
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Depopulation Bill 'Vaccination' Gates and the #CCPflu #Scamdemic #Plandemic THIS IS MADNESS

I'm not a doctor nor a scientist. I'm just a guy wondering how the world has gone mad because of a FLU. None of this panic makes sense. Seasonal flu has many more cases and deaths than this #CCPflu!
What if they treated the seasonal flu the same as they are treating the #CCPflu; have a black background map with each flu case red dotted and a running tally on the side with the media hyping every case.

#Plandemic Event 201: Bill Gates, John Hopkins, and The World Economic Forum Simulated Coronavirus Outbreak 6 Weeks Before First Case in Wuhan What a coincidence!!!

Why is 'Depopulation' Gates funding so many world heath entities!

The coronavirus is a FLU virus, coronaviruses cause the common cold and seasonal FLU! We are being hoodwinked! Bill 'Vaccination' Gates funds The Pirbright Institute which owns the patent for this virus! And yes, he is creating a vaccine! Patent No. US 10,130,701 B2 Nov, 20, 2018 The Pirbright Institute Funded by Bill Gates

Moderna, CEPI, Inovio, The Wistar Institute, VGXI, GeneOne Life Science, and TWIST Bioscience, all funded by Bill Gates are collaborating on a vaccine since 2018
Gates owns shares in most pharmaceutical companies

Gates depopulation equation for lowering CO2 is PxSxExC=CO2. He says we need to get CO2 to 0. To do that everything on the other side of the equation has to be 0. Do you see the problem?

Bill Gates 'Discovers' 14-Year-Old Formula on Climate Change

Long story short, the largest contributor to CO2 levels is 'P' population! So Gates formula, and yes it is his equation although a little more sophisticated than the P+S=CO2 I remember from a few years ago, Population has to be drastically reduced in order to lower the CO2 on the other side of the equation!

Bill Gates on coronavirus: We need an 'extreme shutdown' of 6 to 10 weeks 

Does he want to plunge the world into another 'Dark Age'? Yes, I believe he does! It wouldn't upset his (and his elitist buddies) lifestyle in the least while the rest of humanity languishes in the squalor! Think of the wicked kings during feudalism, they kept the peasants, the serfs, in abject poverty as they lived lavishly in castles--allowed them just enough sustenance not to rebel. That is what the cabal, the 'deep state', the Vatican (which means 'divining serpent'), the Freemasons/Illuminati/Jesuits, and myriads more (the pyramid) have in store for us.

Pope Paul VI Serpentine Audience Hall

Snake Head

Depopulation CZAR for the NWO/WHO

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Vatican in Latin means Divining Serpent. Good or Evil? You be the judge ...

Why is this just coming to light? I've been a Christian for almost 50 years and am an learning this for the first time! I've known about the antichristian nature of the unholy Roman Catholic church but somehow I never ran across any teaching of the meaning of the word Vatican.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Bill Gates funded Pirbright Institute "PATENTED" the coronavirus and---

Why would anyone patent a virus??? How can this be? Is that even legal? For what purpose?

In October 2019 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with John Hopkins and The World Economic Forum hosted Event201, an exercise modeling a coronavirus pandemic. Just two weeks later on November 17 the CCP Wuhan coronaviruses first case appeared in China leading to the current pandemic. Do you believe in coincidences?

Bill Gates is a huge proponent of global depopulation. It runs in the family as his father was a bigwig in Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates is also a big proponent of vaccinations!


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

#ClimateHoax Facts against idealogy - Not For Greens

I thought the hacked files from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia would have destroyed the Global Warming/Climate Change hoax but they are patient and they don't stop! Their New World Order depends on UN Agenda 21/2030 which depends on Global Warming/Climate Change. They plan to annex/steal our property to 'save' the planet! UN Agenda 21/2030 is their justification to do so!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Be scared, be very scared!: Grievance Studies, The Evergreen Equity Council, Absent Day, and The Equity Canoe

SHOCK: I knew our school system was taken over by the leftists but I had no idea it was this bad! KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said communist planned to take over America exactly like this! That plan didn't end when the USSR fell. Be afraid, be very afraid!

When you hit the play button a play list comes up--I don't know why--just click ont the play button at the bottom of the video.
