washington.)

The nutty, big-spending Democrats point their bony, money-grubbing fingers at the lying, big-spending Republicans, and the best arguments they can come up with to defend their grandchild-crippling profligacy are (1) the Republicans are just as bad as we are, so naa, naa, naa, and (2), we had to spend $800 billion on stimulus to keep unemployment under 8 percent. (Oops.)

Voters are left to decide which is the less evil of the two evil, lesser parties. (I say the lying Republicans, because at least they see a problem in spending our kids into oblivion, and have gone to the trouble of lying about what they would do about it. Many nutty, don’t-worry, be-happy Democrats still believe the real problem is that we’re just not spending enough.)

But, despite all this, what does the mainstream media believe the real problem is?

Those crazy Tea Party people, that’s what, and their crazy notions about spending less, maybe even spending less than we have to spend. (Ha, ha, ha. Can you imagine such a thing? I mean, they’re so DUMB!)

Crazy, huh? Hair-on-fire nuts. What are they smokin’, Dude? And you want these Tea Party people IN CONTROL? Spending less? Surely you jest.

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