
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The cap…could make the sea bed unstable and cause the well to collapse

Is experimental well cap making disaster worse?


BP to continue test, seepage unrelated to well Reuters – The new containment capping stack is pictured in this image captured from a BP live video feed from the …

By COLLEEN LONG and MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press Writers Colleen Long And Matthew Daly, Associated Press Writers 2 hrs 57 mins ago

NEW ORLEANS – Scientists huddled Tuesday to analyze data from the ocean floor as they weigh whether a leaking well cap is a sign BP's broken oil well is buckling.

Oil and gas started seeping into the Gulf of Mexico again Sunday night, but this time more slowly, and scientists aren't sure whether the leaks mean the cap that stopped the flow last week is making things worse.

The government's point man on the disaster, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, will decide again later Tuesday whether to continue the test of the experimental cap — meaning the oil would stay blocked in.

He said Monday the amount of oil leaking was so far inconsequential. But ever since the flow of oil was closed off Thursday, engineers have been glued to underwater cameras and pressure and seismic readings, trying to determine whether the cap is displacing pressure and causing leaks underground, which could make the sea bed unstable and cause the well to collapse.

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