
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Man Selling Spots In Hidden Bunker As Last Hope

Getting by in Obama’s world

(Near) BARSTOW, Calif. (CBS) ―

Where would you go in the event of a catastrophe? For $50,000, one man says he will guarantee your family's security in the event of a nuclear blast, tsunami, earthquake or other disaster.

"That whole upper structure can be blown away, debris could fall in here -- doesn't matter, [it] won't get inside," says Robert Vicino, a San Diego inventor and real estate entrepreneur.

Vicino's master plan is to build a self-contained shelter to be a safe haven in the case of a catastrophe.

"Would you want to survive or would you want to sit on the porch with chardonnay or Jack Daniels and watch the show?" Vicino asked.

Vicino is the man behind Vivos and his vision is a nationwide network of underground shelters for survival.

"There will be double layers and razor wire. This will be an impenetrable compound when we're done," Vicino said while giving me a tour of the site at an undisclosed location in the middle of the desert, halfway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Vicino plans to offer a solution that he calls the ultimate life insurance policy. He says his complex will sustain life in the event of an Armageddon-like disaster, such as a nuclear blast, natural disaster, chemical and biological attacks, or even the predicted end of the world according to the Mayans -- 2012. It is a scenario that has often been played out on the big screen and chronicled in newsmagazines.

"It's kind of like this. You buy an extinguisher for your office or your home, hoping to never have to use it. But you get it well in advance of a fire," Vicino explained.

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