
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Pagan Jewish Lag B'Omer and How Rabbi Akiva's False Messiah Split Christian Jews from the synagogues


People up and down the country of Israel will light bonfires to celebrate “Lag B’Omer” – the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. The air will sizzle with sparks and families will gather around a fire with friends, while religious Orthodox Jewish people will flock to a place called Meron for the celebration to be by the graves of famous rabbis – some believe by stretching out on their graves they can somehow absorb some of the rabbi’s spirit.

This is not a Biblical holiday. In fact it is quite the opposite.


The counting of days between Passover and Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks) is supposed to be a time of eager anticipation. Here is the original intention of the time of counting the Omer in the Bible:

You shall count for yourselves – from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving – seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days. (Leviticus 23:15-16)

You shall count for yourselves seven weeks, from when the sickle is first put to the standing crop shall you begin counting seven weeks. Then you will observe the Festival of Shavu’ot for the LORD, your God. (Deuteronomy 16:9-10)

An “omer” of grain was brought each day, a blessing was given, and the days counted down to Pentecost or Shavuot. This is where the expression “counting the omer” comes from. The word Pentecost comes from the number 50, because they had to count 50 days from the Passover festival to the feast of Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks. God’s desire was to help his people connect the two feasts in their minds and to count down to the Feast of Weeks; the time of celebrating first fruits. As we know now, Passover foreshadowed the redeeming work of Yeshua at Calvary, and Pentecost foreshadowed the phenomenal pouring out of the Holy Spirit.

But Lag B’Omer interrupts this countdown to focus on other things entirely.


During this time of counting the days between Passover and Pentecost some events transpired in Jewish history back in the late first century and early second century after Yeshua which gave rise to this tradition… but it flies in the face of God’s intentions for his people.

The “Lag” is better represented as just two letters – L and G. Together they mean the number 33 because L means 30 and G stands for 3. It’s the 33rd day of the time when God commands 50 days to be counted from Passover to Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks.

Up until the 33rd day of the 50 day Omer countdown, rabbinic Jewish tradition imposes a time of mourning, forbidding feasting, weddings, and celebrations… and haircuts as well. But the scissors come out on the 33rd day of the Omer, the ‘LG’ of the Omer, which is a time for celebration. There are different reasons for celebrating according to different traditions, but the two main stories are as follows:


After Passover one year in the early second century, Rabbi Akiva’s disciples were struck by a plague and 24,000 of them died. However, on the 33rd day of the Omer, the plague was apparently brought to a miraculous halt. This is one of the reasons for the celebrations. It should be noted that Rabbi Akiva had hailed Simon Bar Kochbar as the Messiah. Akiva’s disciples and all patriotic Israelites were expected to rally behind Bar Kochbar’s plans to liberate the Israel from the Roman oppression, and support him as the promised Messiah. This obviously created problems for the disciples of Yeshua, who could not support this false Messiah claim. Their refusal was seen as betrayal of the Jewish people and cut a deep ravine between those who followed Yeshua and the Jewish majority who followed the other rabbis in the other direction. Today the bonfires are often seen as marking a time of heroism and nationalistic pride, but it’s pride in human rebellion, not in God’s victorious provision. As HaAretz Israeli news site says dryly, “Here are the results: About 580,000 Jews were killed, 950 communities were destroyed. We embarked on a 2,000-year exile.”1 Not really a cause for celebration.

Sadly, because nobody wants to suggest that Rabbi Akiva’s words are fallible, and that he made a big mistake in naming Bar Kochbar the messiah, many Jewish people would say that Bar Kochbar was ‘a’ messiah, but that he was unable to reach his full potential. It has twisted people’s ideas of who the promised Messiah should be, and driven a wedge between “patriotic” Jews who followed this false messiah, and wrongly labelled those who followed the true Messiah as ‘traitors’.


The other story is that of Rabbi Shimeon Bar Yochai who, it is said, passed on the deep secrets of Kabalah on the day that he died, in the form of the Zohar – the source texts of Jewish mysticism. He didn’t want his death to be a sad day, but wanted people to rejoice and celebrate with light. To this day, thousands of Orthodox devotees go to worship at his grave for Lag B’Omer, to remember this Rabbi and celebrate the giving of the Zohar. Worshiping by graves, it should be added, is very much contrary to what Yeshua stood for, and is an abomination to God (Isaiah 65:4). The Zohar itself contains dark mysticism, tinged with the occult.

Neither of these two events are causes for celebration for those who love Yeshua. They are false hopes full of deceit that are leading Jewish people astray. Human warriors cannot redeem, and occultic mysticism is dangerous fire to play with.

This passage in Jeremiah 9:1-3 breaks my heart as I see God’s sorrow for the deceit and lies that his people are living in:

Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!… Falsehood and not truth has grown strong in the land; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me, declares the Lord.

Please pray earnestly for the people of Israel to see through empty lies and false promises, and to hunger and thirst after the real God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his TRUE Messiah. We worship a God who is not the God of the dead but of the LIVING! Please pray in these days leading up to Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks, that God would pour out his Spirit of truth and revelation on this land and on his people.

1. Yossi Sarid, Bar Kokhba’s Legacy of Lies, May 11, 2012 

ONE FOR ISRAEL is an initiative of native-born Israelis on the forefront of high-tech media evangelism, proclaiming salvation to Israel, raising up spiritual leaders through ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College and equipping them with the tools they need to transform our communities.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Marxism Relied on the New 'Scientism''; The Story of Cannibal Island

Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism are different names for the same devil's 'fools gold'! 


The Results of 'Trauma-Based Mind Contro'l: Fight Breaks Out At Ace Hardware, Allegedly Over Masks

The media was flooded with a multitude of horrifying videos from China at the outset of the 'novel' corona virus. What happened to China's vaunted 'internet firewall'? How did all those videos get through the firewall? Was it turned off?

Those videos were meant to scare the living daylights out of the whole world! And they surely did. I thought something as bad as the Ebola virus had burst on the scene threatening all of mankind! As time went by I began to suspect that we had been gaslighted; subjected to trauma-based mind control.

That explains the totally irrational behavior of these vigilante mask and social distance enforcers. If mask work, why are these masked people so scared of unmasked people--after all, they themselves are masked. Why do they feel threatened by a mask less person? 

What else could explain the fact that the whole world submitted to the financial suicide of  the draconian lockdown rules? What else explains how the whole world accepted the shutdown of small businesses and mom and pop stores while big box super rich oligarchs were allowed to remain open?

These are just a sampling of the idiocy still going on while the 'super deadly virus' has been shown to be barely more dangerous that seasonal flu--over 99% survivability rate!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Judge Dismisses Nurses "Vaccine Rights" Case

This just goes to show the fallacy of the supremacy of judges in matters of law. The Supreme Court has assumed the mantle of 'the end of discussion' in matters brought before it. That is not constitutional! There are three co-equal branches not a Supreme Court that is first among equals!

Flat Earth Banned BBC Documentary & Secret Expeditions Part 3

Flat Earth Banned BBC Documentary & Secret Expeditions part 3 - YouTube: Is there a climactic cosmic deception being prepared that, if it were possible, “it would deceive the very elect”? Jesus commanded us, “Be not deceived.” But...

Flat Earth Banned BBC Documentary & Secret Expeditions Part 2

Flat Earth Banned BBC Documentary & Secret Expeditions part 2 - YouTube: Is there a climactic cosmic deception being prepared that, if it were possible, “it would deceive the very elect”? Jesus commanded us, “Be not deceived.” But...

Flat Earth - Secret Expeditions & Banned BBC Documentary Part 1

Flat Earth - Secret Expeditions & Banned BBC Documentary Part 1 - YouTube: Is there a climactic cosmic deception being prepared that, if it were possible, “it would deceive the very elect”? Jesus commanded us, “Be not deceived.” But...

Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests – Summit News

Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests – Summit News CORONAVIRUSForced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests Would have given authorities power to have police restrain and inject refusniks. Published 6 months ago on 16 November, 2020Paul Joseph WatsonNILS MEILVANG via Getty Images24 Comments A law in Denmark that would have given authorities the power to forcibly inject people with a coronavirus vaccine has been abandoned after nine days of public protests. The ‘epidemic law’ would have handed the Danish government the power to enact mandatory quarantine measures against anyone infected with a dangerous disease, but it was the part about vaccinations that caused the biggest uproar. “The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease,” reports the Local. “People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.” However, after nine straight days of protests against the new law, it has now been scrapped. DENMARK: 9 days of protests over a new law that "would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated. People who refuse the above can be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist." — Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) November 14, 2020 With a coronavirus vaccine within sight, governments across the world are mulling over what punitive measures to bring against those who refuse to take it. Last week we highlighted how both Ticketmaster and airline companies are considering barring people from entering venues and flying if they cannot prove they have taken the vaccine. So while public protests may be able to prevent authorities carrying out forced vaccinations, people who refuse to take the shot may find it virtually impossible to enjoy any kind of social life, use public transport, or even find employment. SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: ——————————————————————————————————————— ALERT! null New limited edition merch now available! Click here. In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. I need you to sign up for my free newsletter here. Also, I urgently need your financial support here.

How's that 'Defund the Police' thing working out? Check out the stats!

Why the increase in murders and who is doing the killing? And why are municipalities not pursuing crimes? Merchants fleeing San Francisco since they announced they would no longer prosecute shoplifters!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Yes, it's a difficult read, much like the King James Bible, because of the archaic language but it's even more difficult that the KJV. So, I added some notes and highlighted some text with italics.

When 'The Protocols' were released the Jews immediately attacked it as an anti-Semitic smear not for it's veracity. How could they?  It's just as true in today's world as it was in Henry Ford's days!

"The Protocols: Ruled a Forgery but it was actually a plagiarization". The German edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was declared a forgery by a court in Bern, Switzerland on May 31, 1935. Whether it was written by Russians (who camouflaged it as Jewish) and is a Russian plot or by Jews and is a Jewish plot the plot has been unfolding for over a century in startling detail. Nostradamus would be green with envy!

The plagurization charge is that much of the language was taken from Niccolò Machiavelli, who is much speculated to have been a crypto-Jew. No surprise here as the thought about rulers are very similar. The charge is a 'red herring'. More here

More here




My notes are in bold type:

Hitler was a Boy Scout compared to them! Some say he was one of them, playing his part!


1.Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.        

2. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non-Jews]

3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorisation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare.

The modern State of Israel was born of terrorism (‘Irgun’ and ‘Haganah’ King David Hotel bombing). Do you know now who's behind the 'war on terror'? Keep reading, you will know!

4. What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?

5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.

Might makes right!

6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.

Liberalism is fools gold by which they will destroy the nations.


How did the Jews become the ‘money masters’ of the world? The Christian nations  actually tried to follow the Bible’s teachings. One of those teachings was against usury aka interest. The kings of the Christians would employ a ‘court Jew’ to handle the realms finances because the Jew had no such compunction about usury. They would loan the king’s money on interest!

7. In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the power of Gold. Time was when Faith ruled. The idea of freedom is impossible of realization because no one knows how to use it with moderation. It is enough to hand over a people to self-government for a certain length of time for that people to be turned into a disorganized mob. From that moment on we get internecine strife which soon develops into battles between classes, in the midst of which States burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.

The Rothschild's Luciferian bankster cartel—but it started way before the Rothschilds

8. Whether a State exhausts itself in its own convulsions, whether its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes - in any case it can be accounted irretrievably lost: IT IS IN OUR POWER. The despotism of Capital, which is entirely in our hands, reaches out to it a straw that the State, willy-nilly, must take hold of: if not - it goes to the bottom.

Rothschild, I care not who makes the laws  Soros bragged about collapsing nations economies.              

9. Should anyone of a liberal mind say that such reflections as the above are immoral, I would put the following questions: If every State has two foes and if in regard to the external foe it is allowed and not considered immoral to use every manner and art of conflict, as for example to keep the enemy in ignorance of plans of attack and defense, to attack him by night or in superior numbers, then in what way can the same means in regard to a worse foe, the destroyer of the structure of society and the commonweal, be called immoral and not permissible?

They rationalize about the rightness of their actions thereby proving that down deep inside they know they are wrong.

10. Is it possible for any sound logical mind to hope with any success to guide crowds by the aid of reasonable counsels and arguments, when any objection or contradiction, senseless though it may be, can be made and when such objection may find more favor with the people, whose powers of reasoning are superficial? Men in masses and the men of the masses, being guided solely by petty passions, paltry beliefs, traditions and sentimental theorems, fall a prey to party dissension, which hinders any kind of agreement even on the basis of a perfectly reasonable argument. Every resolution of a crowd depends upon a chance or packed majority, which, in its ignorance of political secrets, puts forth some ridiculous resolution that lays in the administration a seed of anarchy.

They claim for themselves some superior occult knowledge.

11. The political has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and is therefore unstable on his throne. He who wishes to rule must have recourse both to cunning and to make-believe. Great national qualities, like frankness and honesty, are vices in politics, for they bring down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly than the most powerful enemy. Such qualities must be the attributes of the kingdoms of the GOYIM, but we must in no wise be guided by them.

They claim the right to lie as rulers, in fact, they scoff at the idea of honesty. Also, make note of the phrase ‘make-believe’; it is a chief stratagem for them.


12. Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.

13. Where does right begin? Where does it end?

14. In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.

15. Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.

Professor Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton’s mentor) authored the book ‘Tragedy and Hope’ which was the first open publication allowed to be circulated about the shadowy elite’s plans for a one world government;  Rockefeller thanks media for not reporting on the group’s plotting for world governance; Rockefeller pleads guilty to the charge of working towards a one world government;  GHW Bush was the first world leader to talk openly about forming a ‘new world order’!

16. Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit will emerge the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the regular course of the machinery of the national life, brought to naught by liberalism. The result justifies the means. Let us, however, in our plans, direct our attention not so much to what is good and moral as to what is necessary and useful.

The end justifies the means

17. Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labor of many centuries brought to naught.

The Illuminati was born on May 1, 1776, the plan is at least that old and probably older. It's probably as old as the Garden of Eden or as Nimrod's Tower, or as Solomon’s Temple.

18. In order to elaborate satisfactory forms of action it is necessary to have regard to the rascality, the slackness, the instability of the mob, its lack of capacity to understand and respect the conditions of its own life, or its own welfare. It must be understood that the might of a mob is blind, senseless and un-reasoning force ever at the mercy of a suggestion from any side. The blind cannot lead the blind without bringing them into the abyss; consequently, members of the mob, upstarts from the people even though they should be as a genius for wisdom, yet having no understanding of the political, cannot come forward as leaders of the mob without bringing the whole nation to ruin.

Democracy too is fool’s gold! A democratic republic is better but alas, we are seeing its demise right before our eyes!

The American democratic republic is the exception in that she was born under the Rule of Christ; as long as America followed Christ she would avoid the abyss. America was good because her people followed Christ. They (learned elders of Zion) have to a large extent led the nation away from Christ and because of that is in extreme danger today. A democracy can only prosper when it's people are good.

19. Only one trained from childhood for independent rule can have understanding of the words that can be made up of the political alphabet.

Politics is an art and it is a hidden one; only open to those chosen. They are unmatched in their zeal, one could say supernaturally. This is how a population so few can affect the world in such enormity.

20. A people left to itself, i.e., to upstarts from its midst, brings itself to ruin by party dissensions excited by the pursuit of power and honors and the disorders arising therefrom. Is it possible for the masses of the people calmly and without petty jealousies to form judgment, to deal with the affairs of the country, which cannot be mixed up with personal interest? Can they defend themselves from an external foe? It is unthinkable; for a plan broken up into as many parts as there are heads in the mob, loses all homogeneity, and thereby becomes unintelligible and impossible of execution.



21. It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is inevitable that a satisfactory form of government for any country is one that concentrates in the hands of one responsible person. Without an absolute despotism there can be no existence for civilization which is carried on not by the masses but by their guide, whosoever that person may be. The mob is savage, and displays its savagery at every opportunity. The moment the mob seizes freedom in its hands it quickly turns to anarchy, which in itself is the highest degree of savagery.

Tyranny, dictatorship, absolute power, this is how they plan to rule the world. They bait the world into accepting it with the false promise of ‘Liberty, Equality,  Fraternity’ This was the Freemasonic catch phrase for the French Revolution!

22. Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. It is not for us and ours to walk that road. The peoples of the GOYIM are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been inducted by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the GOYIM. In the number of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies," voluntary followers of the others in corruption and luxury.

They will infiltrate and corrupt the nations.

23. Our countersign is - Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.

Force and Make-believe, might and deception is their M O, the end justifies the means.

24. Our State, marching along the path of peaceful conquest, has the right to replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission. Just but merciless severity is the greatest factor of strength in the State: not only for the sake of gain but also in the name of duty, for the sake of victory, we must keep to the programme of violence and make-believe. The doctrine of squaring accounts is precisely as strong as the means of which it makes use. Therefore it is not so much by the means themselves as by the doctrine of severity that we shall triumph and bring all governments into subjection to our super-government. It is enough for them to know that we are too merciless for all disobedience to cease.

Terror is one of their tools, i. e., terrorism! The modern State of Israel was born of terrorism, e. g., Irgun and the King David Hotel!  So, who came up with the ‘war on terror’? There will be no mercy, submit or die!


25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political - to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.

They planned to destroy the Christian West by destroying the Church. Their plan was exposed by the Freemasonic ‘Alta Vendita’. Don’t be confused because Judaism is Masonry and Masonry is Judaism (‘The Jewish Chronicle’ Dec 20, 1867)! The king was the Defender of the Faith so they plotted the overthrow of all kings. The French revolution was by their hands, this was written in circa 1900. At this very time they were plotting the overthrow of Tsarists Russia. Look at the leaders of the communist’s revolution, Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, all Jewish Zionists. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," was the bait, the Make-Believe they used to get the mob to revolt!

26. In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOY States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.

The 'blind agents' are the revolutionaries that took the 'bait' of liberalism, i. e. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". These are the useful idiots and their reward will be the guillotine when the King of Israel is installed as ruler of the world. There will be no revolutionaries allowed in the new world order.

27. Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men, whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities

Bribes, extortion, honey pots, secret society initiation rituals and extreme oaths are some of their tools!

28. The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove.

Look at how the office of president of the United States of America has been scandalized and ridiculed over the decades. Nixon the crook, Carter the buffoon, Clinton the immoral criminal, Obama the illegitimate, homosexual Nigerian Muslim illegal alien, Trump; trash mouth womanizer, hated by all but his supporters, and OBiden; the senile communist, slave to China, child sniffer, rapists, etc..

The further away from the teachings of Jesus the nations strayed, or were led, the easier it was to deceive and ensnare them. Freedom is pretty well understood in the framework of Christianity but the less influence the Bible has on the nation, the easier it is to confuse the people with dubious claims of freedom. Take the concept of justice, it's simply seeking that which is right. Justice is all encompassing, there is no social justice, no racial justice, no economic justice, etc.,  there is just justice. They misused these concepts to cause divisions within the nations, women’s rights, minority rights, animal rights, environmental rights, and on and on. The last Church the Apostle John wrote to in the Book of Revelation was Laodicea which could be translated rights of the people. Many believe the letters were written in chronological sequence as ages of the Church. If so, this would certainly fit with the age of people's rights.

29. It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed at our disposal, and, as it were, given us the power of appointment.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The planned 'One World Government' aka 'New World Order' aka 'Great Reset' is here!


They've got the world where they want us. They created global chaos through strife between race, gender, class, etc., even by tactics like labels; truthers, anti-Semites, racists, anti vaxxers, climate deniers, etc! 
Note the part about 'by inoculation of diseases': 'novel coronavirus'!
Note the part about troubling all countries to 'take refuge in their complete sovereignty in money'. Part of the objective of the 'plandemic was to create a global economic collapse!

The WHO is offering world leaders the promise of ending pandemics if they are given authority and funding.

The WEF is offering world leaders the promise of ending financial woes if they are given authority and funding.

The UN will, if they haven't already done the same with 'climate change'.

We are on the precipice!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Update: Police continue to hunt down Pastor while threatening his church...

The spirit of antichrist is rampaging especially in Canada! Two pastors have been arrested, two more are on notice; at one church authorities came in the dead of night and put up THREE fences around it and the property, and are garrisoned there. It's later than we thought!!! This is setting the stage for the martyrdom of Christians the Apostle John prophesied about in the Book of Revelation! Things are almost as bad in New Zealand and Australia as reported by Rebel News and Sky News. It's probably as bad in other places but they don't have a Rebel News like media to reveal it.

Friday, June 11, 2021

President Trump Converts to Judaism?

President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism | by Moshe Schulman | Medium

Moshe Schulman

Trump’s decision comes after days of consulting with his D.C. area rabbi — Rabbi Gary Busey.


President Trump announced that he will follow in his beautiful daughter’s footsteps and convert to Orthodox Judaism. This is an unprecedented move for a President, but he is convinced this will help ease any harsh and negative feelings toward him since the Charlottesville attack and his plethora of blunders when it comes to race relations and anti-Semitism. Timed perfectly for Hanukkah and the holiday season, Trump’s decision comes after days of consulting with his D.C. area rabbi — Rabbi Gary Busey.

President Trump is committed to only eating kosher food even though it means giving up his late-night fast food treats like McDonald’s and taco bowl from the Trump Grill. But he is very much looking forward to gefilte fish and traditional potato stew, chulent. It is unclear whether Melania and Baron will convert as well, but President Trump is encouraging them to join him. Even if that means Melania will have to wear long skirts and wigs.

“I love the Jewish people,” Trump said in a statement. “Last year I enjoyed a great Hanukah with the latkes and the dreidels at my amazing Mar-a-Lago, and I figured why not wear a yarmulke and just convert. I intend on making religion great again, too. Believe me.”

Trump plans on rewriting the Ten Commandments citing that they are ancient rules and they need to be upgraded to fit the world he lives in. Regarding the Sabbath, he usually rests anyway on Saturday so adjusting his lifestyle won’t be an issue. Trump doesn’t plan on wearing a yarmulke. He believes the way he conducts himself daily is God fearing enough; however, he will wear a yarmulke when in a synagogue as is the custom. “I have respect for traditions and customs for all people,” Trump said. “Except for the illegals.” Trump also plans on rebuilding the Western Wall, coating it in signature Trump gold, and renaming it the Trump Wall. No notes will be allowed in its crevices. Too messy.

To commemorate this historic conversion, Trump, his family, and some cabinet members will visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. to honor the Jewish people that came before him and to criticize how he could have made a better museum. Hope Hicks will be asked to stay behind. Too goyish.

President Trump wants to make a few things clear regarding his conversion:

1) this doesn’t mean he will disavow David Duke.

2) he will still support Steve Bannon and Breitbart.

3) He will definitely not be getting a bris at the age of 71.

To expand his Jewish knowledge, Trump plans to immediately watch Fiddler on the Roof. “I’ve heard great great things,” he said. He will also watch a marathon of Curb Your Enthusiasm, even if it means missing a few daily intelligence briefings. Trump’s transition team has reached out to Hulu and HBO to set up a presidential account. He has also requested his staff to fill the White House with Roman Vishniac photographs.

Going forward Trump will use the following hashtags to remind you of his conversion:




For all press related questions, please contact Rabbi Gary Busey.

David Goldberg, 59, left, was murdered June 8 after revealing that a White House insider had provided him with memos that revealed: 1) Trump had converted to Judaism two years ago and was planning an attack on Iran this autumn in order to fulfill Jewish prophecy.  2)Trump believes his son-in-law Jared Kushner is destined to be the Messiah (i.e. the antichrist) 

Insider: Is Trump Family Cult Behind Coming Armageddon?  (April 12, 2018) Here, Michael Berg  said Trump is the instrument of a fanatical Cabalist cult, the Chabad, which
believes the goyim must be destroyed in the Third World War in order for the "Messiah" to return
and assume leadership over a Masonic Jewish-dominated world. 

(excerpts by

President Donald Trump converted to Judaism two years ago, and joined the Chabad Lubavitch synagogue in New York City, according to a high-level White House official.

According to the source, Trump was "pushed" by his daughter Ivanka and his son in law, Jared Kushner, to join the faith. At first, Trump resisted, stating it could threaten his base of Evangelical Christian voters. However, he had a change of heart and officially converted in early 2017. The ceremony was held in private and closely guarded for nearly two years.

It appears the White House is prepared to slowly release this information, and by Summer, it is expected Trump will fully address his new faith in an evening televised news conference.

President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an extensive invasion of Iran, according to a source working in the White House.

The plan involves a ground invasion and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in a campaign planned for the Fall of 2019. Iran will be "wiped off the map" according to the source, and the war effort is expected to cost "two and half times the Iraq War."

The war will be promoted by the news media and Trump will go right along with it, after an "expected False Flag pinned on Iran, probably something involving the boats in the Strait of Hormuz." The False Flag is an "integral part of the plan" as Iran has reportedly no desire or intent to start a war, according to the whistle-blower.

The war plans have the White House staff "in an excited tizzy" as war-hawks like John Bolton put the "finishing touches" on the planned strike. President Trump initially showed resistance to the plan, but has since jumped on board with enthusiasm, convinced Iran is an "existential threat to Israel" and as such, war is required to "eliminate them."

Further details have been revealed, including 100 tactical nukes will be used to eliminate the Iranian military. 120,000 U.S. ground troops will be used in the invasion. France, the U.K., Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Israel are expected to join a "coalition" in support of the war. CIA assets and counter-intel efforts have been ramped-up over the past year in preparation. A "False Flag" is being prepared to be used before the war with Iran. Propaganda is being prepped by White House and Israeli counterparts. Israel will support the effort and Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly "smiling ear to ear" during a recent meeting with John Bolton. There are concerns Trump's "base" may resist or criticize the efforts, so further propaganda efforts are being made to "shore up support" for the war. Expected casualties range between 1.2 Million and 2 Million Iranians and 5,000 US troops.

Due to President Trump's close relationship with Jared Kushner, a sense of "sober import" has been placed on the war effort, which is being as a fulfillment of "Jewish prophecy" within White House circles. Many in the White House believe Jared Kushner is the "Messiah" or Jewish "Moshiach" who cannot attain his "throne" until Iran is wiped out.

The White House source is a high-level official who has been right about many other things in the past, and their identity has been verified.

President Donald Trump has reportedly told close senior White House associates that he wants Jared Kushner on the presidential ticket in 2020. Two senior sources have said the President has expressed he would prefer Kushner as Vice President over Mike Pence, in part due to the fact Trump believes Kushner is the Jewish "Messiah" or Moshiach.

The sources added that Trump said he generally likes the job Mike Pence has done, but that the President stated: "things are moving so quickly with our plans in Israel, that we need Kushner closer to power." The quote was provided by a source who said that Trump said this, verbatim, word for word. The source did not speculate on what the President meant by "plans in Israel" or why Kushner would need to be closer to power.

The Kushner family continues to garner controversy, with the recent publication of "Kushner, Inc." by author and researcher Vicky Ward.
A personal friend reveals:

David kept me abreast of things over email, and he told me he had been given some documents he felt could, for certain, get him killed. The documents related to some internal White House memos in which a couple of New York rabbis were meeting with Trump frequently and the memos talked about the nature of those meetings. I didn't get full details, except that it seems the rabbis were going to deliver for Trump a reelection victory if he did things they were asking. I guess Trump was listening intently, because -- well this is what David said to me -- because the rabbis had a lot of power, in ways in which they could rig the elections if they needed to. The memos also talked about how Trump's poll numbers were not very good and he could easily lose in 2020, and the White House knew this, and this was part of the reason why Trump was paying so much attention to these rabbis. I guess they just have a lot of control or something, and Trump needed them. David said the documents if they ever got out, would be very bad for Trump, because there was no way to put a positive spin on them. He said the memos were pretty blunt and seemed to have been written by a couple of staffers coordinating the meetings.

There were also documents in David's safe that we were able to recover after the cops left. They took a lot of David's stuff without any explanation as to why, but they didn't get the safe, which was a floor safe and it's possible they didn't even know it was there. In fact, we're pretty certain they didn't know it was there, because it is very well hidden.

David was smart and put pretty much everything in that safe that was important. David had also given at least three friends access to his online accounts, and said if something happened to him, to be ready to take over.

The rest of his stuff, which was paper, notes, his computers and phones had some information but nothing like what was in the safe, where he kept all of it. The friends removed everything from his safe, and have made copies of what they could and have those copies in safe places in case anything happens.

There will be some more updates coming. We are talking on a video which will show the documents, and also we have retained a lawyer to go over how best we can present the information David left behind."

Goldberg interviewed source WH insider  "Isabel" since fired.

Thanks to Rixon for the tip!

First Comment from Paul S-

I don't know that I believe any of this business about an occult WW3 scenario. We've been hearing about plans to invade Iran, in one form or another, since the Shah was deposed in 1979. It's never happened. The U.S. military in its present state can barely manage an invasion of Grenada, let alone a country as large as Iran.

The Trumps have likely been Cryptos for many generations, I think you've posted evidence of this on your site as well in the past -- I don't believe that Trump merely converted to Judaism only 2 years ago.

And the business of Kushner running on the 2020 ticket is just over-the-top. There's already a huge credibly gap that the Trump administration has w/ their base. Even the most skeptical main-stream people -- including Democrats -- widely questioned and mocked the "Iranian" attack on a Japanese tanker the same day as the Japanese PM was in Iran. Nobody takes these false flags seriously anymore, not even Democrats. For what it's worth, I heard -- I think from Ryan Dawson -- that the recent drone shoot-down in Iran was potentially serious however. I guess the Americans were flying the drone just meters away from a civilian airliner, and were attempting to troll or trick the Iranians into shooting down the civilian airliner -- creating an obvious pretext for war. It's a testament to the professionalism and skill of the Iranian military that they were able to successfully take down the drone w/o harming the civilian airliner and shows just want insane lengths Americans will go to provoke another unnecessary war. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Under Duress: Are Coerced COVID-19 Vaccinations Proportionate? - 21st Century Wire

Under Duress: Are Coerced COVID-19 Vaccinations Proportionate? - 21st Century Wire

Chris Lonsdale
21st Century Wire

To begin this article, in order to lay to rest the inevitable criticism that I am “telling people not to get vaccinated”, I want to state unequivocally my view that any person who wishes to take any vaccine should do so. Ideally, such a decision would be on the basis of fully informed consent and should never happen as a result of any form of coercion.

Why do I mention coercion? If you have never looked into the details of the Nuremberg code, now would be a good time. The essence of this code, developed due to dangerous medical experiments carried out on an unsuspecting public during the second world war, states very clearly that voluntary informed consent is required for any person taking part in a medical experiment.  The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his or her own body.

Moreover, any person deciding to take part in a medical experiment should have the legal capacity to give consent, and there should be no element of fraud, force, deceit, coercion or duress. The text of the Nuremberg Code can be found here:

So, a FUNDAMENTAL principle in the Nuremberg Code is that, whether or not a person takes any medication, vaccines included, should be a matter of individual informed choice.  Nowhere should coercion be part of the process. Yet everywhere we look today we see coercion, force, propaganda, bribery and very slick and well-funded “persuasion” intended to get people jabbed with a COVID-19 “vaccine”.

Early May 2021, the state of Ohio started running a lottery to award five $1 million prizes to each of 5 lucky vaccinated people.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio recently did a news conference promoting new fast food vouchers for a Shake Shack burgers and fries for residents who get their COVID-19 shots.

In Hong Kong we now have lotteries for property in order to “encourage” people to get the jab!

In the UK, a contract worth GBP320 million was awarded to the OMD GROUP LIMITED for “media buying service” – to do advertising around COVID19, and presumably to “encourage” people to get COVID vaccinations.  Go to and search for “COVID 19 media buying.”

The information barrage is clearly having an effect. However, according to authorities around the world, the massively funded PR (read propaganda) campaigns seem not to be doing the job that is required.  So, we’re seeing more and more examples of outright coercion, intended to force people to get injected with the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

I have been observing various people from both Hong Kong and elsewhere struggling as to whether or not they should proceed to get the COVID-19 jab. They are struggling because they believe that if they don’t get the jab, their freedom of movement or even their ability to hold down a job, will be significantly impaired. One neighbour informed me that he realises the COVID-19 vaccines have only been approved for emergency use and have not been fully tested for safety. However, he wants to travel to another country in Asia to see his wife but can’t do so unless he has proof of vaccination.  Clearly under duress, he has taken the jab even though he feels there are significant risks. I saw him today. He looks ten years older, his face grey and drawn. He’s angry, and clearly feels violated.

Others (including in Hong Kong) have told me that they are under pressure from their employers to get the jab and are in fear of losing their job if they fail to do so.

While these personal observations may be anecdotal, they do illustrate an important point: instances of coercion and duress are very real, and perhaps more significant than mainstream media coverage is indicating.

In New Zealand at the end of April 2021, the government announced that in order to work, people dealing with incoming flights to the country had to have the jab. And, if they came to work without the jab they would then be liable to a $4000 fine and/or jail time. Note the following legislative text:

In Canada, regulations are being passed allowing children to be stuck with the jab without requiring parental consent, even though young people are at near ZERO risk of ever getting ill from, let alone dying of COVID-19.   

Other government bodies are moving forward with mandatory vaccinations. Authorities in Buri Ram Province in Thailand recently issued an order requiring everyone to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk being jailed for up to two years or fined. People who refuse to be vaccinated may be liable to a maximum two years in prison and/or a fine up to 40,000 baht for breaching Thailand’s emergency decree around COVID-19.

Some governments maintain the official line that a Covid vaccination is not mandatory, but they are obviously working with industry groups to facilitate certain companies and organisations to compel vaccination using threats of withdrawal of services as a lever.

For example, in the US, Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, said he expects businesses like airlines and cruise ships to require customers to show proof of getting a COVID-19 vaccine before coming on-board.  Vis-à-vis universities he stated: “[i]f you want to come into campus and be in in-person learning, you’re going to have to show proof of vaccination.” Ergo, if you’re not vaccinated for COVID-19 you basically can’t travel or go to school.  

In the UK, on May 19 Sean O’Grady wrote in The Independent that people who have not had the COVID-19 injection should be punished. As he said: “No jab, no job; no jab, no access to NHS healthcare; no jab, no state education for your kids. No jab, no access to pubs, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, stadiums. No jab, no entry to the UK, and much else.”

In Hong Kong the government “has offered the incentive of further relaxing social-distancing rules if staff and customers of restaurants and other venues are vaccinated,” as reported recently.

To be clear, every single one of the above examples violates the Nuremberg principles, wherein there should be no element of fraud, force, deceit, coercion or duress.

A question that we should ask is a simple one: for a product that is supposed to have so much benefit and (we are told) so little downside, why would cash lotteries, free hamburgers, incentives of varying kinds, massive ad campaigns, and non-stop cajoling be required?  Why are threats to limit freedom of movement, use of services, and even the opportunity to make a living, being made in order to (literally) force people to get the COVID-19 injection?  Wouldn’t people just go and get jabbed because they know it’s good for them?

As Dr. Peter McCollough recently said, “why (do stakeholders) want a needle in every arm? Why”?

Dr. McCollugh is a Texas based doctor who successfully treated COVID-19 patients and was the lead author in a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that summarized existing drugs already approved and in the market that had success in treating COVID-19 patients. His paper is published here:

Under normal circumstances many would agree that actions to coerce a medical intervention onto an individual, and more incredibly – onto an entire population, are nothing short of blackmail. And, as we know, people really don’t like to be blackmailed.  Perhaps this explains the fact that, despite all the pressure, only 10 per cent of Hong Kong’s population have volunteered to receive the first jab.

It may also explain the fact that around 40%-50% of employees at the US NIH (National Institute of Health – Dr. Anthony Fauci’s organization) have also not been vaccinated against COVID-19, even though they were given priority.  

Of course, all these people exercising their right NOT to be vaccinated is pejoratively labelled by many in the media as “vaccine hesitancy”. We are told that such hesitancy is childish and does not reflect the supposed reality that vaccines are “safe and effective”. In a recent SCMP editorial, the mantra that “vaccines are safe and effective” is repeated, and we are told that “inoculations bring about immunity without causing illness, prevent the spread of the disease.”

This, however, ignores the fact that the makers of the various COVID-19 vaccines have stated on the record that these vaccines are not guaranteed to prevent you getting a COVID-19 infection (i.e. they do NOT necessarily inoculate you).

As the Pfizer COVID-19 FACT SHEET FOR RECIPIENTS AND CAREGIVERS states, “the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine (sic) and may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19” and “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.” See labeling text here:

Of importance is the fact that we already see many reports of people diagnosed with COVID-19 after receiving these very same vaccinations!

Whether or not these injections prevent you infecting others is also a very open question, especially if the criterion for “infection” is a positive PCR Test. See my recent article in China Daily that goes into this problem in detail:

As to the belief that the current crop of vaccines is safe, one must be aware of three facts. Firstly reports of injury submitted to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in the US following COVID-19 vaccines over only 4 months, are higher than all reported vaccine injuries from all vaccines over the past 15 years.  As of May 26, 2021, based on a single search I personally made in the VAERS database, deaths recorded in that system following COVID-19 jabs stood at 3,528, with many tens of thousands of reported injuries.  You can check this data for yourself online by visiting:

In Europe, the Eudravigilance website that was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 provides public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). Their report through May 8, 2021 lists 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

According to The Standard, in a recent report Hong Kong already appears to have had 12 deaths occurring post-vaccination for COVID-19.

Given the presence of all this information ANY blanket statement about vaccine safety needs to be considered very carefully in the context of real-world data related to the actual impacts of COVID-19 injections.  And, importantly, as a person makes a decision about whether or not to get jabbed that person needs to estimate relative risk from COVID-19 vs the risks associated with getting the injections.

Secondly, most people are probably unaware that the COVID-19 injections are currently only in the middle of Phase III trials, which are scheduled to end in 2023.  AND, the injections now available have only been given provisional approval. In the US, all the vaccines have EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) only. In the UK, COVID-19 these injections have only been given conditional approval. This is indicated on official documents from the vaccine manufacturers.

For instance, Pfizer’s own documentation states: “This EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will end when the Secretary of HHS determines that the circumstances justifying the EUA no longer exist or when there is a change in the approval status of the product such that an EUA is no longer needed.” (i.e. when the FDA actually determines they are both safe and effective).

Of interest is the fact that the vaccines being produced by Johnson & Johnson in the US are coming out with no information on the vaccine inserts i.e. the consumer information normally found inside the vaccine packaging communicating about dosages, side effects, etc. The vaccine inserts are physically in the box, but they are blank.  So, any persons injecting themselves with the current crop of emergency use vaccines are in fact volunteering to participate as a subject in a medical trial.

Nature magazine stated as much during the initial UK roll-out in December 2020, admitting that, “The vaccine has completed only a few months of the two-year clinical-trial period that it will need to complete before it is approved to be sold freely on the market. As a result, health officials, clinicians and people receiving the vaccine will be watching closely for as-yet unobserved signs of danger.”

Also of importance is the fact, probably unknown to most people, that the vaccine companies have been granted immunity from all legal challenges due to injury or death from their vaccines.

Why would that be? Makes one wonder, does it not?  Perhaps the question we should be asking is cui bono? – Latin for “who benefits”?

Given the above information, the only basis upon which an intelligent and informed person would accept being injected with any new and not fully tested medical intervention would be if there was a deadly disease sweeping the world for which there is no cure and to which everybody is vulnerable.

Based on the massive amounts of epidemiological evidence gathered over the last 12 months it is clear that this is definitely not the case.

As early as mid-2020 the CDC indicated that COVID-19 has a survival rate of somewhere between 99.6% and 99.8%.

Also, the average age of death due to COVID-19 (based on UK data) is roughly 82 years old, which just happens to be one year longer than the common lifespan age of about 81. Hence, based on the official figures, COVID-19 will not affect most people, so one cannot claim that the entire population is at risk. Children and young adults statistically have zero risk, and even older people who have met with other corona viruses will in most cases have cross-immunity which protects them from COVID-19.  The belief that COVID-19 will “get us all” is not supported by the science or the data. See my China Daily article:

It is notable that as of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK, based partly on the fact that mortality rates were clearly low overall. See government guidance here:

Thirdly, the belief that there is ‘no cure for COVID’ is also wildly out of place.  There are a number of well known medications which have demonstrated successful results in treating those with this severe respiratory illness. For instance, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with Zinc, used early in a COVID-19 infection, has been very successful in significantly reducing hospitalization and death.  So has Ivermectin. “Fact checkers” will tell you that such information isn’t authorised by major institutions like the FDA, CDC, or WHO.  They will also try to discount any positive results using ad hominem attacks and smears, such as pointing out that a person may have at some time in the past, voiced “anti-vaccine sentiments” (whatever that may be). You can see an example here:   

A study which came out in The Lancet mid-2020 supposedly showing that HCQ was dangerous was subsequently withdrawn due to it being fraudulent. Sadly, this withdrawal happened only after the damage was done, and HCQ had been successfully kicked to the curb in many places around the world – up to the point that in some jurisdictions doctors could be jailed for prescribing it.

Despite all this, we must remember that science is not about following instructions from bureaucrats or from on-high, but rather doing empirical work and looking at the results.  And, mobbing people who present a view that is different to what is politically correct is also not science.  What matters is the data and, of course, how that data is interpreted.

As of this writing, 248 trials of HCQ used for treating COVID-19 have been completed, by 3,972 scientists, with 378,812 patients. We can see 66% improvement in 26 early treatment trials, 75% improvement in 11 early treatment mortality results, and 24% improvement in 35 randomised controlled trials. These results are publicly available on a database that is tracking all HCQ studies to date.  You can see those studies here:

We must also realise that HCQ, along with Ivermectin (discussed below), are both included in the WHO list of essential medicines!  Of course “fact checkers” will give stern warnings about the fact that for COVID-19 the use of HCQ or Ivermectin is “off label”, meaning that they were previously used for treating other diseases and suggesting that therefore they can’t be used to treat COVID-19.  What they fail to mention is that doctors use all sorts of medicine “off label” all the time!

Since Ivermectin and HCQ are both on the WHO list of essential medicines and have been so for a long time – decades in the case of HCQ – the world knows about the safety and dosage of these medicines, which means that even if they don’t effectively treat COVID-19, there is no danger to patients from using these medicines. It’s better than following official guidelines which were, to all intents and purposes, “do nothing, stay home, and when you turn blue go to the hospital”.

The thing is, there really is overwhelming evidence that these treatments are effective against COVID-19.

Ivermectin has been demonstrated to be very effective at treating COVID-19. While the fact checkers would have you believing otherwise, Ivermectin has been used very successfully in many places around the world where media hysteria did not get it banned from the shelves. Just this week, reports coming out of India are demonstrating massive benefits from Ivermectin.

There is already a 97% decline in cases in New Delhi, India. 4 other Indian states that are using Ivermectin now report decreases in cases by 60% to 95%. However, other states that have blocked the use of Ivermectin have increases in cases by several hundred percent – the exponential explosion that everyone is terrified of!

As The Desert Review says in their report, “It is a clear refutation of the WHO, FDA, NIH, and CDC’s policies of “wait at home until you turn blue” before you get treatment.”

Before you buy into the line from “Fact Checkers” that these are only “observational studies” and haven’t been tested by large scale, randomised control trials approved by the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA etc. you should know that 56 studies on Ivermectin, 17 of them being Randomised Controlled Trials, have clearly demonstrated very positive effects from Ivermectin.  A site doing real-time meta-analysis of all the Ivermectin studies as they get published summarises the results as follows: “100% of the 17 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) for early treatment and prophylaxis report positive effects, with an estimated improvement of 73% and 83% respectively”.

They also make the point that “The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 56 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 2 trillion (p = 0.00000000000041).”   You can check this information yourself directly on their site

These treatments (and others) have, of course, been available since at least mid-2020, but you may not have even heard of them until right now.  The reason is simple.  Throughout 2020 and into 2021, anybody trying to share this information (ESPECIALLY professionals working in the field) would find themselves banned on most social media. Mainstream Media would also not publish this information, but rather would engage in so-called “fact-checking” and smears against the people bringing this information to the world. That in itself is a major red flag!  We need to ask, why would information that could save (and is saving) tens of thousands of lives around the world be blocked?

In summary, and very importantly, we must understand that COVID-19 is not anything like a “black death,” which could strike any one of us down at any moment.  It is not everywhere, killing anyone it touches. And the above evidence shows us it is not true that there is a complete lack of any form of effective treatment.  This fact alone undermines the very basis of Emergency Use Authorization for all the COVID-19 vaccines.

Therefore, all talk of coercion or making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory should be stopped now before it’s too late. Because, when the lawsuits come – and they will come (they have started in Germany, the UK, Canada and other places) – the people on the stand for Nuremberg code violations will be company bosses, doctors, editors and government officials who pushed unsafe and unnecessary medical interventions onto a good-hearted, supportive, yet not-fully-informed public. Remember, the vaccine manufacturers have already negotiated legal immunity. Let that sink in.

Author Chris Lonsdale is a psychologist, linguist, educator, entrepreneur, dialogue facilitator and corporate advisor with over thirty years experience doing business in Asia. He is the creator of the Kungfu English mobile self-learning system,  author of “The Third Ear” and “How to Learn Any Language in 6 Months” (in Chinese), and his TEDx talk on Language Learning is one of the top 10 TEDx videos of all time.

READ MORE VACCINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccine Files