
Friday, November 22, 2019

The Jesuits, Saul Alinsky, Obama, antichrist Pope Francis, and the death of Western civilization.

Something is coming into focus here that has been hidden by communism. I was under the impression that communism was at the root of the liberal rot in western civilization. Turns out it was the Jesuit controlled Roman Catholic Church all along! From it's inception the Society of Jesus aka Jesuits mission was to destroy protestantism. They created Barack Hussein Obama!!!

Apostate Jesuit Pope Francis has embraced the idea of adding  ''environmental sins'to the catholic catechism. This causes one to wonder if the Roman Catholic Church Papacy is the source of the 'global warming' hoax all along.

The pagan Amazon Synod was steeped in this liberal rot as 'social justice' was front and center in it's message. That along with this eye opening video exposes that the Jesuit controlled Roman Catholic Church was behind this liberal social justice diabolical scheme to bring down western democracies all along! The Jesuit heretic Pope Francis has shown this to the whole world through the Amazon Synod and it's pagan worship of Pachamama.

Apostate Jesuit Pope Francis' actions have been so anti christian that the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Excommunicated Pope Francis and over 250 vatican leaders.

Upon further reflection I'm beginning to suspect that Freemasonry is the source of this whole rot! There is some ambiguity as to the beginning of Freemasonry. Some say it was during the time the great cathedrals of Europe were built. Others date it to the builders of Solomon's Temple. Another source places it's beginning in 3995 BC which would place it near the creation of the earth in 4004 BC according to Ussher.

 I have a sneaking suspicion that it began with Nimrod and the building of tower of Babel in Babylon. That would fit well with chapter 17 in the Book of Revelation and the Whore of Mystery Babylon. Since the time of the Protestant Reformation many have held the view that the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and the papacy is the antichrist. That makes sense especially if Freemasonry is underpinning the Roman Catholic Church.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HUGE: Not since 1054 AD has such an extreme action been taken within Catholicism!

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has solemnly pronounced Anathema on the apostate Jesuit Pope Francis, 26 cardinals, 134 bishops and 99 priests for the Amazon Synod!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

If I were the devil | remastered audio | Paul Harvey

Sounds like a prophecy doesn't it? This broadcast took place 3 years after Vatican II and right around the time the 'free love', sex, drugs and rock and roll' movement exploded in the USA!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

McCarthy: Impeachment has overtaken every single committee

Trump is sometimes course, braggadocious, excessively uses hyperbole, has a somewhat sordid past, but those are not impeachable offenses. What the Democrats are doing is seditious at least, and maybe even treasonous! I don't like either party but the lesser of two evils, in my opinion, is the Democrats party!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Donna Nickerson Interview 11/13/2019

Shades of Ruby Ridge/Waco/Bundy! JP Morgan Chase Bank with Sheriff's swat team tactics steals Christian family's ranch. America has fallen! UN Agenda 2030 and Noahide Laws are next!!!