
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Robert Rubin and the Band of Bilderberg Ponzi Schemers: Would a crook turn over a crook?

In 2008, Clinton slipped into the now infamous Bilderberg conference in Washington, accompanied by Barak Hussein Obama, the next President of the United States

July 21, 2010

In October of  2005, in one of many speeches, Robert Rubin addressed a group of students at Princeton University. When he was done, a round of applause was offered from the audience. After all, Rubin had taken time out from his busy schedule to address concerns of the future  bright young hope of the United States – the students –  the next generation that would take the reins moving forward.

He told the students of Princeton that day, that there might be a chance that the economy was going to take a nosedive. Like pulling out a fry pan and a couple of eggs, it would be easy to predict that the eggs will be cooked, especially since you intend to cook them. We should give the intelligent youth in the lecture hall that day some credit – they probably knew it wasn’t eggs on the fry pan, it was more like a few gooses – as in, our goose is cooked!

Some of the excited group at Princeton probably didn’t know Robert Rubin was working with the power elite of the world. Their educations, and more, their dreams would become futile in a world where freedoms were being stripped, educations would be slated to become mere tools for slavery, heck, one’s very existence would be in question. The group responsible for the world’s change to bondage – The Bilderberg Group.

Rubin, as former Secretary of Treasury, worked his post in the mid to late ’90 ‘s under Bill Clinton (wait for it – a fellow  Bilderberger). Clinton’s wife Hillary, we all know today as a regular Bilderberg contributor. Don’t be alarmed if she was missing from this year’s list of delegates . It means little.

In 2008, Clinton slipped into the now infamous Bilderberg conference in Washington, accompanied by the next President of the United States. Little chance she was on the official, secret list then either,so don’t be confused – her loyalty was not in question.

Breaking a few rules to get things done, I’m sure could easily be argued by the Bilderbergers, when important decisions need to be made. On  that evening in 2008,  the group of the most powerful in the world would decide whether Clinton would step aside leaving Obama to assume the American Presidency. Reporters to this day are no doubt still scratching their heads in wonder why Obama never got on the flight to Chicago that evening. That’s easy – the press weren’t invited to witness real news.

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