
Friday, November 25, 2011

‘Occupy’: Community organizing at it’s core

LA apparently believes community organizers are behind the ‘Occupy’ movement. Coercion and extortion are the essence community organizing.

How do you think Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and their ilk got rich and famous..they would threaten companies with boycotts and accept bribes to call them off.

REPORT: City officials offer bribes to get 'Occupy LA' to leave...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More emails surface as man-made global warming sinks further into disrepute!

These fraudsters deserve huge fines and stiff prison sentences. Think of all the money wasted on this farce, multiple billions and probably trillions of dollars when you factor in the consequences of their misdeeds.

Some are probably ‘true believers’ but many are just charlatans (like Al Gore) tagging along for the grant money and book sales and the interviews and the esteem.

Many are communist/socialist,liberals/progressives who seized the issue for political reasons, as a means of bringing down free societies and instituting socialism in greater and greater degrees.

The costs of this fraud can be demonstrated by the car I own. I use to be able to fix the air conditioner myself for a few bucks with a can of Freon. Now I can’t even buy Freon because I’m not a certified A/C technician.

Multiply that by thousands and thousands of other areas that have thusly been negatively affected!

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!

By James Delingpole Last updated: November 22nd, 2011

Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto the internet by a person – or persons – unknown. And as before, they show the "scientists" at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Ben Santer, Tom Wigley, Kevin Trenberth, Keith Briffa – all your favourite Climategate characters are here, once again caught red-handed in a series of emails exaggerating the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming, while privately admitting to one another that the evidence is nowhere near as a strong as they'd like it to be.

In other words, what these emails confirm is that the great man-made global warming scare is not about science but about political activism. This, it seems, is what motivated the whistleblower 'FOIA 2011' (or "thief", as the usual suspects at RealClimate will no doubt prefer to tar him or her) to go public.

As FOIA 2011 puts it when introducing the selected highlights, culled from a file of 220,000 emails:

“Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.”

“Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes.”

“One dollar can save a life” — the opposite must also be true.

“Poverty is a death sentence.”

“Nations must invest $37 trillion in energy technologies by 2030 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable levels.”

Today’s decisions should be based on all the information we can get, not on hiding the decline.

FOIA 2011 is right, of course. If you're going to bomb the global economy back to the dark ages with environmental tax and regulation, if you're going to favour costly, landscape-blighting, inefficient renewables over real, abundant, relatively cheap energy that works like shale gas and oil, if you're going to cause food riots and starvation in the developing world by giving over farmland (and rainforests) to biofuel production, then at the very least you it owe to the world to base your policies on sound, transparent, evidence-based science rather than on the politicised, disingenuous junk churned out by the charlatans at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

You'll find the full taster menu of delights here at Tall Bloke's website. Shrub Niggurath is on the case too. As is the Air Vent.

I particularly like the ones expressing deep reservations about the narrative put about by the IPCC:

/// The IPCC Process ///

<1939> Thorne/MetO:

Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil, hopefully we can find time to discuss these
further if necessary [...]

<3066> Thorne:

I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.

<1611> Carter:

It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core group.

<2884> Wigley:

Mike, The Figure you sent is very deceptive [...] there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model results by individual authors and by IPCC [...]

<4755> Overpeck:

The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out.

<3456> Overpeck:

I agree w/ Susan [Solomon] that we should try to put more in the bullet about “Subsequent evidence” [...] Need to convince readers that there really has been an increase in knowledge – more evidence. What is it?

And here's our friend Phil Jones, apparently trying to stuff the IPCC working groups with scientists favourable to his cause, while shutting out dissenting voices.

<0714> Jones:

Getting people we know and trust [into IPCC] is vital – hence my comment about the tornadoes group.

<3205> Jones:

Useful ones [for IPCC] might be Baldwin, Benestad (written on the solar/cloud issue – on the right side, i.e anti-Svensmark), Bohm, Brown, Christy (will be
have to involve him ?)

Here is what looks like an outrageous case of government – the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – actually putting pressure on climate "scientists" to talk up their message of doom and gloom in order to help the government justify its swingeing climate policies:

<2495> Humphrey/DEFRA:

I can’t overstate the HUGE amount of political interest in the project as a message that the Government can give on climate change to help them tell their story. They want the story to be a very strong one and don’t want to be made to look foolish.

Here is a gloriously revealing string of emails in which activists and global warming research groups discuss how best to manipulate reality so that climate change looks more scary and dangerous than it really is:

<3655> Singer/WWF:

we as an NGO working on climate policy need such a document pretty soon for the public and for informed decision makers in order to get a) a debate started and
b) in order to get into the media the context between climate extremes/desasters/costs and finally the link between weather extremes and energy

<0445> Torok/CSIRO:

[...] idea of looking at the implications of climate change for what he termed “global icons” [...] One of these suggested icons was the Great Barrier Reef [...]
It also became apparent that there was always a local “reason” for the destruction – cyclones, starfish, fertilizers [...] A perception of an “unchanging” environment leads people to generate local explanations for coral loss based on transient phenomena, while not acknowledging the possibility of systematic damage from long-term climatic/environmental change [...] Such a
project could do a lot to raise awareness of threats to the reef from climate change

<4141> Minns/Tyndall Centre:

In my experience, global warming freezing is already a bit of a public relations problem with the media


I agree with Nick that climate change might be a better labelling than global warming


What kind of circulation change could lock Europe into deadly summer heat waves like that of last summer? That’s the sort of thing we need to think about.

I'll have a deeper dig through the emails this afternoon and see what else I come up with. If I were a climate activist off to COP 17 in Durban later this month, I don't think I'd be feeling a very happy little drowning Polie, right now. In fact I might be inclined to think that the game was well and truly up.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More emails surface as man-made global warming sinks into disrepute!

These fraudsters deserve huge fines and stiff prison sentences. Think of all the money wasted on this farce, multiple billions and probably trillions of dollars when you factor in the consequences of their misdeeds.

Some are probably ‘true believers’ but many are just charlatans (like Al Gore) tagging along for the grant money and book sales and the interviews and the esteem.

Many are communist/socialist,liberals/progressives who seized the issue for political reasons, as a means of bringing down free societies and instituting socialism in greater and greater degrees.

The costs of this fraud can be demonstrated by the car I own. I use to be able to fix the air conditioner myself for a few bucks with a can of Freon. Now I can’t even buy Freon because I’m not a certified A/C technician.

Multiply that by thousands and thousands of other areas that have thusly been negatively affected!

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!

By James Delingpole Last updated: November 22nd, 2011

Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto the internet by a person – or persons – unknown. And as before, they show the "scientists" at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Ben Santer, Tom Wigley, Kevin Trenberth, Keith Briffa – all your favourite Climategate characters are here, once again caught red-handed in a series of emails exaggerating the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming, while privately admitting to one another that the evidence is nowhere near as a strong as they'd like it to be.

In other words, what these emails confirm is that the great man-made global warming scare is not about science but about political activism. This, it seems, is what motivated the whistleblower 'FOIA 2011' (or "thief", as the usual suspects at RealClimate will no doubt prefer to tar him or her) to go public.

As FOIA 2011 puts it when introducing the selected highlights, culled from a file of 220,000 emails:

“Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.”

“Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes.”

“One dollar can save a life” — the opposite must also be true.

“Poverty is a death sentence.”

“Nations must invest $37 trillion in energy technologies by 2030 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable levels.”

Today’s decisions should be based on all the information we can get, not on hiding the decline.

FOIA 2011 is right, of course. If you're going to bomb the global economy back to the dark ages with environmental tax and regulation, if you're going to favour costly, landscape-blighting, inefficient renewables over real, abundant, relatively cheap energy that works like shale gas and oil, if you're going to cause food riots and starvation in the developing world by giving over farmland (and rainforests) to biofuel production, then at the very least you it owe to the world to base your policies on sound, transparent, evidence-based science rather than on the politicised, disingenuous junk churned out by the charlatans at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

You'll find the full taster menu of delights here at Tall Bloke's website. Shrub Niggurath is on the case too. As is the Air Vent.

I particularly like the ones expressing deep reservations about the narrative put about by the IPCC:

/// The IPCC Process ///

<1939> Thorne/MetO:

Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil, hopefully we can find time to discuss these
further if necessary [...]

<3066> Thorne:

I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.

<1611> Carter:

It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core group.

<2884> Wigley:

Mike, The Figure you sent is very deceptive [...] there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model results by individual authors and by IPCC [...]

<4755> Overpeck:

The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out.

<3456> Overpeck:

I agree w/ Susan [Solomon] that we should try to put more in the bullet about “Subsequent evidence” [...] Need to convince readers that there really has been an increase in knowledge – more evidence. What is it?

And here's our friend Phil Jones, apparently trying to stuff the IPCC working groups with scientists favourable to his cause, while shutting out dissenting voices.

<0714> Jones:

Getting people we know and trust [into IPCC] is vital – hence my comment about the tornadoes group.

<3205> Jones:

Useful ones [for IPCC] might be Baldwin, Benestad (written on the solar/cloud issue – on the right side, i.e anti-Svensmark), Bohm, Brown, Christy (will be
have to involve him ?)

Here is what looks like an outrageous case of government – the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – actually putting pressure on climate "scientists" to talk up their message of doom and gloom in order to help the government justify its swingeing climate policies:

<2495> Humphrey/DEFRA:

I can’t overstate the HUGE amount of political interest in the project as a message that the Government can give on climate change to help them tell their story. They want the story to be a very strong one and don’t want to be made to look foolish.

Here is a gloriously revealing string of emails in which activists and global warming research groups discuss how best to manipulate reality so that climate change looks more scary and dangerous than it really is:

<3655> Singer/WWF:

we as an NGO working on climate policy need such a document pretty soon for the public and for informed decision makers in order to get a) a debate started and
b) in order to get into the media the context between climate extremes/desasters/costs and finally the link between weather extremes and energy

<0445> Torok/CSIRO:

[...] idea of looking at the implications of climate change for what he termed “global icons” [...] One of these suggested icons was the Great Barrier Reef [...]
It also became apparent that there was always a local “reason” for the destruction – cyclones, starfish, fertilizers [...] A perception of an “unchanging” environment leads people to generate local explanations for coral loss based on transient phenomena, while not acknowledging the possibility of systematic damage from long-term climatic/environmental change [...] Such a
project could do a lot to raise awareness of threats to the reef from climate change

<4141> Minns/Tyndall Centre:

In my experience, global warming freezing is already a bit of a public relations problem with the media


I agree with Nick that climate change might be a better labelling than global warming


What kind of circulation change could lock Europe into deadly summer heat waves like that of last summer? That’s the sort of thing we need to think about.

I'll have a deeper dig through the emails this afternoon and see what else I come up with. If I were a climate activist off to COP 17 in Durban later this month, I don't think I'd be feeling a very happy little drowning Polie, right now. In fact I might be inclined to think that the game was well and truly up.

Christmas charity giving tips: Think about these facts as you open your wallet to help the needy...

� The American Red Cross President and CEO Marsha J. Evans salary for the year was $651,957plus expenses

� The United Way President Brian Gallagher receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits.

� UNICEF CEO Caryl M. Stern receives $1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE . Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause.



� The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. 96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.

� The American Legion National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families!

� The Veterans of Foreign Wars National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families!

� The Disabled American Veterans National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families!

� The Vietnam Veterans Association National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Communist all: Do you know who your Czar is?

Do you know who your Czar is?

posted on Paul Revere Media in

Stunning !

There are very few of us who know just what all of Obama's Czars do, as they quietly go about their "work" in the nation's capital. Now this listing of their names and job descriptions should be educational to all Americans, no matter what your political leaning.

If you resent the existence of these extra-governmental "officials", with their very generous salaries funded by, you guessed it, you the taxpayer, then get angry with the one who put these characters on the payroll.


Who they are and what they want to do:

Richard Holbrooke
Afghanistan Czar

Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. Of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use. Dissolve the 2nd Amendment

Ed Montgomery
Auto recovery Czar

Black radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. University of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley

Radical Homosexual.. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and especially, a Special Status for homosexuals only, including complete free health care for gays.

Alan Bersin
Border Czar

The former failed superintendent of San Diego . Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno - to keep borders open to illegals without interference from US

David J. Hayes
California Water Czar

Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy". No training or experience in water management whatsoever.

Ron Bloom
Car Czar

Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?

Dennis Ross
Central Region Czar

Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and completely pro abortion.

Lynn Rosenthal
Domestic Violence Czar

Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration.Imagine?

Gil Kerlikowske
Drug Czar

devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of all drugs

Paul Volcker
Economic Czar

Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti business "Progressive Policy" organization

Carol Browner
Energy and Environment Czar

Political Radical Former head of EPA - known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.

Joshua DuBois
Faith-Based Czar

Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti gun ownership lobbyist. WHAT THE HELL DOES A FAITH BASED CZAR DO???????????

Cameron Davis
Great LakesCzar

Chicago radical anti business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink." No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member (what does that tell us?)

Van Jones
Green Jobs Czar

(since resigned).. Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Daniel Fried
Guantanamo Closure Czar

Human Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Believes terrorists have rights above and beyond Americans.

Nancy-Ann DeParle
Health Czar

Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Vivek Kundra
Information Czar

Born in New Delhi , India . Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails. (hello?)

Todd Stern
International Climate Czar

Anti business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming. Anti- US business prosperity.

Dennis Blair
Intelligence Czar

Ret. Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as "provocative". Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations" which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell
Peace Czar

Fmr. Sen from Maine Left wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3 " smaller more manageable plots". (God forbid) A true Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual "special rights" advocate

Kenneth Feinberg
Pay Czar

Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs. (horribly true)

Cass Sunstein
Regulatory Czar

Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good". Essentially against 1st amendment. Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership and right to free speech. This guy has to be run out of Washington!!

John Holdren
Science Czar

Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.

Earl Devaney
Stimulus Accountability Czar

Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico . Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration

Native of Democratic Republic of Congo . Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations

Herb Allison

Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.

John Brennan

Terrorism Czar
Anti CIA activist
. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs.Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military A TOTAL MORON!!!!!

Aneesh Chopra
Technology Czar

No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan

Adolfo Carrion Jr.
Urban Affairs Czar

Puerto Rico born Anti-American activist and leftist group member in Latin America . Millionaire "slum lord" of the Bronx , NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes on middle class to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter
Weapons Czar

Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America .. No Other "policy"
Gary Samore

WMD Policy Czar

Former US Communist. Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other "policy".

How lucky are we that these are the people who are helping President Obama in the RUNNING of our country and the White House?


Friday, November 18, 2011

Why not ‘Occupy’ GE? Just kidding, congress, the courts, and the White House are the problem!

Did I mention the Kennedy that got a 1.4 billion dollar bailout…

GE filed 57k-page tax return; paid no taxes on $14b in profits...

How does this man breathe with his nose so far up Obama’s @$$

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

‘Throw Them All Out’: A Kennedy gets a 1.4 billion dollar ‘green’ bailout

Where are the grown-ups? Why is this kind of stuff allowed to keep on and on and on?

The biggest theft in the history of the world is taking place right in front of our faces, aided by an illegal alien in the White House, and no one does anything about it?

Are they all corrupt? Does no one in authority have the integrity, the patriotism, to stop this madness, or at least try. Does no one in power take their oath to defend the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic, seriously?

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

by Wynton Hall

President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, Robert Kennedy, Jr., netted a $1.4 billion bailout for his company, BrightSource, through a loan guarantee issued by a former employee-turned Department of Energy official.

It’s just one more in a string of eye-opening revelations by investigative journalist and Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer in his explosive new book, Throw Them All Out.

The details of how BrightSource managed to land its ten-figure taxpayer bailout have yet to emerge fully. However, one clue might be found in the person of Sanjay Wagle.

Wagle was one of the principals in Kennedy’s firm who raised money for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. When Obama won the White House, Wagle was installed at the Department of Energy (DOE), advising on energy grants.

From an objective vantage point, investing taxpayer monies in BrightSource was a risky proposition at the time. In 2010, BrightSource, whose largest shareholder is Kennedy’s VantagePoint Partners, was up to its eyes in $1.8 billion of debt obligations and had lost $71.6 million on its paltry $13.5 million of revenue.

Even before BrightSource rattled its tin cup in front of Obama’s DOE, the company made it known publicly that its survival hinged on successfully completing the Ivanpah Solar Electrical System, which would become the largest solar plant in the world, on federal lands in California.

In its Securities and Exchange Commission filings, BrightSource further underscored the risky nature of the Ivanpah venture and, more broadly, the company’s viability:

Our future success depends on our ability to construct Ivanpah, our first utility-scale solar thermal power project, in a cost-effective and timely manner… Our ability to complete Ivanpah and the planning, development and construction of all three phases are subject to significant risk and uncertainty.

Ironically, in 2008, Kennedy wrote a CNN article praising Obama as reminiscent of his famous father and uncle. The article, titled “Obama’s Energy Plan Would Create a Green Gold Rush,” proved prophetic. However, the “green gold rush” came in the form of $1.4 billion of taxpayers’ money flowing into the pet projects of rich venture capital investors like Kennedy, not average citizens.

What’s more, BrightSource touted the Ivanpah project as a green jobs creator. Yet as its own website reveals, the thermal solar plant will only create 1,400 jobs at its peak construction and 650 jobs annually thereafter. Even using the peak estimate of 1,400 jobs, that works out to a cost to taxpayers of $1 million per job created.

As Schweizer writes in Throw Them All Out, “A billion dollars in taxpayer money being sent to wealthy investors to bail them out of risky investments—does this sound familiar to anyone?”

Flu Shot? Forget It!

Dear Reader,
"So last year I got a flu shot," Gary told me, "because everyone kept telling me I needed one. And then I got the flu! I'm not doing that again this year. But what am I supposed to do to stay healthy?"

Gary was a new patient. He was disappointed in the results he was getting from conventional medicine and wanted to talk to me about alternatives. He also wanted to know whether or not a flu shot was a good idea, and, if not, why they're being pushed on the public anyway.
Since we're seeing the "Get Your Flu Shot Now" signs springing up everywhere, I'll share with you what I told Gary. If you have plans to get a flu shot, but have not done so yet, I urge you to read the rest of this newsletter. It just may change your mind.

Where's the Proof?
"There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine, thus far developed, is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."

That is a direct quote from the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) former Chief Vaccine Control Officer Dr. J. Anthony Morris. Dr. Morris made this statement during the notorious swine flu madness of 1976. The Federal government launched a nationwide fear campaign, claiming that deadly swine flu would decimate the country in a horrific replay of the 1918 flu pandemic that killed 50 million people worldwide. Flu shots were hyped as the only thing that could protect against such tragic consequences.

Terrified, millions of Americans got the recommended vaccines. But the epidemic never happened. More than five hundred people, however, developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a serious, debilitating autoimmune disorder, after being vaccinated, and at least 25 people died.
That was 35 years ago, and how little things have changed! Here's a snippet from a study published recently in the prestigious British Medical Journal concluding: "Evidence from systematic reviews shows that inactivated vaccines have little or no effect..." The same report also declared studies showing flu vaccines to be of poor quality and further noted, "Little comparative evidence exists on the safety of these vaccines."

Are You at Risk?
By now, it should be clear that the value of flu shots is questionable at best. As Gary's experience (and that of many others) shows, the shot is no guarantee that you'll be protected from illness. But why can't flu shots be made effective?

Part of the problem is that no one knows exactly which of the many strains of flu in existence may be headed our way in a certain year. Experts can make educated guesses based on history, but that's all they are -- guesses. And since flu viruses can mutate quickly, concocting a vaccine based on what happened during the past few years and what might happen in the coming year is obviously an iffy proposition.

Here's another important consideration -- your chances of getting the flu, with or without a shot, are low. And chances that the flu will be lethal are even lower. During the two largest flu epidemics in the recent past (1957 and 1968) millions of people became ill, but the vast majority of them recovered. In addition, the mortality rate for both of these epidemics combined was 0.1% of the U.S. population. No one wants to become part of that tragic statistic, but clearly we cannot assume that a flu shot will prevent that from happening.

As a doctor, I was curious about what those who succumbed to the flu might have in common. I expected to see the standard statistics showing that the very young, sickly and very old were hardest hit by influenza. In part, that was the case. Most fatalities occurred among individuals who were already ill. But it's not the whole story. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that one of the highest risk groups turned out to be obese individuals.

Why would that be? Experts speculate that people with excess weight may be more vulnerable to severe flu symptoms due to complications from cardiovascular disease and/or asthma, both commonly seen in obese people. Furthermore, ongoing, low-level inflammation caused by fat cell secretions also may play a role. In addition, the obese tend to have less efficient lung functions, as well as insulin resistance, complicating medical treatment. Some or all of these factors are believed to play a role.

Been There, Tried That
Remember the panic over H1N1 flu a couple of years ago -- the one the media insisted was a terrifying pandemic in the making? We were told that since swine and bird flus had combined with human flu viruses, the results would be lethal. The World Health Organization (WHO) even raised the worldwide pandemic phase to 6, the highest level available. Good grief, the fear mongering alone was enough to make anyone sick.

Fortunately, researchers figured out early on that fatality estimates were grossly overblown. Instead of the four deaths per 1,000 flu cases in the original estimate, the actual figure turned out to be somewhere between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 100,000.

Then an interesting thing happened. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) analyzed blood samples from earlier years to determine vaccine effectiveness. According to the CDC's own report:
"These data suggest that receipt of recent (2005-2009) seasonal influenza vaccines is unlikely to elicit a protective antibody response to the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus." But wait... there's more!
In an editorial note attached to the report, the CDC experts admitted that fully one-third of the adults over the age of 60 already had protective H1N1 antibodies, most likely because they had been exposed to the virus earlier in life. So flu shots for individuals age 60 and older were largely redundant.

One Shot, Too Many Toxins
Finally, let's take a look at three additional aspects of flu vaccines that you really need to know about to make an informed decision.
First, there's the fact that new vaccines are tested for a mere one-to-three weeks before being released to the public. Rushing products to market with inadequate testing is rarely a good idea.
Second, know that flu shots are a toxic stew of chemicals that no one should be ingesting.

Here's a very partial list of flu shot ingredients:
• Ethylene glycol, the scientific name for antifreeze.
• Formaldehyde, nicknamed "the embalmer's friend."
• Aluminum, a known carcinogen with links to Alzheimer's disease.
• Thimerosal, a form of mercury, the most toxic of all the heavy metals.

Let's take a closer look at just one of these ingredients, thimerosal. Ostensibly, thimerosal is a preservative. Once a staple in children's vaccines, thimerosal is no longer given to children in this country due to safety concerns. It is, however, still in some flu vaccines.
High levels of mercury in the body affect everything, but especially the neurological system, causing memory issues, emotional disturbances, sensory and co-ordination difficulties, vertigo, and a long list of other problems. This is why I recommend eating fish only occasionally. The health benefits of fish are outweighed by the toxic impact of mercury found in most fish these days.

If you're thinking that the amount of mercury in a small dose of vaccine is far less than what you might get in a few plates of sushi, you're right. In the case of mercury, however, even vaccine-sized dosage amounts have been shown to damage human brain cells.

To make matters worse, mercury tends to accumulate in the brain. So an annual vaccination just adds to whatever mercury may already be in your body. Furthermore, mercury decomposes, creating even more toxic substances. Finally, many scientists are concerned about the fact that there have been no studies evaluating the combination of mercury and aluminum, two common vaccine ingredients, in the body.

How You Can Protect Yourself From the Flu
Maybe you've already had a shot or aren't convinced that you can go without. That's fine. We each need to be comfortable with the decisions we make. At least now you have the information you need to evaluate both sides of the argument and choose what's right for you.
If you chose not to get a flu shot, there are simple steps you can take to avoid coming down with the flu. I find the best way to protect yourself from the flu is to simply bolster your immune system -- which has the double benefit of not only warding off the flu, but also keeping other illnesses at bay.

I put together a free special report for my subscribers that contains six simple steps I tell my patients they can follow on a day-to-day basis to specifically bolster their immune system. Of course, these are all things you should be doing on top of eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, taking targeting nutritional supplements and maintaining a positive outlook on life. I encourage you to download it now.
Thrive in Health & Wellness,

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.

Why did Paul get just 89 seconds to speak last debate? And you say you’re tired of the media choosing our candidates!

Don't Count Ron Paul Out Yet -- He's a Front-Runner Now

By Dan McGinnis

COMMENTARY | Ron Paul is a fighter. The Texas congressman has battled into a four-way statistical first place tie for the GOP nomination among likely Iowa voters, CBS reported. He shares the distinction with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

Technically, Paul came in fourth. But with the margin of error, all four candidates are Iowa front-runners. That's an impressive turnaround for Paul and his followers. His message isn't always standard Republican fare -- at times alternating between refreshing and odd. But Paul knows government and he understands the voters.

Whatever policy messages the eventual nominees will decide to tout on the campaign trail, Americans are overwhelmingly concerned about jobs and the economy. Paul understands that. His message is a bit different than the other candidates and, whether voters agree or not, it is worth giving it a look.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Paul win the Iowa caucuses.

Dem’s usually count on 95% of black votes, CNN poll portends landslide loss

Stunner: Non-White thumbs up only 67%…If this holds, Obama will have trouble winning a single county, much less a state.

Will make Mondale’s loss look good in comparison!

And this is with a black man at the head of the ticket…95% of blacks have traditionally voted Democrat although it’s been an all white ticket!

CNN POLL: Whites give president thumbs DOWN 61%-36%; Non-White thumbs UP 67%-32%...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Look for the Union Label...if you'd like to be allowed to do business with the DNC

This is exactly how the communists party functioned in the Soviet Union, you were a member or you were a 2nd class citizen at best!

2012 DNC Discriminates Against Charlotte Businesses, Demands Unionization

Posted by Ben Howe (Diary) Thursday, November 3rd at 9:55PM EDT

After working in construction for many years in Canada, John Monteith had had enough of unions calling all of the shots and forcing themselves onto employers. So John did some research on the United States, and found that one of the best right-to-work states was North Carolina.

John got in touch with an immigration attorney, and worked with him to emigrate legally to the United States at a cost of $40 thousand of his personal money. Well worth it as far as he was concerned, to have the freedom to run a business without being forced into negotiations and contracts with special interest groups. So he packed up his bags and never looked back.

He eventually found himself working for a company called Heritage Printing & Graphics. Originally located in the Northeast, Heritage had decided to open up a large format print shop in Charlotte, NC, and they hired John to help with business development to grow their sales.

The company has done very well in the large format printing business. Large format are basically the types of signs you see everywhere. Think of a concert or a sports game. Now picture all the “enter here” and “ticket booth” signs that find their way into events of that type. Heritage Printing & Graphics is one of the companies that competes for that business and they did well enough that, when the DNC announced they’d be holding their convention in Charlotte, John was tasked with making the pitch to land some of the work.

According to John, statistically speaking based on their size and clientele, it was a fair bet that Heritage could land at least 25% of the available work which he estimated to be about $1 million.

After continually receiving no return phone calls from the people that would review bids and determine vendors, John started working harder to land the business. Donuts that he would send to their offices would be eaten, thank you’s would be said, but still no follow ups. No call backs. No business.

Finally, confused and bewildered, John reached out to someone he knew that might be able to help. He was so shocked and upset at what he was told by this person, that he felt he had to tell the story. I spoke with him today.

The person that John spoke to is an executive on the Charlotte in 2012 Host Committee who are central to the planning of the convention and how things will operate in Charlotte. There are only a handful of executive members of this committee, but John refrained from naming anyone specific. Ultimately, which one it is may not matter. What does matter is how the conversation went. According to John, he approached this person to see why he couldn’t get any traction with the committee.

They responded by asking him, “John, are you a union shop?” When John told him he was not, the Committee member told him, “We were just told that we cannot accept bids unless they are from companies that are unionized.”

“Cannot? Or will not?,” John asked. ”Cannot,” was the response he got.

When he pressed to find out who to complain to, he was not given a straight answer. After spending some time thinking about, accepting that the jobs would not go to his company, John decided he wanted his story to be told. Not for political reasons so much. He says he thinks that partisanship need not enter into this.

As far as he’s concerned, he was denied the opportunity to even compete for work because unions had already bought and paid for the people in charge. Maybe he could’ve let it go at that point if not for the fact that the Mayor of Charlotte, Anthony Foxx, hadn’t gone to such great lengths to assure the citizens that this would be a boon for their local economy and an opportunity for the city’s business owners. With the mayoral election in Charlotte coming next Tuesday, these broken promises of jobs has been something Foxx’s opponent, Republican Scott Stone, has been pointing out.

“I think one of two things is going to happen: either the workers are going to come from out-of-state, either Chicago or Philly, and they’re going to come and get the work,” Stone said. “Or, they’re going to force local people, local employees and local companies, to unionize if they want to get a piece of this project. So, one of those two things is going to happen and neither one is good.”

According to John Monteith, that’s exactly what happened. The person on the committee that he spoke to specifically asked him if he could unionize his shop in order to make bidding possible. After already fleeing union bastions like Canada, that was the last thing he was going to do.

Undoubtedly the response from the DNC Host Committee will be to provide a laundry list of companies that they allowed bids for and awarded work to that weren’t unionized. Companies like Time Warner Cable (which one wonders what else they could’ve done about, but I digress).

The truth is, that is all irrelevant in the face of what John was told about his business. North Carolina is a right to work state. No employee can be compelled to join a union. This is the law. Apparently, the Democrats in charge of the 2012 convention in Charlotte have found a way to get around that. In order to get the DNC’s business, companies are being asked to unionize their employees — regardless of if the employees want a union. And if not, they don’t get the work. Apparently, discrimination is still legal.

How long until John must find another way to escape the clutches of union control?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GLOBAL WARMING IS OVER but the fraud continues!

People should pull serious jail time for the “billions” stolen by fraud…this is one of the crimes of the century!


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Professors Judith Curry and Richard Muller don’t agree over the same set of results on climate chang

Tuesday November 1,2011

By Julie Carpenter

IT'S one of the hottest feuds in science - climate chance zealots insist that we're still destroying the planet but now another scientist has warned the cast-iron evidence just isn't there.

FOR a minute there it seemed the global warming debate had finally been resolved.
While for years scientists and sceptics have raged against each other on the crucial topic, new research hailed “the most definitive study into temperature data gathered by weather stations over the past half-century” seemed to come to an authoritative conclusion.
Global warming IS real it said, strengthening the need for us all to reduce carbon emissions and boost efforts to try to save the planet.
And this research was headed by a physicist who had previously been a sceptic of global warming and an outspoken critic of the science underpinning it, lending the results even greater credibility.


Global warming has stopped


Prof Judith Curry, a member of Prof Muller’s team

Prof Richard Muller had spent two years trying to discover if the mainstream scientists were wrong but concluded they were right. Temperatures are rising and his results, he concluded, “proved you should not be a sceptic, at least not any longer”. Case closed.
But is it? Not according to Prof Judith Curry, a member of Prof Muller’s team, who claims the same findings have shown that global warming has stopped – plunging the rest of us into a quandary of what and who to believe.

When Prof Curry heard that Prof Muller was saying that the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) findings would put an end to climate change scepticism for good she was horrified. “This isn’t the end of scepticism,” she exclaimed.
“To say that is the biggest mistake he has made. When I saw he was saying that I just thought, ‘Oh my God.’”
Prof Muller, of Berkeley University in California, and Prof Curry, who chairs the Department Of Earth And Atmospheric Sciences at America’s Georgia Institute of Technology, were part of the BEST project that carried
out analysis of more than 1.6 billion temperature recordings collected from more than 39,000 weather stations around the world.
Prof Muller appeared on Radio 4’s Today Programme last Friday where he described how BEST’s findings showed that since the Fifties global temperatures had risen by about 1 degree Celsius, a figure which is in line with estimates from Nasa and the Met Office.
When asked whether the rate had stopped over the last 10 years he said they had not. “We see no evidence of it having slowed down,” he replied and a graph issued by the BEST project suggests a continuing and steep increase.
But this last point is one which Prof Curry has furiously rebuttted. In a serious clash of scientific experts Prof Curry has accused Prof Muller of trying to “hide the decline in rates of global warming”.
She says that BEST’s research actually shows that there has been no increase in world temperatures for 13 years.
She has called Prof Muller’s comments “a huge mistake” and has said that she now plans to discuss her future on the project with him. “There is no scientific basis for saying that global warming hasn’t stopped,” she says.
“To say that there is detracts from the credibility of the data, which is very unfortunate.” New research also seems to back up Prof Curry rather than Prof Muller.
A report published by the Global Warming Foundation, which is based on BEST’s findings, includes a graph of world average temperatures over the past 10 years and it is absolutely flat, suggesting that temperatures have remained constant.
This issue is crucial because the levels of carbon dioxide in the air have continued to rise rapidly over the last decade and if temperatures have remained constant during that period it would suggest there is no direct link between carbon gas emissions and global warming.
Previously carbon dioxide emissions – from the burning of fossil fuels and from deforestation – have been considered one of the biggest causes of climate change, the most damaging effects of which are thought to be the melting of the polar ice caps and the rise in sea levels as well as an increase in extreme weather events such as floods and droughts.
“Whatever it is that is going on here it doesn’t look like it’s being dominated by carbon dioxide,” says Prof Curry.
Prof Muller has made it clear that the BEST study was not conducted in order to gauge the causes of global warming, saying the study “made no assessment on how much of this is due to humans and how much is natural”.
He and his scientists – who also included this year’s physics Nobel winner Saul Perlmutter – set out purely to determine once and for all whether climate change had occurred.
The group had been suspicious of previous results which confirmed a rise in global temperatures , believing that their work may have been skewed by the “urban heat island effect” where increasing urbanisation around weather stations was causing the temperature increases recorded over the past 50 years.
But their exhaustive research discovered that the urban heat effect could not explain the global temperature increase of about one degree Celsius since 1950.
IT IS well to point out that Prof Curry is not disputing the one degree Celsius increase. She is disputing Prof Muller’s suggestion that temperatures haven’t levelled off in the last decade.
Indeed she says this global warming standstill since the end of the Nineties – which has been completely unexpected – has wide-reaching consequences for the causes of climate change and has already led many climate scientists to start looking at alternative factors that may have contributed to global warming,
other than carbon gas emissions. In particular she has mentioned the influence of clouds, natural temperature cycles and solar radiation.
What she also seems furious about is the way that Prof Muller went about publishing BEST’s results without consulting her and before a proper peer review could be carried out. “It is not how I would have played it,” she has said. “I was informed only when I got a group email. I think they have made errors and I distance myself from what they did. It would have been smart to consult me.”
This is, you can be sure, not the last we will hear on the debate.